Aug 11, 2020
This course was awesome. A combination of the history, sociology and practical architectural / implementation elements of modern digital and internet technology. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks Chuck!
Jan 6, 2016
This is an extremely important course. I would love to see it taught in high schools or in the first year of university. We should all understand how the Internet was developed and how it functions.
•Aug 31, 2015
I loved this course that was my very first to follow in 2013 (and one of the first best courses available). Charles Severance brings us into the deep, fascinating and complex history of a tool that we so commonly use nowadays.
Really a must-study to understand better our world and how all that thing works.
By Dmitriy Z
•Jan 7, 2022
Хороший курс!Подчерпнул много новой информации для продолжения моего обучения.
Вот только хотел бы бесплатно получить сертификат об окончании курса.Я пока учусь и не работаю и денег у меня пока нет.И я не могу себе позволить платить за это.
Но очень бы хотел получить сертификат о окончании курса!Спасибо.
By Helal a
•Apr 26, 2020
Feeling successful is wonderful when you challenge yourself to learn something new and get tired to get that success..Thank you very much, I learned something new for me..It was fun and very useful and I am very proud of what I learned with you. You are wonderful and deserve all appreciation..Thank you
By Shashidhara G
•Sep 28, 2015
This course gave me great insights into the evolution of the internet, computer networks. Interview videos of people behind all the magic is an excellent collection and it is really informative to comprehend the big picture. I am very happy that I enrolled into this course and I am enjoying it.
By Deleted A
•Jun 10, 2020
wow I am very very happy this course is amazing and also instructor
Dr. Chuck is a amazing person and his teaching style is very very nice
Thankyou very much Dr Chuck this hard and difficult subject you make very easy and amazing way of study I understand everything
And also thank you Coursera
By Jose L F F C B
•Mar 5, 2019
Very good course. Great instructor. Highly recommended.
It is truly beginner level, so as one that have already studied Internet protocols (in the early 90's) I feel that I didn't learn many new things, but it was fantastic as a recap.
The interviews with Internet pioneers were very insightful.
By Bart U
•Sep 21, 2015
Excellent course! This with content brought by the tech Giants themselves. All of which is clearly explained and elaborated upon by Dr. Chuck. Ever wondered who invented JavaScript? How and why? You'll find out here and many more.
This all brought in the right flexible and mobile format for me
By Deepak R
•Apr 19, 2021
This is really an informative course for anyone who has a keen interest in knowing how the internet was invented and how network architect works. Listening to great minds and their vision was really motivational and inspiring. I really enjoyed the course and Dr. Chuck's passion for teaching.
By Oana R
•Sep 21, 2015
This course was great! It was also my first MOOC! It cleared up a lot of the things that were blurry before. I especially enjoyed the Security part, which I deal with tangentially at work and I could never quite grasp the concepts, but now I do.
Thank you very much, Dr. Chuck and the team!
By Deepa G
•Sep 10, 2015
Wonderful course, delivered in a very fun way by Dr. Chuck. Enjoyed it, although it got slightly dry in places. Really loved how this course incorporated interviews with famous minds of the technology world so we can understand how they thought and what problems they were trying to solve.
By Camila C
•May 17, 2020
Muy buen curso para comenzar con la historia del Internet. Para principiantes absolutos como yo es , quizás, necesario complementarlo con algunos vídeos explicativo de otras fuentes (Youtube fue una salvación para mi) pero te da muy buena guía de los caminos a recorrer. Recomendable!
By Daniel J G
•Aug 23, 2015
Aunque es el primer MOOC que termino, no es el primer MOOC en el que me he inscrito. Si he terminado este, es por que su contenido, así como el profesor (Dr. Charles Severance) es bastante bueno. Muy recomendado para todo aquel interesado en entender un poco más lo que es Internet.
By Sarvjeet S
•Jun 20, 2020
Another Outstanding course from Dr Chuck, I think He is an amazingly self explained teacher and also an interesting person(graduation ceremony was truly motivating :) ). So the course was great and interesting, content was really well managed. I loved it and highly recommend it.
By Ralph C
•Aug 20, 2017
An informative and entertaining course. It was fascinating to see the interviews with luminaries from the history of computing and the internet. I highly recommend this course even to those who already have a strong background in the technical aspects of the subject matter.
By Map S
•Sep 3, 2017
This is a wonderful course that gives you an introduction to TCP/IP and TLS/SSL. Strongly recommended if you are interested in either of the two, although you would find its account of the internet history is slightly not perfectly structured without a timeline in your head.
By mohit p
•Aug 27, 2015
it is really good, what turing has been done for the british government and all history of internet...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done..keep it up......all coursera team......!!thank you for all your time and sharing valuable information with us....!Thank you....!!
By Шатилова В
•Nov 28, 2020
Wow! Just wow! That was 10 exciting days. Dr. Chuck is probably the best teacher in the world. Now I'm working on application that has not a client only, but a server too. Information from this course really help me out what I should do to ensure the safety my application.
By Lorraine B
•Aug 21, 2015
Really interesting material on the inner workings of the internet and how it came about. Would recommend it to anyone with an interest in computers and networking. Content is very engaging and pitched at a level that even a non computer scientist like myself finds it e
By Lódri P
•Feb 12, 2016
Was very, very usefull and totally worth the time, energy to watch the videos, do the quizes. Dr. Chuck is a really great person, easy to understand. Recommend this class for everybody whose a little interested in the making of the biggest innovation in the 20th century.
By Jayro G F
•Feb 24, 2016
I've learned so many good things i did not know about internet, it's just so amazing to look back in the history and find out how much effort people put into practice to build what we call today internet , Absolutely a great course!, Absolutely a great course!
By Nicholas H
•Aug 16, 2017
I totally recommend the course. It is well paced and great for both people who use internet technologies in practice or those who just ant to learn the foundation of those practices and their origins. Take the course finish it up the lectures are fun and engaging.
•Nov 5, 2015
Additionally to the very interesting and useful content proposed in this course, I have found it very much enjoyable and pleasant thanks to the talent of Dr. Chuck. Thanks a lot Dr. Chuck you are really a wonderful person and I hope to meet you in person one day.
By Ting-Yun Y
•Jul 6, 2020
The professor is overall great. His lectures are amazing and humorous, and have a specific analogy to the concepts that he wants to describe. And there are awesome chances that we have the videos about how the scientists think when they create a new technology.
By Raymond L B
•Aug 22, 2015
I loved this course! The professor did a great job explaining the history of the internet and more importantly the reasons behind a lot of the actions. I highly recommend this class for anyone that wants to know more about how a lot of today's technology works.
By Erez A
•Nov 3, 2015
This is an amazing course. I love it! The topic is already interesting but the instructor makes it a top class. He makes us re-live the history of computing and the internet so we can feel what it was like
Thank you so much for offering the class on coursera.