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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Adjectives and Adjective Clauses by University of California, Irvine

1,229 ratings

About the Course

Being able to adeptly use adjective clauses in speaking and writing is useful for upper level English learners. Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in English, so students need to be able to understand them when they see them or hear them. Students often struggle to bring complexity to their speaking and writing and adjective clauses can be a great way to do this. Please note that all of the lectures and practice activities are available for free, but taking the quizzes and getting feedback on assignments are only available in the paid version...

Top reviews


Aug 29, 2022

Este curso es excelente, como todos los de UCI. Todo está muy organizado, explicado y los ejercicios que te ponen para dominar los temas son excelentes. Aprendí un montón. Gracias, UCI.


Jul 19, 2020

By the end of of this course, I have learned how to use adjectives correctly in the sentences. This course is enriched with highly informative materials and awesome tutors. Thank you.

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1 - 25 of 321 Reviews for Adjectives and Adjective Clauses

By Biggaletta D

Jan 6, 2019

Excellent course for what I needed! I have a deeper understanding of adjectives clauses and will be revisiting it from time to time to refresh my memory.

By Alejandro G G

May 1, 2017

Very interesting course because I learnt several specific pieces of knowledge about adjectives that I didn't know. Besides, I discovered appositives

By habibullah h

Dec 21, 2019

Very helpful course, a big thank from coursera for it's effort, specially for Refugees in Indonesia very very helpful and very clear explanation. thanks again

By Thomas Z

Jan 10, 2018

There were many things that could be done in a much better way:

- The quizzes contain way too less questions. There should be at least 15 to 20 of them to be done in the respect of proving someone's capabilities. These should be drawn by chance out of a much bigger pool - at least three times more than displayed in one quiz. After each trial should be a break of at least one hour to force the student to read and learn about the subject. Now it's enough to memorize the wrong answers and don't mark them again when doing the next trial one minute later. Its way too easy to get a good percentage even if you know pretty nothing.

- There are two or sometimes three modules in one week. This is too much. One module - one week. I think the courses should last at least six ( better 8) weeks to assure the topics covered were well understood.

- The videos are made in a bad quality - sometimes it sounds as they were recorded by an Edison's phonograph.

- The peer-to-peer assignments should need at least 5 reviews to get an average which is not influenced by a student who has no idea about the topics and is marking correct sentences as wrong ones.

- The 'pointage' in the reviews done by peers should offer a wider possibility of differenciation in rating.

- The performance of the orthography should be rated in every review. Nearly a third of the submissions I read were done in a grousy manner.

- The courses 2 and 3 shouldn't run the same course-weeks at the same time. Some students try to save some money and rush through both courses at the same time to get the certificate in less than four weeks. Doing this way, the efficiency decrases. As I already mentioned before, the amount is too much in one week in one course. Redoubling the workload will exacerbate the situation.

- The certificates should show the percentage the student earned. It is not very difficult to get a certificate in any of your courses no matter which subject and student's rare knowledge. I earned 100% and get the same certificate as another one who hardly passed. Even there is no credit related to any academical carreer, I'd prefer to impress somebody with a result of A++ written on the certificate.

Sincerely, Thomas Zimmermann

By Agustin S

Feb 6, 2019

No one with English experience is looking at your assignments. Videos explaining are good but ou never know if the assignments are correct. Only other students look at your assignments. Not good.

By Qasim A

Jul 20, 2020

By the end of of this course, I have learned how to use adjectives correctly in the sentences. This course is enriched with highly informative materials and awesome tutors. Thank you.

By Mohammad A r

Aug 3, 2018

I really appreciate all of those who are trying their best in order to develop the whole world creations in educational fields.

By Maria E

May 31, 2022

My major issue with this course is peer-graded assessments

First, people who are learning English grammar "review" other people who are learning English grammar. What can go wrong?

Second, 3 required assessments? THREE!!!! There are no submissions to review

Third, people copy-paste garbage. Seriously... GARBAGE. Have you seen it? Well, you should. I value my time and I don't want to take a second of it and spent it on "reviewing" garbage submissions. Here are the examples:

- copy pasted prompt from an earlier exercise

- someone copyed EXACTLY MY submission!

- copy pasted French dialog

- empty submission with "O God no"

And so forth!

Grammar can be tested. TESTED! You don't need to do theese stupidest peer-graded assessments. There is no value in them. NO VALUE.

By Anil P

Sep 22, 2016

I enjoyed this course well as the usage of adjectives is very confusing for me. Its worth learning. Thanks for teachers they made things easy.

By Latha S

Apr 3, 2019

It was a good course where the instructors used simple language to make us understand the concepts. Keep up the good work.

By haroon j

Jul 23, 2020

Very well design Course, very nice teachers, I feel that I was learning with friends! I really enjoyed learning with you!

By Achref E

Dec 19, 2017

Help me, They ask me After registration purchase course 97$ When I go to (devoir noté par les pairs)

Purchase this course

By Ivana D A

Sep 28, 2020

It was a great course. I leaned a lot! :D

By mfernandacaballero

Oct 26, 2020

I really enjoyed the course. Thank you.

By Sophia R

Apr 27, 2020

I liked this course so much. It was obviously gettable, explanation about adjectives and adjective clauses with prepositions. I thought I knew about it, but it totally wasn't true. Here there were exact rules, examples, tests. There are the suitable functions such as subtitles, ability to download videos here. I recommend this course, 5/5!

By José A R N

Sep 1, 2017

My name is Jose Antonio from Brazil. I am looking for a new Data Scientist career (

I did this course to complete my CV in English to the area of Data Science. 

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by teachers.

Congratulations to Coursera team and Instructors.


By olga P

Aug 4, 2023

Good day, everybody! I highly recommend this course. I found it to be the most interesting I have ever done. A lot of interesting lectures and extra material were given in this course! I thank all the tutors who lectured us the material using a very motivated and interested approach.Thank you a lot!

By Khin S W

Sep 29, 2020

Thanks so much for attending Coursera. After I finished this course, I always remember all beloved teachers from Coursera. I am enjoying as I've been learning many courses. I've got many knowledge and helped me to improve my English skills. Thank you so much Coursera.

By Panicha N

Sep 13, 2020

"Nehad Hesham Fathy Ramadan" This account copied my answer in week 4's assignment. I politely warned her that "she should write her onw answer, Do not coppy other people answer" and her response to me was " NO ". I hope this thing WILL NOT happen to anyone again.

By Miroslav O

Jun 21, 2020

This is a very comprehensive course on adjectives and adjective clauses. I really recommend the course to everyone who really wants to understand parts of English grammar which are forgotten or marginalised by many English professors.

By Anastasia

Nov 22, 2018

I love the whole specialisation! It embraces all necessary gramma by short yet informative videos. It helped me significantly improve my English level, so I even got a new job (no jokes) which required speaking to clients in English.

By Bengisu B

Oct 31, 2020

I didn't know how to use adjective clauses so far but now I have learned so many things. This course is exactly useful and developer. If you want to improve your grammar I am completely suggesting this course.


Jan 2, 2021

It was great online course, i've learned to much topics such as adjectives clauses and appositives and others topics very usefull. I learned how to use them correctly and explain them.

I liked it!!

By Marcela M C d l L

Sep 18, 2022

Wishing you joy and happiness, you are an amazing teacher, and you only deserve the best. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher.

By Joshua P M

Aug 30, 2022

Este curso es excelente, como todos los de UCI. Todo está muy organizado, explicado y los ejercicios que te ponen para dominar los temas son excelentes. Aprendí un montón. Gracias, UCI.