Jun 18, 2020
This course was very interesting, well-presented and easy to follow. I think Ms. Gurley deserves great applause for producing such a very valuable tool in helping folks prepare to be a Contact Tracer!
Jul 2, 2020
Wonderful course was so very impressed learned a lot I would be delighted to be employed as a tracker and if not the information provided the material discussed was a benefit to my knowledge thank you
By Kathleen A
•May 24, 2020
This course has given me the skills and confidence needed to pursue employment as Public Health Contact Tracer. I can now play an important role to help curb the spread of this virus in my city. I retired from a career in public housing 2 1/2 years ago. Before the outbreak of Covid -19, I was working in a supermarket part-time as a cashier. It was good for me, as it got me out of the house and I had to use my brain to remember codes for different items. Unfortunately, I had to take a leave of absence because I care for my 90 year old mother. As a contact tracer, I can be employed with less risk of exposure.
By Khalilah E
•Jan 24, 2021
I gave this course 5 stars because I feel that I have a solid foundation in the field of contact tracing. The speaker was clear and articulate. I too liked the way the course was laid out and was easy to follow. I liked the fact that if you wanted to read the text alongside the teacher you could. It was easy to follow because each sentence was highlighted as it was being read. The slides were great because they were laid out in a way that summarized what the teacher was reading. They somewhat bullet pointed the subject matter. And most importantly, you can re-listed to the video as often as you like. Great course!
By Pat H D
•Jul 7, 2020
I learned a lot studying this information about the covid-19 and the importance of Tracing . The illustrations were really good. They were not difficult to follow. The quizzes were a little tricky but I got through it. There were a few times when I had keyed in the right answers but it didn't register the correct answer. I hadn't realize that I had to click the keys twice to make sure my answer stayed. I also thought I had proofread the questions and answers. I see I needed to pay closer attention to details.
Thanks again for allowing the public this information. Never too old to learn something new.
Pat H Daniel
By william m
•May 16, 2020
A well thought out and well executed course.
Given the short time available to produce this course, it is not surprising that there are some typos and a few spelling errors that occasionally confuse the meanings of some of the points on the slides. I expect these will be corrected in V2.0.
It is important to note that some students might take offense that the brown skinned man is always the one giving bad advice and doing things poorly when compared to his female counterpart. Perhaps the good example-bad example scenarios might alternate. Could one draw the conclusion that men aren't good at being contact tracers?
By June M
•May 28, 2020
This course was very clear and straightforward and touched on basic public health principals. This course would also be useful for anyone trying to get an overview of COVID-19.
I would have liked if the examples of poor communication were played by different actors. Or, if the course had shown an example of poor communication and then better communication using the same actor. Some of the example dialogue sections were too long. Also, considering that African Americans are disproportionately affected by severe COVID-19 disease, it would be useful to have at least one African American actor included in the course.
By Tuyet A T
•May 23, 2020
This course was well presented and breaking down the complex public health works that involved contact tracing. The course contents in video and text formats is very helpful to my understanding. The professor clarified and explained complicated calculation, the process of communication with the cases and contacts, and most importantly, the required professionalism to garner the cases' cooperation. I love the opportunity to take the quizzes, which I needed to do more than several times. I'm not a good test-taker.
I rated this course, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Coursera Excellent Five Stars
By James W
•Dec 11, 2020
It has been an educational experience. I am personally pleased with the design of the course in that it allows a person with limited medical background to get the latest information. I used the return testing feature several times to sort and affirm areas of understanding. I hope I am able to go on to a practical application of the course. I still have a question on a question pending. A manual of some sort may be beneficial. I tried to make one for myself by using the download feature of the course segments. I wish to express my gratitude to Johns Hopkins University and Dr. Gurley for their instruction. jhw
By Carmen C
•May 29, 2020
The presentations were excellent. The teacher was excellent. The videos were well made and for an older learner like me, the pre-test success kept me focused and wanting to learn more just to be better informed.
Thank you very much. I live in two states, Oklahoma and Massachusetts. I am currently in Oklahoma and I do not think we are doing tracing yet. As advised in the course, when Oklahoma develops a protocol and a system, I will be ready to be retrained and help if needed.
This was the first online course I have taken since I retired 3 years ago. I am thankful for the opportunity to continue learning.
By Jennifer G
•May 27, 2020
The COVID-19 Contact Tracing course was very informative without being too in depth for the average person to understand and complete. I liked the pace of the course, and that I could review the transcript of the lectures. The topics were well presented, interesting and informative. The quizzes helped to reinforce the major points of the lectures. I would enjoy other more in depth courses on this subject matter. I was unable to open any foreum threads, which would have been nice. There were a few questions outside the scope of the lecture that I would have enjoyed discussing. Overall an excellent course!
By Margaret H
•May 13, 2020
I found the course to be Very interesting and insightful. A few suggestions; as I took my test I noticed 3 questions hadn't been covered. The day after I passed I see I had 3 more segments to complete which were the topics. I also wish I had the ability to print for myself the text instead of taking notes,I find if I have printed notes I can listen to the speaker instead of concentrating on notetaking.Also printed notes would be far more useful in contact tracing to refer to than my shorthand. Lastly I'm not sure what my next step is in the process,I keep checking my email expecting further instructions.
By Pukhrambam R S
•May 29, 2021
it was a very interesting learning course, i have learned many new things about contact tracing and its importance. till date i have only heard of it from the government but never really understood how it can help in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the present scenario and further help cases and contacts to isolate and quarantine themselves successfully. i have also gained knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 and how it spreads and signs and symptoms of a case. after completing this course i am confident enough to help people close to me by educating the about COVID-19 and importance of contact tracking.
By Arthit S
•May 5, 2021
One thing I really like about this course is the fact that the course organizer trying to update it with latest scientific findings and official recommendations. Throughout the course, you will noticed a popup that immediately notify about updated information that may different from what the instructor had delivered at the time that the video was recorded. The assessment will be based on the updated information.
I also recommended this to general public, not necessarily limited to healthcare practitioners, as it will improve our understanding about COVID-19 and empathy toward surrounding people.
By Shamrir A
•Mar 1, 2021
A course experience cannot be any better. In fact, this course module, its structure, the style of delivery, the design of the syllabus as well as presentation slides, and attention to detail to make the learners understand, will be my benchmark for any future courses I undertake. The lectures were made suitable for anyone to understand and were friendly, persuasive, and enriching. I express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the course instructor, Emily Gurley, JHU for her fabulous delivery and enlightening with the knowledge about contact tracing in this crucial moment for public health.
By Hellen C
•Dec 11, 2020
Extremamente útil, completo, e informativo. Além de claro e objetivo.
Este é um curso, realmante, muito bom; até mesmo para não-profissionais da saúde, pois as informações contidas nele são de utilidade pública e podem esclarecer dúvidas corriqueiras relacionadas a doença COVID-19.
Os vÃdeos são concisos e legendados com acurácia em diversas lÃnguas. A linguagem utilizada é simples, e a dicção da especialista é bem clara, não havendo problemas para entendê-la.
Os testes são aplicados logo após o término de cada tema, o que é ótimo pois são curtos e objetivos. Não é um processo avaliativo cansativo.
By Candace G
•Aug 31, 2020
Excellent Course for those wishing to gain more understanding of the importance of contact tracing and excellent techniques in wish to conduct it and do so effectively for the greater good of the community and to help others. Class was concise and supportive providing excellent information, real examples of call scenarios, and up-to-date CDC guidelines. Professor spoke clearly, sections varied in time to keep the student engaged. Straightforward details and provided the knowledge necessary to be effective and helpful in such a position. Thank you and recommend to others this course and instructor.
By Lydia E V
•May 21, 2020
Course is excellent and helpful in understanding public health strategy that's been used for years to combat communicate diseases. I learned contact identification once someone is confirmed as infected with a virus and how to follow up all their contacts that can be possible infected. It is an excellent tool in helping us in public service trace and monitor contacts with infected people to help slow the spread of an outbreak. However, I believe that we all need scripted questions and updates to help possible early diagnosis to help contain epidemic, offer preventive spread tools and interventions.
By Donald H
•Nov 15, 2020
This course effectively lays out the basics of SARS COV 2 and COVID-19, the progression of the disease and the signs and symptoms people are likely encounter, and the means by which contact tracers can help to stop the spread and follow up on people who have contracted the disease.with reminders of serious symptoms that require medical or emergency care. Effective and empathetic communication is emphasized along with the importance of rapport and trust. Various complexities are presented with the realistic approach that not all complexities can be presented and solved in a course such as this.
By Ralph D
•Jun 3, 2020
Very good information! Technical glitches were frustrating. Videos would frequently hang up and be choppy and almost unintelligible. If the technology dropped me out I would then have start from the beginning on any section I was working on. While working on the course today, I was suddenly dropped with a notice saying that maintenance was in progress and the system would be back "soon." It seemed to take a few hours but I didn't time it. It appears that this course is very popular and Coursera doesn't have the capacity to comfortably handle so may users. Thank you for a wonderful course!
•May 30, 2020
Very informative about the COID-19. Very well explained the different terms, signs- symptoms, spreading and effective method to be followed isolation, quarantine & illustrated in simple manner for calculations of the isolation and quarantine days. Conversation video of health representative- case & contact are nicely prepared to explain right method of communication & how to withdraw the necessary information & how to prepare them for isolation or quarantine. This detailed course, it present the facts clarify the myth & doubts.
Thanks for all information & online course with certification.
By lahpai t
•Sep 15, 2020
The course is systematically structured and competency-based topics are added for public health care providers and volunteers for contact tracing. Video clips and learning resources are very helpful and very clear for a beginner to be able to learn independently. Evaluation questions are very competent for the learners to reflect and evaluate themselves upon understanding to the topics and important facts to be applied in real world in combat the COVID-19 Pandemic. Very proud of myself to have a great chance to learn the course commenced by JOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL of PUBLIC HEALTH.
By Janine M B B D
•Jun 25, 2021
The course is easy to follow and I definitely learned a lot. I'm not planning to become a contact tracer, actually. I took this course because of the fake news circulating on the internet. I think it's great that this course was made by a trusted authority in epidemiology and public health, and that the course is being updated whenever new information comes out. The things I learned here are very useful not only to contact tracers but also to average people like me who want to avoid being infected. It also gives us an idea on what to do and what we'll need in case we contract the virus.
By Mohammad K
•Jul 12, 2020
COVID-19 contact tracing certificate course by John Hopkins is one of the best online courses I have taken. Especially, considering the information is vital and timely in order to save lives. it has help me learn about the virus and its transmission from one person to another. even thought, I had previous background as biomedical student. contact tracing and how to control the spread from one person to another was taught in-depth and concepts were very clear to understand. I would highly recommend this course to all essential and senior managers in the service or hospitality in
By Karla S F
•Jun 14, 2020
This course was very informative and intriguing. I now understand the basics of testing and why it is so important that those who are unknown carriers of this disease be identified as soon as possible. We are in a life and death struggle and compliance with the rules listed by the WHO and the CDC are the only sure things that we have right now to slow the spread of COVID-19. I've learned that it is very important that we track and trace every individual and their contacts and convince them that quarantining and isolation will save not only their lives but their love as well.
By Gregory B
•Jun 4, 2020
I benefitted from having written transcripts of the lectures (I prefer reading to listening). I might suggest dividing written text into additional paragraphs. There were a handful of minor transcription errors.
The note saving feature was very helpful for memorizating and interpreting key concepts. I appreciated having the ability to download lecture videos to my computer.
Course content was thorough, and acknowledged potential differences in contact tracing procedures in different jurisdictions. Thank you for allowing me, a Canadian, to access this valuable course. Godspeed.