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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity by Università Bocconi

887 ratings

About the Course

The achievement of a balanced economic, social and environmental development - as expressed in the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development - is recognized as one of the major challenges humanity is facing today. What is less clear is whether and how organizations can generate business opportunities and value for their stakeholders while tackling such challenges. In this course, thought leaders in a wide variety of management and economics fields illustrate how to assess and seize the opportunities offered by these global emergencies. They will offer new ways to understand the purpose and the logic of success of the business enterprise in this new context, providing ideas and examples on how to manage the transition process to realize the value creation potential from corporate sustainability for all involved stakeholders. Learning objectives The course will allow you to: - Understand What the macroeconomic and microeconomic consequences of both climate changes, poverty, hunger, gender or race discriminations, lack of communication between the State, Civil Societies, and businesses, etc are. - Understand Why it is important for businesses to tackle sustainability issues in order to create more and better business opportunities; - Learn How each individual, organization and system can start to analyze its behaviors and change towards more sustainable practices and models....

Top reviews


Nov 6, 2023

Great insights! The course is holistic and covers many aspects of the business day to day decisions. It fosters new discoveries towards the path of becoming a Sustainable Enterprise. Recommended.


May 25, 2020

This is an extremely detailed and informative course, ideal for someone looking to expand their knowledge of sustainability issues and the strategy required to address them in a corporate context.

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26 - 50 of 213 Reviews for Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity

By David W

Apr 21, 2020

Having now completed a couple of Coursera courses I can say this is one of the better ones. I liked the professor and the mix of other people presenting in different settings. Also very enjoyable was the 'round-table' discussion listening to five peoples views. All in all a very enjoyable and relevant course to be studying at this time. There is a lot of additional (optional) reading which I did not complete. I learnt a lot about my company (which I used for subject material) and the competitors

By Alessandro M

May 25, 2020

The most complete MOOC on sustainability I've ever seen until now. So many insights of experts and academics from a wide range of disciplines. Even though (if you are a sustainability professional) you would have got in touch at least one time with the majority of topics covered during the course, this is a valuable chance to see them with an organic view and also to discover some new approaches to develop a sustainable mindset and to deploy a sustainability change in your organization.

By Chiara M

Jul 7, 2020

This course is so useful to get inside a transitional issue like Sustainability. Beyond the general framework of UN Goals, the course give a critical view to trade off among investiment and economical issues and anti-economical skills inside Sustainability as green economy. Then Bocconi University is a great place to find ideas and the course give you an interesting networks of specialists in the field and a deep learning bibliography.

By Edouard d C W

Oct 19, 2021

Le cours abordent tous les sujets clés de la Sustainabilité. Les vidéos et supports en ppt sont bien réalisés. Il y a parfois des répétitions et sur certains sujets, on voudrait une approche plus pratiques, avec des cas concrets. Les sources proposées pour approfondir sont nombreuses et souvent pointues.

Une bonne manière d'approcher le sujet, de se faire une idée et une vision à 360° des enjeux et du chemin à parcourir.

By lavergne

Apr 8, 2020

I really enjoyed the course and learned so much. the different intervention of teachers and company representatives were very good, business cases were just excellent to demonstrate the different concepts explained in the course.

I would have like a bit more exchange with teachers and peers though. I went few times in the forum but covnersations were mainly one way. Thanks a lot for having created this excellent course.

By Birgilio R C

Dec 19, 2019

Corporate sustainability course gives to learners great tools and knowledge about the importance of sustainability vision for corporations and stakeholders, the course explains the reasons for improvement sustainable activities according to each industry and also helps learners to research data, make analisis, create strategies, integrate tools, implement plan and also how to follow improvements.

By Tainá Â V B

Sep 29, 2020

One of the best courses I took on sustainability. In addition to being very comprehensive and bringing many different views and areas, it deals with social and environmental responsibility at all times during the course. Sensational! I highly recommend it to all people and professionals who want to learn to work in the area. Indispensable for leaders of companies and organizations!

By Maya N

Jul 27, 2020

This course is packed with interesting, up-to-date information - spanning from theoretical to practical. I felt it has given me a solid foundation to continue pursuing my interest in corporate sustainability. I highly recommend this course as a foundation course for people interested in entering this field or for those who want to learn more about sustainability and its key topics.

By Andrea B

Jun 19, 2021

The right balance between theory and real case examples. I particularly appreciate the speskers from the industry and I was highly motivated by young entrepreneurs talking about their businesses. Great overview of what sustainability is in several different flavours from circular economy to HR including meditation!. I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for the great course!

By Dalila C

Mar 6, 2021

This course offers a clear overview of the sustainability problem form a business management point of view. I have really enjoyed how many different experts and professionals were invited to talk about this topic and their area of expertise. I have gained a lot of knowledge and a good idea of where I'd like to focus even more my further studies.

Thank you Bocconi University.

By Rafael A

Oct 2, 2019

A great course, with good supporting material and excellent videos. This is my second course from Universita Bocconi and without a doubt they are one of the best producers of content on Coursera . I'll recommended this course to anyone that currently runs a business, works on sustainability within an enterprise or is planning on development a social enterprise.

By Horacio T L M

Apr 6, 2020

Highly professional way to teach Corporate Sustainability, including pragmatical cases, global NGOs' references and above all very respectful scholars from the Boconni University.

Thank you very much for having launched this great course from which I have not only got very relevant knowledge, but also I have spread my valued network.

Horacio Tena.

By Vanessa M

May 27, 2021

The course was very helpful gaining deeper insights into sustainability (the SDGs, sustainability strategy, road map etc), which is well taught by the lecturers. I already learned about sustainability in my university, but this was a very good complement to learn new content, but also to refresh knowledge. Thank you for providing this course!

By Melissa P

May 13, 2020

I think this course provides a complete and detailed insight on CSR issues. The quality of classes and materials is remarkable and the involvement of so many academics and professionals who are studying CSR from different points of view provides a 360° enriching overview of the sustainability challenge for enterprises.

By Ivana B

Oct 9, 2023

Ho completato il Corso, sono soddisfatta in quanto ho migliorato le mie conoscenze sugli argomenti trattati. Ho cercato di impegnarmi al massimo per completare i compiti assegnati ed avere valutazioni positive. Il Corso è stato davvero interessante con contenuti molto approfonditi sul tema della Sostenibilità ESG.

By Arianna C

Jul 13, 2023

I am simply amazed by the work that there is behind Sustainability. This entry-level course has highly motivated me in learning more about this topic and to find my career path on that.

I think this course is very interesting and can serve as beginning one for people aimed at making a positive impact on Earth.

By Michaela S

Sep 15, 2019

Absolutely the best course I had in a long time!!! Really well explained and great content and lecturers. Hope to be able to attend a follow up course or a specialisation? That would be amazing.

generally, please make sure that professors speak sufficient English, some where extremely hard to understand.

By Sebastián P Z

Dec 1, 2020

I have found this course particularlly interesiting, its way of approaching a wide range of topic with clear ideas and good examples about corporate sustainability and all its players. I highly recommend this course as a way of rethink the way we consume and think many businesses nowadays.

By Maribel Q

May 29, 2022

I enjoyed this course because the subject matter was relevant, the pace was just right and the materials were appropriate for the level. It can be applied immediately to job roles in ESG and can be used as a good foundation if students choose to continue their learning in this area.

By Yasin D

May 12, 2020

A well-structured course that offers a 360° view of sustainability, essential for those who have never heard of sustainability or who could not connect sustainability to business, but also to help people like me who deal with these topics. High-level professors and guests. Thank you

By Tigran

Sep 28, 2022

Great course! Teachers and speakers have clear messages. The course is organized in different formats: individual lessons, group discussions, which increases its attractiveness. In addition, different experts share their experiences, which offers multiple views on the same topic.

By Rosemarie P d C

Apr 18, 2021

Excellent course for understanding how companies can tackle the sustainability issues through changes that affect positively on the governance, human resources or supply chain changes and finally take advantage of how sustainability can improve the hole business results

By Vineet G

Apr 18, 2023

I personally found not only the course but overall learning methodology extremely impactful covering niche topics by industry experts in a very formal and effective sequence. I would highly rate Coursera and recommend it to my colleagues in India.

Vineet Gosain

By Andrea C M R

Sep 2, 2020

Es un curso muy completo sobre la sostenibilidad en el área corporativa, abarca muchos temas modernos lo cuales te brindan una mejor visión de como estos temas se están manejando hoy día y métodos e ideas que pueden ser utilizados en cualquier tipo de empresa.