(331 Reviews)
(104 Reviews)
Aug 17, 2018
This is a very useful course as I begin my studies to prepare to teach English abroad. ASU is a recognized university and the price is very reasonable. I look forward to the next course in the series.
Sep 9, 2021
That was a great experience and im very grateful for all the information I have been taught. The professors leading this course are just so professional and it was really joyful to learn all the time.
By Amadou A A
•Feb 27, 2016
By Roberto A
•Mar 2, 2022
By Deleted A
•Oct 13, 2020
By Нығметова Ә Ә
•Aug 22, 2024
By Paula A R F
•Jun 22, 2022
By Huy V C
•Dec 27, 2021
By Lorenz B
•Jun 9, 2016
By Laman M
•Feb 11, 2024
By Zeynep K
•Sep 8, 2023
By Reem A
•Aug 8, 2022
By Philip C L I
•Mar 23, 2022
By Sayeh
•Mar 13, 2022
By reza m
•Sep 18, 2021
By zakariae t
•Aug 26, 2021
By Ilanny M
•Aug 25, 2021
By Jonathan M
•Jul 16, 2021
By Elif Y
•Dec 11, 2020
By Sanjay J
•Jun 3, 2020
By Chanyang S
•Aug 18, 2019
By Haili C
•Jun 1, 2017
By Fátima P V
•Mar 26, 2017
By Masterenko A
•Jan 30, 2017
By Ahmed A
•Mar 16, 2016
By Eugene P
•Apr 16, 2020
A great start for anyone dreaming about becoming a certified English teacher. Basic principles laconically explained in high-quality videos by a very charismatic professional. Interesting and enlightening concepts helping to look at teaching from a different angle and enrich your own process of doing the job. Unfortunately, there are disadvantages to this too. For anybody whose English is C1 and higher this course will be a little undemanding. Weeks in the course consist of only several short videos and text lectures. But, as I have put it, this course is for beginners and, mostly, for foreigners whose goal is to teach English abroad and get a certificate as fast as possible. Another thing, probably the most crucial for me is lack of feedback from professional teachers regarding evaluation of essays. Your work is evaluated by your peers the majority of which are, firstly, not so well versed in English, making myriads of mistakes along the way without a second thought to correcting them, and, secondly, do not really care about the amount of work you put into your essays. It was quite common to see dry, simplistic "Good." comments without any proper critique. This, of course, does not encompass each and everybody enrolled to this course and has nothing to do with the very course itself, but this is the picture I dealt with most of the time having my essays reviewed. Anyways, the course is worthwhile and will definitely help you.
By Rey H
•Oct 3, 2016
I have just finished the first course of this specialization. I don't expect it all to be as easy as this was for me. I'd say the coolest thing, the way I see it is that, throughout the whole course, they never talked about grammar or rules, rather about how we learn best; how students are affected by teachers; pitfalls of teacher burnout, how to's a few, and how not to, yes, but they mostly stayed toward the positive. Sure, there were some things which might be a little exclusively for language teaching, but I'd say, more, really, the things they explained were about teaching and learning in general. Anyway, I can get that grammar stuff out of books , on the net, or even on the Youtube. It's what makes me a good or a better or a worse or a useless teacher I want to learn. And up until NOW, it's exactly THAT they've been helping me with. One real waker-upper was when they suggested that neither the world, nor the classroom is ever (and never going to be) perfect. THAT was a load off my mind, and one of the most encouraging teacher helps I've EVER had: like, "Don't look at what you don't have, but what you DO have is what makes you a "professional"! (even if the lights go out!) Many Thanks! ---Rey Hudson