Nov 25, 2020
It was great learning with all the mentors and I learned lots of new things and also get to know about the experiences of the mentors themselves. Also, I am looking forward to continuing this journey.
Jun 12, 2020
Thank you very much for this amazing course, I learned a lot and I am very excited to start a career and to apply what I have learned. Thank you very much to all the lecturers and thank you to Google.
By Logan P
•Dec 23, 2022
This course helped me have a better understanding of technology, when I already thought I had a good one. This is definitely the beginning of your journey. I strongly encourage this to anyone looking to get into IT. Best of luck!
By Yon E (
•Aug 6, 2022
It's very nice to be able to learn here, the teacher is very clear in explaining that there are subtitles too. it's just that in some assessments there are obstacles in the assessment and in the future it must be better.
Thank you
By Lisa S
•Jun 22, 2022
This was a wonderful introduction to IT support. I am already starting to see a career path form based on what I have learned so far. The material is presented in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and retain.
By Angie Z
•Oct 26, 2021
This course taught me how to build a box from the ground up, along with some of the soft skills needed to manage people in help desk situations. The teachers were engaging and easy to understand. Appreciate having this available.
•Jun 10, 2021
Este va dirigido para aquellas personas que les llame la atención el área de Mesa de ayuda o soporte técnico en alguna empresa, se ven los temas basicos que son clave para su entendimiento posterior en otros cursos más avanzados.
By Caneise R
•May 24, 2021
Hands on course that gives you the opportunity to learn more about IT Support and the in's and out's of what you'll face in the real world while potentially working as an IT Support Specialist. Looking forward to the next course!
By Tiago A
•Mar 29, 2021
Very good staff to learn, I m using computer and tecnolog of the pass 25 years and didnt know a lot of things there. I thing a didnt understand you guys say this course is about 8 months, I did it less than week (around 20 hours)
By Deleted A
•Nov 18, 2020
This program can and will change your life! if you want a change in your career you need to come here it very informative, and encouraging also inspirational, so why wait take this program you will not regret this I promise you .
By Eric S
•Oct 22, 2020
What a great and fun course. All the different people giving the lectures keep things simple and keep you engaged. I highly recommend this certificate program to anyone interested in an IT role. This is a great place to start.
By Arletta G
•Sep 14, 2020
I enjoyed the Technical Support Fundamentals class. The class helped me to expand my knowledge on topics I did not know and confirmed what I did. I am looking forward to the next phase in my learning and obtaining certifications!
By Maria C
•Jun 23, 2020
This course made many things clear to me on how stuff works around IT. I loved the instructors , their personal experiences and their teaching. I hope this course remains a starting step for everyone who wants to get a Job in IT.
By Bianca C M
•Jun 20, 2020
Bianca Cortes Miro · a few seconds ago
This course is a must before you take any decision to pursue a career as an IT Support Specialist. My experiences with this course have been a amazing. Education is always a great experience.
By Vaishrav J
•Jun 17, 2020
This course is absolutely useful to me in increasing my knowledge and interest about IT industry. I got to learn here what actually IT support specialist does and what is the basic knowledge needed to get myself at that position.
By Melodie M
•Jun 8, 2020
Some of what I learned was a refresher from a computer class I took over 20 years ago. I enjoyed learning about the networking component's that I took for granted running in the background. I am excited to continue my learning.
By Mark M R M M
•Jun 1, 2020
Highly informative, very educational. I'm a seasoned IT professional, but I still learned a lot from the course. Effective learning is about being humble enough to admit that you know nothing, this course drives that adage home.
By Cesar M
•Nov 22, 2019
This course is awesome! very well explain it, all the instructor excellent, the Coursera platform is being very well designed! I will definitely take advance of all the Coursera options to keep growing in the this amazing field
By Henry G
•Oct 26, 2019
Instructors are very clear and provide an easy learning environment, the instructors pace while explaining and giving instructions are spot on. Perfect for anyone that's beginning their learning in Technical Support Fundamentals.
By Dante F
•May 17, 2018
Excellent course with basic knowledge of IT for everyone, it helped me to understand a lot more about how things work in the IT world and it also improved personal skills with the practical experience in the labs. It was awesome!
By Michael A
•Feb 27, 2018
A great intro to start out the 6 course certificate. Material was broken up into small sections that were easy to understand and simple to review when I needed to go back and relearn something. Looking forward to the next course.
By Raphael B
•Sep 17, 2023
Teaches you fundamentals in such an easy to follow way that even those with no experience and understand and grasp. as well as skills needed to land a job in the field like soft skills, resumes, and technical interview examples.
By Narayan S R
•Jul 22, 2023
I really enjoyed this first course in Google IT. I had hard time while doing labs because of my old windows computer that's what I thought but, I think I did not follow the right path doing certain things I was supposed to do.
By Derrell D
•Jan 8, 2023
Extremely helpful and concise. I felt I could understand and participate in the right places. I did reach an issue where one of my first practice quizzes was in a different language and I could not take it for a couple of weeks.
By Joseph D
•Oct 18, 2021
It has covered topics that were skipped in my search of Performance and getting the most out of the current Work environment. It is the first of many Courses I recommend to all ICT Pioneers.
Thanks and See You in another Session.
By Himanshu S
•May 16, 2021
Thanks to Google Coursera team for organizing this course. I learnt lot of things this way and hope this program will support to enhance my growth and progress as well. And I will also able to achieve the success.
By Deleted A
•Apr 17, 2021
Extraordinary Course with all best goggle instructors , This course has all the necessary modules along with supplementary readings .
The best introductory Google IT course .
I Love this course & also all the superb instructors .