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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Corporate Finance by University of Pennsylvania

6,114 ratings

About the Course

This course provides a brief introduction to the fundamentals of finance, emphasizing their application to a wide variety of real-world situations spanning personal finance, corporate decision-making, and financial intermediation. Key concepts and applications include: time value of money, risk-return tradeoff, cost of capital, interest rates, retirement savings, mortgage financing, auto leasing, capital budgeting, asset valuation, discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, net present value, internal rate of return, hurdle rate, payback period....

Top reviews


Sep 26, 2021

An excellent course overall. I really enjoyed the learning experience and look forward to more courses from Wharton. Special thanks to professor Michael Roberts for providing great value in 1 course.


Oct 21, 2016

The professor is very patient, he spends a lot of time making sense of the equations and the calculation process, which helps me comprehend the concepts and their application really a lot. Thank you!

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1051 - 1075 of 1,207 Reviews for Introduction to Corporate Finance

By Alec W

Dec 4, 2020

Solid, informative course on Corporate Finance and Capital Budgeting decisions. The spreadsheet provided in Week 3 is (in my opinion) the single most useful example provided across the 4 courses. The end of module quizzes, however, were riddled with errors and extremely oversimplified and repetitive questions. Overall, course felt lackluster when compared to others in the specialization.

By Hiranya K

Jul 25, 2016

Very passionate instructor with clear teaching, but the course lacked depth. Quizzes were too easy and could have been completed without viewing the lectures. Seems that the original course was longer and had more content but was trimmed down. The tablet case felt very rushed, and no content covered in it was necessary for the quizzes. However, it still should have been explained better.

By Vishal M

May 23, 2016

Course was good. Overall Lectures were good and easy to understand. However i feel coures needs to improve on following points:

1) Course was shallow and lacked depth. Industry wide examples on ROI, Decision criteria would have been interesting

2) Assignments / Quizzes were very easy and hence less challenging

3) No additional reading material such as good books, extracts, etc

By Danielle J

May 4, 2021

I really enjoyed the material of this course, and how the instructor briefly goes over the use of Excel in the field. A BIG HOWEVER, though, is that the quizzes are terrible. All of them have multiple incorrect answers or wrong information. This makes it hard to know if I've actually learned the material or not, and wastes a huge amount of time.

By Gretchen R

Nov 15, 2020

The course is a great overview but there are significant errors in the quizzes and no substantial input from the forum monitors. Also, the professor mentions problem sets that would provide great practical experience before the quizzes but the assignments do not exist. Very disappointing to have so many errors in the videos and quizzes.

By Jean-Laurent P

Jan 6, 2016

Great teacher, engaging and interesting. Course clear and well structured.

But the course content is far too limited, and toward the end of the course, the most interesting topics discussed in the videos are not evaluated through quiz / exam. I don't think many student can claim that they have a good understanding of those topics.

By Miguel Z

Jul 8, 2021

It was relatively difficult but having background on the subject matter made it a lot easier. Also, I personally am just good in with mathematical analysis so the calculations in this course weren't anything out of this universe for me. There was some poor organization with the quizzes but eventually I was able to figure it out.

By Ariel N

Mar 10, 2021

Information is good, as well as the teacher. However, the quizzes are atrocious. Too many incorrect answers. Th worst part is that teachers/staff aren't doing anything about it when so many people are complaining. Whats the point of the discussion forum if we aren't getting the answers from the people who created the questions .

By Colleen M

Jun 11, 2020

The quizzes were way too difficult! I had no problem following along and getting the correct answers during the lectures, but when it came to the quizzes I kept getting the wrong answer. Perhaps an issue with rounding? It would be helpful to have more opportunities to practice before going straight into quizzes.

By Adrian C F

Oct 26, 2020

Quite a few issues with: a) some of the test results being genuinely wrong; b) no practice questions despite references to them from the professor: c) a distinct feeling some videos have been rearranged - especially between Week 3 and Week 4 - as some topics are skipped, the most obvious being debt and equity.

By Paola F R B

Jan 13, 2019

Me gusto mucho el curso, esta bien explicado, pero me gustaria que tuviera mas ejemplos dentro de la leccion porque a la hora de hacer el examen no tenia nada que ver y fue donde tuve muchas dificultades, ademas en los examenes no podias ver las respuestas correctas entonces no sabes ni en que te equivocaste.

By Ivo R

Feb 10, 2021

lectures were not very well structured and lecturer explanations didnt not make sense sometimes. plus it was assumed that we knew what he was talking about a lot of times and things were not explained properly. on top of that there were some basic mistakes in some quizes that meant I had to guess the answers

By Sundaram R

Mar 8, 2020

I think the Week 3 portion was not effective. It could have been more clear like Week 2 & 1

Since it covered some major concepts, I found it difficult in following week 4 as well. Which basically affected by quiz scores. It would be great if we could get final answers alone, if not for complete solution.

By Nicholas K E

May 22, 2020

Overall I would say I didn't learn much from this course. I found Week 1 most interesting and helpful. After Week 2, I found it difficult to understand the content being taught and to be engaged.

However, the formulas I learnt will definitely help me in the future personally as well as professionally.

By Arpita C

Feb 9, 2019

I enjoyed the course. However there were some portions of the course, mostly during Week 3 which moved along too quickly. I would have liked for the course to have spent more time in process involved in determining the Free Cash Flows. Overall, I was able to add a feather to my cap.

By Nate K

Jan 12, 2019

While the course was informative, I find it lacking in the amount of example problems the instructor solved. Due to the lack of example problems and the unavailability of solutions for the quiz questions, it is difficult to figure out the right way to approach and answer questions.

By Leo J

Apr 19, 2021

So many errors in the exercises of the course makes it feel unprofessional. Otherwise content is ok but i think it is more mathematical and can be understood well when done in conjunction with other finance courses such as financial accounting or with some financial background

By 邓嘉

Jan 10, 2016

The course is pretty good and professor gives instructive lessons. However, in my opinion, 4 weeks of courses are relatively short and the content can be broaden to some degree. Anyway, it can be used as finance foundation course. I like it very much personally.

By Masahiro

Jun 2, 2021

The course material (video and lecture notes) were really good, well explained. However, the quiz was annoying because some quizes have not been corrected even some people already pointed out. Becaue of that, people were not able to measure their comprehension

By Camila L

Jul 6, 2024

Great course but really messy tests and would have loved more background reading as I am a complete beginner (most of the lectures assumed a much more sophisticated understanding of the underlying concepts than one can reasonably expect a beginner to have).

By Julien O

Mar 24, 2021

Sample exercises (mentioned by the professor) would be very helpful. Also, the "Cost of Capital" lecture he mentions as the follow-up from his last lecture is not available. Overall a bit disappointing compared with the other courses in this specialization.

By Bahgi B

Apr 5, 2018

Excel training on financial should be an integral part of this course. Otherwise, the assignments are impossible to complete. It took me 200% more time to figure out the calculations; which was more complicated than learning the lessons from the professor.

By geetika p

Aug 23, 2020

Course should have covered more topics like cost to capital. More practice material on Decision making with DCF, Sensitivity Analysis and ROI would have been beneficial. But whatever was taught by Prof. Michael was good enough for starters.

By Javed R

Feb 12, 2016

Good course overall. Some videos were far too long (15+ mins). Too much time spent on manipulating data in Excel and not enough on explaining concepts. Data sheets are distracting and turn most people off when displayed for too long.

By Gunduz

Jan 10, 2016

The overall course is interesting, however it is my belief that the course lacks structure.

The materials for each week do not seem to have any obvious relationship with each other.

Also, the weekly content could have been more broad.