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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Science of Exercise by University of Colorado Boulder

4,640 ratings

About the Course

Learners who complete Science of Exercise will have an improved physiological understanding of how your body responds to exercise, and will be able to identify behaviors, choices, and environments that impact your health and training. You will explore a number of significant adjustments required by your body in order to properly respond to the physical stress of exercise, including changes in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, nutritional considerations, causes of muscle soreness & fatigue, and the effectiveness and dangers of performance enhancing drugs. Active learning assessments will challenge you to apply this new knowledge via nutrition logs, heart rate monitoring, calculations of your total daily caloric expenditure and body mass index (BMI). Finally, learners will examine the scientific evidence for the health benefits of exercise including the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity (weight loss), depression, and dementia....

Top reviews


Oct 15, 2020

Totally enjoyed this course. It was informative and helped me to understand how my body works so that i can adapt my training and those in my family so we can live a much better life style. Thank you


Apr 14, 2020

Love everything about this course. Nice module. Professor is really nice. However, I need to learn further about weight training (Pros, cons , etc). Looking forward to attend in weight training class.

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126 - 150 of 1,531 Reviews for Science of Exercise

By darla m

Jun 17, 2020

No option to show course is completed without certificate unless upgrade is made

By tebkew y

Mar 20, 2021

This is to notifying that Mr. Tebkew Yeshiwas has successfully completed science of exercise in online.please check my certificate of exercise science there is a problem. please put on science of exercise instead of the science of training young athletes. look below the certificate:

By Romaisa M

Apr 27, 2024

its complicated to generate certificate plus need more pictures and video representation to improve learning.

By Madan J

Sep 22, 2022

its not free i cannot afford the false category of free course. its immoral in nature..

By Lyes L

Mar 13, 2021

content presentation and communication very much oudated.

By Md.Nida A A

May 15, 2020

I want to unenroll this course I enrolled by mistake.

By Neethi R

Jun 27, 2024

The "Science of Exercise" course is an outstanding educational experience that provides a comprehensive understanding of the physiological and biochemical processes involved in physical activity. This course is designed to cater to a wide audience, from fitness enthusiasts to professionals in the health and wellness industry.One of the course's greatest strengths is its structured, clear, and engaging content. The instructors present complex scientific concepts in an accessible manner, making it easy for learners to grasp essential information about how exercise affects the human body. Topics covered include muscle physiology, energy systems, cardiovascular health, and the impact of exercise on mental well-being.The course is rich with interactive elements, including quizzes and practical assignments, which reinforce learning and allow students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Additionally, the use of multimedia resources, such as videos and animations, helps to illustrate key points and keep the material engaging.Another notable aspect is the emphasis on evidence-based information. The course draws on current research, ensuring that students receive up-to-date and accurate knowledge. This scientific rigor makes the course particularly valuable for those looking to deepen their understanding of exercise science.Overall, the "Science of Exercise" course is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of physical fitness and its effects on the human body. It is well-structured, informative, and engaging, making it a highly recommended educational tool for both personal and professional development.

By Hussein A

Jan 19, 2025

THE GREAT 1. دورة تدريب علوم التمارين الرياضية التي تقدمها جامعة كولورادو بولدر هي فرصة رائعة لاكتساب المعرفة والمهارات في مجال علوم التمارين الرياضية. يمكن أن توفر لك أساسًا قويًا في مواضيع مثل علم التشريح وعلم وظائف الأعضاء والميكانيكا الحيوية ووصفات التمارين الرياضية. 2. يمكن أن تفيدك هذه الدورة التدريبية من خلال تزويدك بالمعرفة النظرية والمهارات العملية اللازمة لمتابعة مهنة في علوم التمارين الرياضية. كما يمكنها أيضًا تعزيز فهمك لكيفية استجابة جسم الإنسان للتمرين ومساعدتك في تطوير برامج تمارين فعالة للأفراد أو المجموعات. 3. للعمل في مجال علوم التمارين الرياضية، يمكنك البدء بالتسجيل في الدورة التدريبية في جامعة كولورادو بولدر لاكتساب المعرفة والمهارات اللازمة. يمكنك أيضًا التفكير في اكتساب الخبرة العملية من خلال التدريب الداخلي أو فرص التدريب العملي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن الحصول على الشهادات ذات الصلة والبقاء على اطلاع بأحدث الأبحاث والاتجاهات في علوم التمارين الرياضية يمكن أن يساعدك على التفوق في هذا المجال.


Oct 13, 2020

Excelente, primera vez que obtengo tanto de un curso acerca de ciencias del ejercicio.

Lastima de mi parte que no pude rendir las pruebas y quices por motivo a que no pude pagar el valor del mismo, igual lo importante para mi fue obtener los conocimientos y con eso me siento satisfecho.

Sugeriría, si es posible dictar un curso para adulto mayores que se ejercitan y no conocen los limites a los que se pueden someter, por la falta de conocimientos, casi siempre este tema lo tocan como s los mayores fuésemos minusválidos. en ese grupo somos muchos los que ejercitamos en forma intensa, mi caso particular con con enfisema pulmonar, EPOC y otras complicaciones, realizo ejercicio de forma intensa y disciplinada, justamente para no perder mi capacidad muscular y cardio respiratoria.

Si tuviese la oportunidad de contar con información de calidad seria de agradecer.

By Fernando L C

Oct 9, 2020

Amazing course. Awesome teacher. More in depth of what I thought. Although introductory, I didn't know most of the content of the course and this course made me curious of wanting to know more. Also since I started taking the course I noticed that my perception while I'm doing exercise changed. Now I'm aware of many body adaptations happening that make exercise more exciting. Thank you so much for this invaluable information. Yet another course that I think we should learn at high school!

The only one thing is didn't like is the recommendation of eating animal protein. I think there are already many research that relate animal protein with illness. So, the nutrition part of the course may need to be updated.

The rest is pure great information with many citation to papers, which I love.

By Deleted A

May 11, 2021

I found the course very well-structured, informative and to the point. It perfectly answered the questions I had in my mind. The flow of the lectures was good. Within a lecture, the content was built on top of the preceding content and was presented in a fluent, point-by-point fashion. I liked week I the most, where individual macro-nutrient's role in exercise energetics was explained. The mechanisms and adaptions of muscular and other physiological systems were presented nicely as well. In the last week, I felt that the link between exercise and avoidance of certain diseases was explained mainly by various studies that were conducted, without explaining the underlying mechanisms. For example, effect of exercise on avoiding types of cancer.

Overall, the course was Amazing.

By christopher o

May 27, 2020

Dr.Mazzeo is an excellent instructor,he re emphasizes the most important information you must retain throughout the entire course. His manner of speaking and hand gestures are also a big plus in his lecturing technique. His frank discussion regarding performance enhancing drugs,especially anabolics was refreshing in its truthfulness. The module quizzes were challenging,but I particularly liked the course's final essay and rubric-guided peer reviewing,which I've never done before. Both have helped me hone my critical thinking skills. All in all this course was an enjoyable and informative learning experience. Many thanks Dr.Mazzeo and Coursera!

By Isaac V B

Sep 10, 2020

Es un muy buen curso pues explican de forma muy detallada mitos y realidades del ejercicio desde la luz de la ciencia y la fisiología. Los videos son muy buenos y explicativos ya que utilizan múltiples métodos para explicar los distintos temas de los que hablan y las preguntas y ejercicios son lo mejor ya que su finalidad es integrar las explicaciones teóricas en ejemplos de la vida diaria haciendo que el conocimiento sea trascendental.

Si te interesa entender que pasa en tu cuerpo cuando realizas ejercicio, aprender sobre la fisiología y los mecanismos de adaptación, y la explicación de mitos y realidades sobre el deporte, este curso es para ti.

By Celine P

Jun 20, 2020

I started this course to support my goal of strength training. I am close to my 50th birthday and started noticing the weakness in my lower extremities. I also started graduate school, and noticed my mental capacity getting affected a well. I wanted to be healthier and stronger. This course gave me a deeper understanding of my body's ability to adapt and maximize every effort through exercise, in promoting health with the right amount of exercise and nutrition, preventing diseases and ageing gracefully. Lastly, I was able to restart my deadline and it gave enough time to study the contents over and over, that helped retention.

By Francisco J Á B

Sep 29, 2020

Although some of the scientific articles presented in the course are now a bit outdated (the most recent are from 2016), most of the knowledge about physiology and metabolism during exercise haven't changed, so the course is still a great opportunity to learn about the major aspects of the science of exercise. Nonetheless it would be great to add the newer evidence of how vegetarian or vegan diets are sufficient for athletes. The videos are well constructed, the graphs shown are most often self-explanatory and there is the help of the video transcripts. I give it a 5/5 grade, I have enjoyed the course a lot.

By Kadambari P

May 11, 2020

A challenging but immensely insightful and well taught course. I am a gerontologist specializing in non medical geriatric care and looking to transition to something more fitness related to older adults. This course gave me the perfect opportunity to understand basics and to figure out if I want to delve more into this area......I do. It also gave me a very good overview of what I'm doing wrong in my fitness regimen and how to fix it. Thank you for this wonderful intro! I hope to get more notifications about subsequent courses taught by the instructor or by others in this area.

By suresh c

Jun 16, 2020

Prof Robert Mazzeo provided an excellent capsule of information on the body adaptation to exercise and the science to explain the adaptations and the benefits that occur due to both endurance and strength training interventions. I wish he had spent another module on the sequencing of exercises, with examples of both endurance and strength trainings that we could use as a take away. For example the course doesnt necessarily explain why we need to warm up before an exercise, how stretching helps post exercise, which muscle types are important to strengthen (like core) etc in detail.

By Mariah C G

May 27, 2020

I enjoyed the content. As a physician, I am sure I will be able to use this course so thank you. I just have a concern about the delivery of the lessons. I think it would be also nice to just show the lecture slides with the lecturer discussing it in the background because I had a hard time keeping up with what he was saying (I had to rewind some of the videos to get what he was saying). It is not the speed of his speech. I just like looking at words more than seeing the lecturer in person (not that I have anything against the lecturer). Overall, I really enjoyed this course.

By Helena I

Feb 10, 2021

I loved this course! I have learned so much during these four weeks. It is very well structured and organized. The delivery by dr. Mazzeo is great and it is easy to follow the lessons. There are many studies supporting each statement and a plenty of infographics. However, I must note that this course is not suitable for the general population who just want to learn a thing or two about exercise but it is excellent for those who are at the beginning of their fitness journey (or further into it) and have a solid knowledge in physiology, chemistry etc.

By Tan Y L

Sep 3, 2020

Thank you, Dr Robert Mazzeo. The course is very well structured, from the energetics of exercise to the physiological aspects and how exercise promote health and reduces risk factors leading to illnesses. I like the review pause along the videos to check understanding of facts. The quizzes is excellent to check overall understanding of a unit, more so, the feedback after the quizzes Corrects any mistakes made. Overall, it is really a happy learning experience. My utmost sincerest thanks to Dr Mazzeo and the team for putting up this useful course.

By Hima - S - S

Jun 13, 2021

This course is very informative and insightful. I acquired deeper understanding about physiology and how exercise affects our over all health, although I know the significance of it, but this course is really amazing. It will add to my knowledge and skills that I can use personally and work. There are lots of terms I've learned and are new to me, and are hard to understand but this is the essence of it to research and dig deeper until we comprehend.

Thank you so much Coursera and to the University of Colorado.

By Deb S

Jul 29, 2020

This course was excellent. Very tightly put together, with a high proportion of useful information. My only problem, sometimes complicated charts or infographics are only on screen for a very short time. I felt like I could have gotten more from them if they were included in the notes/transcript under the video. Oh, also the transcripts were very useful, since there was little extraneous info it would have been hard to keep up with manual note-taking. Thanks very much for offering this.

By Maxim P

Sep 27, 2020

I really enjoyed taking this course, it provided a lot of new and useful information, the questions, tasks and assesments were appropriate and the explanations were easy to follow in my eyes. even though there were some points regarding nutrition which I would not agree upon 100%, all in all, I can say that this course is really useful if you expect to get a generall overview about the mechanisms in the body during exercise and also dive into some research and studies .

By Brenda H

Sep 3, 2019

I am studying to be a Nutritionist and wanted to add knowledge of Exercise into my training; which is not offered as a class in Nutrition. This has been a very good addition to my knowledge and I have already been using the knowledge gained in my everyday reference when talking about Nutrition. However, one take away that was not expected is this course is focused more on the needs of a Coach or for Occupational/Physical Therapist and less for the Nutritionist.

By Philippe R

May 8, 2020

Thank you very much Robert Mazzeo and Coursera for this excellent course, which you are kindly making available at no cost to people around the world!

I look forward to a possible continuation/extension at some point to improve one's practice of endurance as well as strength training for optimal results, maintain fitness as much as possible during periods of injuries, learn more about nutritional guidelines based on the latest research findings, etc.