Jun 13, 2021
Undeniably one of the best computer science courses. The advertising isn't false! This course permanently changed my perspective on hardware and software along with the relationship between the two...
Feb 17, 2017
An excellent course provided by phenomenal professors! Everything is broken down into simple, easily understandable portions, and leaves you with a clear idea how to proceed to solve a given problem.
By Mariniel S G J
•Aug 1, 2024
This is definitely one of the most fun courses I did online. It is challenging, but not overwhelmingly so. And it really makes you confident that you know how a computer actually works. Thank you very much for the experience!
By Casey B
•May 16, 2020
Wonderful course! I'm hosting a reading group, the Los Gatos Reading Group, to go through the book chapter by chapter. I'm looking forward to the next half of the book and the planned FPGA additional material when it's ready.
By Aidan R
•Jun 11, 2019
A great starting point for anyone with an interest in computer programming its easy to follow and well planned although the partner website could be a little cleaner but i found everything i needed fairly quickly. Thanks Guys
By Tudor J
•Jan 21, 2022
I heard about this course from a professor at my university and it's safe to say it lived up to my expectations. I had a lot of fun doing it and it feels great to finally have at least a slight idea about how it all works.
By Tan Z
•Mar 30, 2020
Rank this course five stars just after first week. Very well designed in a way that beginners can completely understand. Combined with challenging but not impossible projects. I have a great time coding HDL in this course!
By Balasubramanyam E
•Jun 30, 2017
Nand2tetris is the course I was searching for, beautifully constructed and explained. The course gives an in depth knowledge of how hardware works and different layers present in it. Looking forward to the second part !!
By Jonathan w
•Apr 16, 2020
I did a CS degree in 1990.
Wish I had done this course way back then. It has filled a lot of knowledge gaps.
I have enjoyed it immensely.
Thank you Noam and Shimon.
Really looking forward to the the next half of the course.
By Ramesh N
•Jul 20, 2019
Something that I always wanted to do , this course allowed me to do something that I would have never been able to do otherwise . Cannot recommend it enough to the Computer science student as well as the IT professional
By Evan D
•Mar 9, 2023
I was able to finish this relatively quickly. Some of the hardware design was difficult but I was able to push through. Writing the assembler ended up being the easy part (since I already am an experienced programmer).
By Avinal K
•Aug 10, 2020
One of the best courses I have ever taken. They really taught what they promised. Everything is nicely designed and well versed. Since its a project-centric course, I got to make so many things. This course is awesome.
By Sai K G
•May 17, 2020
I absolutely loved this course. i am indebted to Prof. Shimon Schocken and Prof. Noam Nisan for their tremendously simplistic explanation of the course that made it enjoyable. Thank you coursera for having this course.
By Shannon J
•Jul 11, 2017
This is a wonderful course. It is very detailed and through. It should be required for every Computer Science major. It not only teaches computer architecture but also how a computer works in an easy to understand way.
By James H
•Dec 21, 2020
So well done! Struck a good balance between keeping things simple enough that the course moves fast enough and doesn't get bogged down in details but still provides a ton of great/interesting/fun conceptual knowledge.
By Ecnerwal L
•Nov 20, 2020
It was really hard but I had fun. I now understand how to build a computer and I think I'll stop here for the moment and learn more advanced topics about hardware.
This is one of the best introductory courses I took.
By Alexander T
•Jul 30, 2016
This is a brilliant course. The information is presented in a structured and clear manner. The assignments are very interesting and really test your logical thinking.
I am looking forward to studying the second part.
By Ryan D
•Jun 26, 2023
I had a great time working on the projects in this course. It's a great refresher for some things I had not thought about in awhile and some great insights into how some of the very lowest levels of a computer work.
By Eric M N
•Mar 28, 2018
Amazing! All the course is completely mindblowing. You can really understand what is the computer that you use, and how it really works inside as 0s and 1s. Thank you very much, Professor Noam and Professor Shimon!
By Adam R
•Nov 9, 2023
This course does an excellent job of de-mystifying the modern computer. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a bottom up approach to learning the basics of computer systems. Looking forward to beginning part 2.
By Michele R
•Jul 14, 2019
Finally I have the great vision of all those courses I had to take during my bachelor and which relations between them were not always so clear. Recommended, I'm going to start the 2nd party with joy and curiosity
By Anders T
•Apr 29, 2024
What an excellent course! I thoroughly enjoyed it and consumed the content and have been left hungry for more. I just started part II and from the "Cool Stuff" section on the website, found more content. Thanks!
By Vasu G
•Jan 17, 2017
Really Awesome Course, loved it !!! Very thankful to the instructors for sharing their knowledge, passion, efforts and time. I learned a lot from the course and it helped clarify a lot of concepts. Thanks again.
By Diego C A
•Aug 19, 2016
I have completed the course and I must say it is one of the best courses I have taken because it is very clear all the information. In addition, the development of the projects allow you to learn in a deep way.
By Andrew Y
•Dec 27, 2020
Very well designed course. The provided simulators and tests are very helpful for the assignments. The material itself, walking you through designing a computer in HDL and then writing an assmbler, is awesome.
•Dec 4, 2020
"Everything I need to know I learned in second grade"
These two guys are OGs for me they have a way of explaining things in a really easy way . I am indebted to them for demystifying the computer for me.
By Rohan K S
•Apr 3, 2022
anyone from computer science background or is curious how a metal thing works as a computer must need this course to actually know how software and hardware are made and layered so as to make our life easier.