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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google AI Essentials by Google

8,555 ratings

About the Course

Google AI Essentials is a self-paced course designed to help people across roles and industries get essential AI skills to boost their productivity,
zero experience required. The course is taught by AI experts at Google who are working to make the technology helpful for everyone. In
under 10 hours, they’ll do more than teach you about AI — they’ll show you how to actually use it in the real world. Stuck at the beginning of a
project? You’ll learn how to use AI tools to generate ideas and content. Planning an event? You’ll use AI tools to help research, organize, and
make more informed decisions. Drowning in a flooded inbox? You’ll use AI tools to help speed up those daily work tasks, like d...
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51 - 75 of 2,119 Reviews for Google AI Essentials

By William K G


Oct 11, 2024

Completing this course was a transformative experience that deepened my understanding of cybersecurity. The curriculum was well-structured, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Engaging instructors and hands-on projects enhanced my skills and boosted my confidence in the field. I feel well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges and excited about pursuing a career in cybersecurity. Highly recommended!

By Ayodele H


Jul 27, 2024

The Google AI Essentials course was straight forward and very instructional. I was able to think of practical applications of the topics discussed while still completing the course. This course opened my eyes to how I can leverage AI in personal and work life to save time and effort. I would recommend this course to everyone looking to learn something new that can save them time and help them complete tasks more efficiently.

By Desmond W


Jul 3, 2024

This was an insightful and very enjoyable course. I am proud of Google! Much of this information wasn’t new to me, but I definitely learned a lot more about prompt engineering. It is not as difficult as people might think it is, nor Is it as simple as one might think it is. I now understand the meaning of “few shot, one shot and zero shot “ as well as the real meaning of CoT (Chain of thought). Cheers to the Deep Mind team.

By Nacho S L


Jan 20, 2025

Un curso muy interesante para iniciarse en el mundo de la IA, y que te presenta una abanico inmenso de nuevas formas de aplicarla. Gracias al curso usaré más la IA en mi dia día, y he aprendido a hacer instrucciones más eficaces para aumentar mi productividad y mis flujos de trabajo. El curso además te anima explotar tu creatividad sin olvidar los aspectos éticos y de supervisión humana. Un experiencia muy satisfactoria.

By José L S


Jul 5, 2024

Un curso muy actualizado y de fácil comprensión. Si necesitas conocer de qué trata la Inteligencia Artificial y deseas utilizarla tanto en tu vida diaria como en tu vida profesional, con este curso aprenderás lo necesario (y más) para poder realizar tareas con IA generativa y así mismo, conocer sus ventajas, características, opciones y también, limitaciones y consideraciones importantes al momento de utilizarlas.

By Shawn F


Aug 31, 2024

This was an excellent course Google. Each tutor presented uniquely and in a beautiful cool environment. I learned alot from the activities and got a chance to use Gemini fornthe first. I like the diversity in the presentation from AI and its rile in the deaf community and how AI can help people understand disabilities, those presentation were well done. I really enjoyed this course and fully recommend it.

By Chinedu O


Dec 19, 2024

The course is an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of AI, making it perfect for beginners. It provided me with a clear understanding of the possibilities AI offers and was both engaging and well-structured. I found the content exciting and informative, and it has inspired me to delve deeper into the field, actively use AI in my endeavors, and stay updated with advancements in the AI industry.

By Susan B


Jul 15, 2024

It's an excellent intro to AI basics and taught me to be a more discerning media consumer. To me, at this time, I can appreciate some of its benefits (mostly technical tasks), but am very wary of the promises made about productivity, privacy and safety. Scraping the internet without permission of and compensation to content creators is exploitive and unethical. As a writer, I can do without AI's help.

By Alexander D


Jan 9, 2025

Thoroughly enjoyed the Google AI Essentials course. I found it to be quite engaging and informative. Using the coach dialog feature after a few modules was truly an innovative way to use AI while learning. I liked that learners are given the ability to use Google AI Studio for an activity and I found it to be very useful. I genuinely believe anyone who has an interest in AI should start here.

By Lucila S P


Oct 6, 2024

El curso ha sido extremadamente completo y me ha permitido aprender mucho en todas las áreas de la IA. Los contenidos han sido muy bien estructurados, cubriendo desde los conceptos básicos hasta aplicaciones más avanzadas. Además, las actividades prácticas han sido clave para consolidar el conocimiento adquirido. Sin duda, ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora que me ha dado una base sólida

By Neeraja M


Jun 18, 2024

I am extremely new to AI and Tech. This course helped me to understand what AI is, how I can use it in my daily life and how I can boost my productivity at workplace. This course is made in such a way that it keeps the learner hooked till the end because they teach you in an interesting manner. Thank you Google for such a great initiative for beginners like me to start learning about AI.

By Judith ( A A


May 21, 2024

I knew very little about AI and have never used it so this was an excellent introduction. I took the time to actually complete all the assignments/activities and it took me 16.5 hours to complete the course, so much more than the 9 hours in the course info. Still, you need to do the activities to actually get the learning. Well worth it. I am excited about taking on my own projects!

By Jesús O


Dec 17, 2024

I have recently completed the Google AI Essentials course, aiming to start designing audiovisual workflows incorporating this technology. In addition to learning fascinating concepts like AI "hallucinations," I have gained notions of "Prompt Grammar," which I consider ideal for fostering empathy in these initial interactions with large language models, through my new AI work companions.

By Jasef V


Dec 2, 2024

"Este programa ofrece una trayectoria completa en inteligencia artificial, diseñada para guiar tanto a principiantes como a aquellos que buscan profundizar sus conocimientos. A través de un enfoque pedagógico progresivo, se exploran los fundamentos de la IA y se avanzan hacia conceptos más complejos, permitiendo a los usuarios comprender el potencial transformador de esta tecnología."

By Ryan C


Jul 7, 2024

With all the buzz around AI, I found this to be a great course to familiarize oneself with the concepts of AI. The lessons are bite sized and told from a variety of instructors, with activities utilizing Gemini to show off some of the functionality. I was surprised with things AI could do that I wasn't aware of and this course made me much more likely to use it in the future.

By Manjunath E


Aug 28, 2024

Hi I am Ediga Manjunath, About this Coursera offers AI courses from basic to advanced levels, taught by experts and featuring practical assignments. Learners benefit from gaining theoretical and practical skills in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. For the latest details, check recent reviews and course descriptions on Coursera.

By Aurora E D L


Jul 28, 2024

Este curso fue un poco difícil porque soy maestra de Dibujo y Apreciación del arte. Pero dada la claridad de los contenidos y su accesibilidad, me ha abierto una puerta bastante interesante, tanto para agregar eficacia y productividad a mi labor, como para cuestionarme sobre la importancia con que que la IA implicará mi trabajo en el futuro. Gracias por su curso, muy bueno.

By Luis P Q C


Jul 10, 2024

Interesante curso, la explicación de la parte teórica fácil de asimilar, con ejercicios aunque no calificados, permiten hacerse una idea de cuan fácil es interactuar con la IA Generativa, me queda todavía una duda, ya que Google aún no ha desplegado todos los servicios para hacer todos los ejercicios, espero que se habiliten ne España, las prácticas las tengo guardadas.

By Puteri S H S


Oct 5, 2024

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the Google AI Essentials course. The content is engaging and easy to understand. I appreciate the tools provided, particularly the coaching feature, which allows me to ask questions immediately after covering specific topics. This has significantly contributed to building a solid foundation in my understanding of the material.

By Mahjabeen A


Dec 28, 2024

I love the courses Google team curates. The type of human touch they maintain throughout the course does not make it feel like it is an online course and we do not know the instructors personally. Instead, I feel I am connected to the instructor, each course is caefully designed to meet the needs of every individual and all of the topics are thoroughly explained.

By Erin D


Jul 13, 2024

It is great that Google is making information about AI available to all. The presenters seem passionate and knowledgeable about their work with AI, especially the last module. The course can be completed in one week. The activities were good practice and mostly fun. I am excited to explore some of the new AI resources I was introduced to during this course.

By Maricela F


Jun 27, 2024

Curso completamente útil, profesores con conocimientos, buena didáctica, y enseñando los avances tecnológicos en IA, y como podemos hacer uso de esta revolución para incrementar productividad, crecer en la vida personal y profesional, es solo el comienzo, queda mucho por desarrollar y todos debemos aportar de a la mejor manera y ser responsables en su uso.

By Mugdho R


May 26, 2024

The Google AI Essentials course is an excellent introduction to AI and machine learning. It provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental concepts and practical applications of AI in real-world scenarios. The content is well-structured and easy to follow, making it suitable for beginners. Highly recommended for anyone looking to start their AI journey!

By Ahmed A


Nov 23, 2024

google courses is the best source for basic Foundation. If any one doesn't know anything about Data, Google courses is the best way to learn basic to advance your career. I thanks google for giving me to the oppertunity to do this course and i also thanks coursera for this oppertuinty. I have learend about AI which i never knew before this course.

By Beatriz E C Q


Aug 6, 2024

Una experiencia motivante a la.vanguardia la IA. Cada modulo me enseño que se simplifica el diario laboral y el entorno social con modelos de IA. Seguir la secuencia para que uno se pueda especializar en IA de la mano de Google y el gobierno del.cambio en mi pais. Este programa lo hice porque gane una beca que dieron a los colombianos.