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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Analyze Data to Answer Questions by Google

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About the Course

This is the fifth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore what it means to actually analyze your data. You’ll take what you’ve learned up to this point and apply it to make sense of the data you’ve collected. You’ll learn how to organize and format your data using spreadsheets and SQL to help you look at and think about your data in different ways. You’ll also find out how to perform complex calculations with your data to address business objectives. You’ll learn how to use formulas, functions, and SQL queries as you conduct your analysis. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks with the best tools and resources. Learners who complete this certificate program will be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Learn how to organize data for analysis. - Understand the processes for formatting and adjusting data. - Explore how to aggregate data in spreadsheets and by using SQL. - Use formulas and functions in spreadsheets to make data calculations. - Learn how to complete calculations using SQL queries....

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A really helpful course, it really helped me understand some tools I have been using for a long time but it opened a lot of potential uses to them (a lot of SQL uses I didn't know about)


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The course was great with a lot of practise sessions to master the concepts taught. The instructor also did a great job in demistifying concepts using the most simple language as possible.

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1976 - 2000 of 2,122 Reviews for Analyze Data to Answer Questions

By Courtney C

Jul 27, 2023

This course introduced a lot of new and challenging concepts such as joining tables, subqueries to aggregate data, creating temporary tables, etc but I wish there would've been more practice examples. The section on nested queries became advanced very quickly, making it hard to grasp the concept and there weren't many guided examples to actually apply the knowledge. Week 3 was particularly challenging for me and when it came time to the discussion prompt that involved applying my learnings to a brand new data set on my own, I really struggled to extract the insights I was looking for from data that was organized differently. I think this course would be very beneficial to students if there are more opportunities to challenge us to apply the concepts by solving problems using own queries. The hands-on activities are good to test out examples, but simply by copying and pasting code is easy. One improvement I can think of is during tests & course challenges, instead of assuming certain SQL calculations & queries were completed, ask the students to write their own queries to answer the business prompt.

By Carlos A C

Dec 20, 2021

Previous courses on this certificate will waste a lot of your time on 5-10 min videos where they repeat over and over how cool data analysis is, why the intructor loves it, how and when it changed their lives, repeat a hundred times the steps to do data analysis, and I could name another 10 (in my opinion) not as important topics that fill the curriculum for the most part, with only little pockets of practical and useful material. When you finally get to the Analysis course where one would expect to learn something more practical and useful, the instructor rushes on a few 5 min videos to show you all the things you can do with SQL using different syntax and functions from what you've been briefly tought before, without any context or explanation on how the query works, all while making it sound easy. It is very confusing, frustrating and demotivating in my opinion. It feels like an important and practical part of the certificate doesn't get the attention and detail it needs to prepare us. I am very disappointed overall with the certificate and will not recommend it.

By Samuel D

Sep 18, 2022

Disappointed in this course compared to the rest of the certificate. There are several errors in practice quiz and inconsistencies in videos, and the volume also varies a lot between videos. Query formatting/indentation differs from one query to another. Shown example is almost exactly similar to links to Goes from boring by repeating a lot of content from previous courses, to a lot more difficult within 2 videos for join/subqueries. Difficulty should be gradual to learn correctly, wasn't too much of an issue because I have some experience with SQL, but I didn't like how it was taught. Also, I was quite excited about learning "advanced" functions in spreadsheets, but SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX are definitely not advanced. The most disappointing part, is that I don't feel like I learned much about procedures of analysis, real world examples, common techniques. Instead, it just felt like a continuation of spreadsheet/sql learning, which are tools for analysis, but they are not the analysis process itself.

By J L

Sep 13, 2021

First of all, Thank you Google to give us this great opportunity. I'm not really feel nice to give this uncomfortable opinion. The previous four courses were very perfect. I was surprised that this fifth course was insufficient in many areas. Evaluation questions and the question explanations are not enough. Too much simple and low level or look like just referred from other references. But lectures were especially insufficient. In particular, it was questionable whether the instructor knew properly in the sub-query, when she gives us explanation, didn't look confident. She just read the query she wrote without explaining why and how it is made in that way. I found and learned the contents on the Internet myself cause it was a little far from great approach. I'm a person who handles Excel skillfully and has already learned HTML before. For others, the fifth course seems to need several improvements. I hope it would be for the others to learn this course later. Thank you very much to spend time to read this.

By Antonio G

Jan 27, 2024

While there are quite helpful and beneficial concepts and approaches taught in this course, it does not hold up compared to other courses in this certificate. It feels very chaotic and can be difficult to follow at times. It repeats a lot of ideas already covered, does not always follow the "best practices" extensively covered in earlier courses, skips ahead to more advanced concepts without building up to it then scales back to the basics immediately after (jumps straight into advanced sub-queries which leaves you scratching your head then steps back to explain snake_case all over before easing you back into sub-queries). It felt like every video was prompting you to download different files to follow along instead of building on the same datasets and concepts. Some of the hands-on activities are broken (examples don't line up with the step-by-step guides, and occasionally SQL phrases are broken when promoting to copy and paste).

By Jessica E B

Aug 22, 2021

I felt this course was rather a hodgepodge of teaching and not in a good way. On one hand it reviewed very basic spreadsheet info that had been previously covered very thoroughly in earlier courses and yet plowed through quite quickly more advanced SQL queries, terms, and features with barely any explanation. It felt like here's a rather advanced query with multiple subqueries without really breaking the query down or explaining why or when you would use such a query. I didn't feel the course adequately taught or directed you towards methods on how to analyze data. It just gave examples of spreadsheet functions to use and very specific queries to run. I think the course could have done a lot better with a few large problems like stakeholders are looking for these answers. Here's our data. This is one possible way of going through and finding what they are looking for. Here's an alternative way.

By Joseph L

Apr 17, 2022

I really loved the previous course with Sally, but this one was confusing and not very well thought out at all. I came into this course having already practiced 80% to 90% of the knowledge on spreadsheets and SQL. What I've really struggeled with this course was that examples were given only to show syntax, most of them not even nessecary. Instead of showing a problem, data available, thought process, and application of function, it was instead straight to application of function because this works. I was especially thrown off with the using of GROUP BY directly into an example before any introduction to it at all. Aggregation is supposed to be bee's knees of SQL, but this course was just horiibly messy and terribly executed, by far the worst course so far. I just feel relieved that I've already started learning SQL somewhere else...

By Brandon J G

May 10, 2023

I was overall unsatisfied with this course. While I appreciated learning more about SQL, the method in which the lessons were provided didn't provide explanation for how we're supposed to know which functions to use (we're told what to do, but not always given the context for why we're doing specific things). While there's a lot of bloat to all of the courses I've completed thus far, this particular section felt more bloated than the rest. Week 4 had A LOT of content and some of it wasn't even all that necessary.

Also, I disliked how during quizzes and exams I wasn't allowed to actually try doing the SQL stuff on my own. I was given scenarios and told what I did and asked a question about what I did...without actually doing anything. This is a common problem with all facets of the Data Analytics certification from Google.

By Jake S

Jun 6, 2023

I really enjoyed this data analyst certificate up until this course. The previous courses of the certificate were clear, concise and explained everything very well. The material for this course felt rushed and 90% of the SQL interactions involved copy and paste, with very little logic needed. Some of the exercises didn't run, and others were so hand-held it felt pointless. The areas of sub-queries and cases was explained in such little detail I needed to look elsewhere to understand the topics, with multiple other people having to do the same. The pacing just felt off compared to the other courses which have been excellent so far, and the following course after this is excellent too.

I just wish this one was up to the same standard, as it is really demotivating to endure this course.

By Matthew B

May 13, 2023

I'm split on this course, on one hand compared to all previous entries in the data analytics course this one was the only one so far that felt like it had real genuine content. On the other hand we'd already briefly learned about almost everything included in this course earlier AND the content was very clumped together. The result was a messy confusing learning experience where half of my brain was saying "we learned this already move on" and the other half was saying "how did we get to here from where we were???". This entire course could really do with a revamp and restructure of its content so that the learning curve feels more gradual rather than being pathetically easy early on with this random difficulty spike.

By Adrian A

Jul 26, 2022

I'm going to be honest. I think this module was poorly implemented.

There were a number of points made in a short, shallow way that left me frozen. I thought for a while I must be overthinking things, but then after doing more reading I realized the presenter was speeding through areas that weren't at all trivial.

Then, there was the subquery lesson. I'm sorry, but this is teaching for memorization, not understanding. I understand the approach is to give a high level view of what is possible, but this could have been much better without making the videos any lengthier.

I am sure the presenter is competent and I appreciate the time and effort. I hope Google takes these things into consideration for future lessons.

By Juan C L G

Feb 23, 2023

It feels disorganized. At some point it felt like even the instructor was having trouble understanding and explaining the concepts of the course.

Again, even the way she wrote her code was disorganized.

I did not feel like the modules had a sequence and it seems like the information is all jammed.

Courses 1-4 felt great and even though they had different teaching styles, I was able to know what the module was going to be about and they summarized the information really well.

I truly recommend to find external resources, especially to the SQL lessons:

The readings were well structured. The infographics and the sources available was what got me through this course.

By José A G H

Jan 27, 2022

The instructor was by far one of the worst teachers. She barely explained why she was making the decisions she did. She also didn't explain very well the concepts. That, and there were several times were she needed to be corrected by the people who insert the prompts on the videos. She also kinda assumed we were experts or something, there were times were she did something and then a prompt appeared explaining that she did something one way, however the "right" or proper way to do it is another.

Man, I was so excited to start this course and it was soo bad, at least for me, I don't think I learned so much. At least you guys gave us the SQL intermediate guide to really understand some concepts.

By Daniel W

Oct 16, 2021

I am a beginner with this material but have experience with data analysis at work. I am half way through now and I am noticing the technical aspect is lacking the more I am into the course: what I am shown on the screen for a query input into BigQuery does not work in BigQuery. The teaching is alright, but lacks guidance, especially in the SQL material. I suggest gaining some SQL knowledge before attempting, as it will make it a little smoother. Other than that, it is alright. I want to find another Data Analyst course and compare the materials and approaches. That's where I am now. Would I want my money back if I had the chance and invest it into the other course? Probably.

By Isabelle P

Aug 22, 2024

This was supposed to be the main course of the program, since it is about analyzing data, so I was expecting a lot from it and I was really excited about it. Alas, I felt miserable during the most part of the course because the instructor was not good at explaining concepts, gave us messy and confusing examples, and she didn't even seem to follow best practices herself. I felt so frustrated and miserable the whole time! I had to go to an external website to study SQL and learn from there (and it was so much more simple, useful and enjoyable on the external website I went to). Because of the lack of pedagogical skills of the instructor, I do not recommend this course.

By Ammad A

Jul 13, 2023

An entire lesson video is dedicated to using the regular sum function in Excel. Only if you have been living under a rock for your entire life would you not know how to sum cells in Excel. Whereas all the important syntax of SQL is condensed in one short video. And this is Course 5 Week 4! I wouldn't say it was a complete waste of time as I did learn some new things but I did not gain as much as I had hoped for. I am looking forward to the next course in the specialization but I know I will have to rely on outside resources to learn something substantial and not just superficial knowledge of the tools being taught.

By Karissa K

Jun 4, 2022

I have really enjoyed this Google course overall, but I did not enjoy the instructor for this portion of the course. The instructor was either very slow and boring (no emotion whatsoever) or I felt like the instructor was yelling at me. I enjoy instructors that I feel like I can relate to and show some type of emotion rather than sounding like a robot. I also didn't like when she went over SQL queries and you were expected to follow along because there is no way you can work along with her as she moves WAY too fast. I had to keep pausing and rewinding constantly which made it difficult to learn as I was instructed.

By Melissa H

Oct 7, 2021

The rate of information and homework in this course needs to be split up more into about 6 weeks. And ping ponging between SQL and Spreadsheets makes it very difficult to stay focused and retain information. I have thoroughly enjoyed the other 4 courses and they were very low stress. But this one was not fun at all. I had to ask mentors for help and clarification numerous times and found multiple errors in the curriculum as well. It was almost enough for me to decide I am not going to move forward if the other 3 are anything like this, but I am going to anyway. Thank you for asking :-)

By Eva

Aug 17, 2024

I had some troubles with this course. I found some things explained vaguely, while simple things explained repeatedly also from previous courses. I do not think, that there needed to be mentioned ie underscores in the module glossary as it was already explained long before. In some activities, some steps were missing, while some absolutely elementary concepts were mentioned in detail. I also did not like copy paste parts for SQL queries. What do I learn with copy paste? For me this course had very important content, but the way it was thought, was not as needed.

By Ivana

Mar 31, 2024

Weird course, it seems like it was done without any planning. The teacher repeats same things over and over again. It is too long, many of the subjects were already covered in previous courses. It is course 5, do we really need to be told what conditional formatting is, for the Nth time? And the whole entire section just about how we should ask people questions and how to use the internet? Sorry but, if we already enrolled into a course, we already know how to use it. Overall, google really missed the target with this one.

By Daria K

Feb 2, 2024

The knowledge of BigQuery, SQL and Spreadsheets will be useful. BUT... The instructors put noticably less effort into preparing it than other courses in path. The excercises and tests contain a lot of bugged code and errors in answers. The code, during the whole course, is ridiculously told in obvious sentences (write word xxx and press ; and then press ENTER to move to the next line) but poorly explained why are we using these operations and for what. It needs a lot of additional work in reading and debugging of given code.

By Ivy D

Dec 27, 2022

Unfortunately out of all of the courses I've taken so far in the Google DA certificate, this was the lowest quality. It was riddled with errors and corrections, and didn't seem to be up to date with the BigQuery public datasets. It was harder to follow through than some of the others, even with a baseline familiarity with SQL and spreadsheet functions. Overall, I did learn a few new things that I think will be helpful as I continue my work in data analysis, but I hope Google considers redoing parts of the course.

By Olisaemeka M C

Jul 23, 2023

The instructor in this course is not a good teacher at all, i have struggled with assimilation throughout the course and i have to watch each video over and over again. i have never had a problem with any instructor but i think she is not fit to teach people this course. She even made a mistake in several videos. i have enjoyed this course the least just because of her. please get someone else for this particular course. i bet im not the only one with this view.

By Danielle D

Jun 15, 2022

This was the most frustrating course in this series. There were infuriating, time consuming errors in almost every given syntax example. I havn't had that problem at all with any of the other courses in the Google Data Analytics Certificate program. I've just completed the course after this one and it was like night and day. It was back to being accurate and informative. This is by far the worst course in the series, and it was the one I was most excited about.


Jan 24, 2023

I didn't learn too much SQL. I was expecting much more hands-on activity and practical skills.

Undoubtedly, the teacher has knowledge but unfortunately doesn't have the skills to pass her knowledge. I had to use other sources to learn SQL.

I was delighted with the previous four parts of the Google Data Analytics course but this one disappointed me. I was expecting us going to go deep into the SQL and spreadsheets but we just barely touched the topic.