

Attention: Acceptance of this enterprise license to Coursera indicates that you agree to:

1. Restrict yourself to job-related learning during the work day, and only with your manager’s approval. During your personal time, please feel free to explore and let your curiosity roam: innovation has no limits.

2. Maintain satisfactory progress and actively engage in learning. If our administrators see that you haven’t enrolled, completed a class, or made satisfactory progress in a course over any 30-day period, your license may be reallocated. If this happens, you’ll still retain your learning records within your Coursera profile, but your current course progress will be lost, and your access will revert to the free public level rather than the premium level of our enterprise license. If your license is reallocated, you may reactivate it by clicking the Coursera chiclet in Okta, pending availability.

3. We are investing in Coursera as our pillar on-line curriculum partner, which means we are committed to using this resource as our first and best choice: online, asynchronous training reimbursements will only be for coursework that is: (a) required by the business, and (b) not available on Coursera, our internal learning resources, or another free/open learning site. Your SVP and Leadership and Professional Development (DL: LPD) must preapprove any exceptions under this policy, and preapproval must be attached when submitting the expense report.

For more information about this program and other online learning opportunities at Informatica, please visit our program page at: