Jan 10, 2019
The course was very interactive, useful and interesting. I can definitely apply the knowledge that I gained out of this course to my day on day work on Software Management. Kudos to the production and
Feb 18, 2018
Though it is an introductory course, it is packed with great information about managing a software product. I enjoyed the course, and I am moving on with the next course on the SPM specialization.
By Emilio F T
•Feb 6, 2016
Maybe not enough content to be a course.
By Magdalena
•Oct 12, 2017
to fast but good additional resources
By Nishant R
•Feb 18, 2017
A decent introduction to the topic.
By Agustin E S
•Jun 17, 2016
Cobertura superficial de los temas
By Andy B
•Mar 2, 2016
Very simple course introduction.
By Nithin S
•Dec 26, 2016
Could be more in depth
By etinosa i
•Nov 3, 2022
video stopped working
By Константин К
•Aug 22, 2017
Content is too common
By Roman H
•Nov 21, 2015
Course about courses
By Steven G
•Dec 15, 2016
Not so inpiring
By David D
•Jan 4, 2019
Very remedial.
By Jane S
•Mar 30, 2019
Too simple.
By Marc H
•Dec 4, 2015
quite short
By Комиренко М
•Jul 26, 2017
Much water
By Hussein H
•Mar 7, 2016
Very basic
By Valeria
•Nov 25, 2015
very basic
By Arkadiusz
•Nov 8, 2015
It is ok.
By Vasileva T
•Aug 23, 2019
By Néstor d J M G
•Mar 24, 2016
By Daria S
•Jun 20, 2020
I will continue watching the courses in the Specialization, hoping that maybe the next ones will be useful. But overall, I would say that they course is not really oriented at the real world. I appreciate the quality of the videos and the animations. But the purpose of the animations and the concept of the course are still not clear to me. Course seems to pay a lot of attention to the Agile without clearly explaining how Agile works. Seems to be almost a commercial to the Agile approach, without any good argument why should you use it.
I found quizzes, in-video questions and animations to be barely relatable to the course. Most of the things that are asked in the quizzes are not explicitly explained throughout the course, answers have to be rather guessed that learnt or extrapolated.
Also, in real world, SPM job requires not just the knowledge of the waterlike theory, but a lot of tech skills that are not mentioned in the course.
By Mehdi R S
•Jun 9, 2021
Although the instructors were great, the course was good however I personally expect many more! the materials covered in this course are simply accessible and "free" via a simple search on first page of google or agile manifesto website itself. This course need to be more comprehensive and interactive.
Another problem was the assessments , they were not only covered in some cases such as "right product" and "done right" but also were about the upcoming courses!! This is were I believe that when somebody pay or ask for financial aid for this course expect a wider range of materials to be covered.
Once again I appreciate the effort and wish the best for the team.
By Allen J
•Apr 18, 2017
The course seems to be a course in Scrummerfall, i.e., a mixture of Scrum and Waterfall. After having briefly discussed the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes things like "People over processes," what is the first thing that they dive into? Processes where they say things like "Requirements combined with processes are the backbone of any successful software project." I would disagree. Requirements and processes are important, but people and communications are the backbone of any successful software project.
I'm dropping this specialization and searching for another course that really follows Agile methodologies.
By Mikaela K
•Apr 22, 2022
A product manager's job begins with the user, understanding what users need and which user problems could be solved to move towards strategic goals. Prioritization of feature requests and backlog grooming is also an essential part of a PM's work.
This course pushes the user to the side, forgets about prioritization, and begins with receiving product requirements from a client. Some PM's in some companies may work this way--writing requirements for whichever new feature they are handed to work on--but omitting deep content on the user research and feature prioritization portions of the PM role is a big oversight.
By Carolina L
•Jul 3, 2021
I generally enjoyed it and found it easy to follow.
However, although it was only an introduction to software PM, I still found the course a bit too basic and I would have liked to receive deeper information about different tools available to start, process, plan, and monitor software PM projects.
I would have liked to receive info about DevOps too.