Jan 17, 2020
I am very thankful to you sir.. i have learned so much great things through this course.this course is very helpful for my career. i would like to learn more courses from you. thank you so much.
Mar 11, 2019
The course is actually pretty good, however the mix between basic subjects (like univariate linear regression) and relatively advanced topics (marginal models) may discourage some students.
By Houtan G J
•Jul 18, 2020
This is the worst course I have ever wasted my time and patient on it. I don't understand how can a specialization with net materials including at most 30pages of pdf and 2 hours video get stretched for 12 weeks in lengthy boring videos mostly by young students who don't have a deep understanding of what they are talking about!! just to give you how pointless this specialization is I finished the 3rd course week 3 and 4 in 5 min by just solving quizes. this specialization explains ideas and materials which are so simple that you could grasp in 2 minute if explained by a knowledgable teacher, in hours on non sense boring repetitive shallow talks. no math explained properly, no plot explained properly. there are hours of videos that TAs going through notebooks and reading the code already written with no explanation of underlying mechanisms, which could shorten the specialization by removing them. I can't understand why this specialization is popular! maybe because you can get certificate without watching anything!
By Tamer G
•Jun 26, 2021
the focus only on statistics not python which I think is the main reason for every one who enrolled in this course, it was even too much fast for statistics and very poor python assessment and tutorials, I don't recommend this course to any one.
By Akash A
•Jul 23, 2020
This was a poorly designed course compared to other online courses. A lot of different topics were covered without going into depth of any topic. Week 3 and Week 4 topics are not valuable at all.
By Shen T
•Dec 20, 2023
Starting from week 3, the lecture becomes very confusing with a lot of unexplained terminologies. Very few examples were given to help understanding the concepts.
•May 31, 2023
Desde mi punto de vista, considero que la especialización esta muy bien, sobre todo porque se refuerza de manera constante los aprendizajes teoricos, y al mismo tiempo existe la posibilidad de replicar el codigo dentro de los cuadernos de jupyter, ahora, evidentemente hay muchas cosas por mejorar, inicialmente el código ya esta depredado en muchos elementos y lo ideal serÃa corregir esto, también hay errores absurdos, por ejemplo dentro de los notebook hay errores y en muchas ocasiones no coincide el notebook con las explicaciones previas. En este ultimo curso, hubo un reto muy grande porque se explica que son los modelos de regresion lineal y logisticos, marginales y jerarquicos, y es un tema que desde mi punto de vista fue mucho más complejo de entender que los otros, entonces serÃa agradable que se incluyeran más ejemplos. No obstante, recomiendo enormemente esta especialización. Para mi tiene más cosas positivas que negativas, el foro es un mecanismo para salir de dudas y observar el avance de otros, además como ya lo mencione, creo que como aprendices necesitamos buenas bases conceptuales y esto nos ayudará a mejorar en proyectos propios o a entender otros cursos que tomemos con más facilidad.
By Ivan V
•Jun 23, 2024
This is a nice course that allows all your eugenic believes to be statistically justified! No, I'm kidding - I'm a medical professional and many topics in statistic courses touch medicine closely, and they're easy to interpret with malicious thought. This is obvious to me, but I doubt it is not non-medicals, including staff :) So, the real review: The course is excellent, easily the best of all three in the pack, and well worth studying. It is good that there is much more self-studying, and examples from the web are excellent. The previous two had some problems, but this one is top-notch. I recommend it highly!
By Hung W K
•Jan 22, 2025
It is good to learn about multivariate model. Previously, when I played kaggle titanic and house price regression, I observed combining few separate high predictive columns together might give bad overall predictive result. This course touch on those issues when multiple features interact. The last week demo is helpful to complement with the previous week lecture detail. A good team of instructors.
By Walt T S L
•Nov 20, 2020
Great statistical lessons, I did not realize there were more regression-type models besides Ordinary Least Squares, which expanded my learning horizon, and of course, applied using Python Jupyter Notebooks. Python Code was comprehensive and enabled easy following. It was immensely helpful as I did not know how to even begin constructing a linear model study, using independent or dependent data.
By ellie c
•Aug 15, 2020
The most difficult course in this specification! The most important takeaway point of this course is to understand why we choose any model to fit our data, and how to interpret the model. Don't jump into complex math calculation, we got python to do that for us! Dr Brady did a very good job conveying those ideas to us.
p.s the forum has great discussion posts, make sure to use the forum.
By Luis G M D L C
•May 20, 2023
I enjoyed it so much! Super didactical and easy to understand! Facilitators are amazing! Best quality videos and materials! I loved the Jupyter notebooks created by the content creators since I can use them later as examples when I work on my own research applications! Thank you, so much!
By William S
•Oct 5, 2021
I have learnt to applying coding in statistical analysis. I really enjoyed the Week 4 Bayesian Statistics because the use of coding has added new favor to this topic. It makes the study a real science but not something set in the stone (textbook).
•Apr 7, 2020
A great course on how to fit models to data. Very rich on theoretical concepts and equally great on the practical aspects of using python to fine-tune your model, viewing the same each time as you modify data. Very fine course indeed
By Bharti S
•Jan 18, 2020
I am very thankful to you sir.. i have learned so much great things through this course.
this course is very helpful for my career. i would like to learn more courses from you. thank you so much.
By Alvaro F
•Mar 12, 2019
The course is actually pretty good, however the mix between basic subjects (like univariate linear regression) and relatively advanced topics (marginal models) may discourage some students.
By Julio M M
•Dec 13, 2022
This a fundamental course for everyone who is delving into data analytics. Important note: in order to access the full potential of the lectures, it is essential to attend all 3 courses!
By Kylie A
•Jul 12, 2021
Just like the other courses in the specialization, very well thought out and planned! Up to date, great professors . . . couldn't ask for more!
By Imre V
•Apr 14, 2019
Great review of machine learning used in statistics finished up with some overview on bayesian math.
Enjoyed very much and learnt even more.
By Camila B V
•Jun 28, 2021
Excellent, the explanations were perfect and its theorical focus was the thing why I loved this course.
By Kumar R
•Jan 12, 2021
These whole three certifications lays the foundation for learning Machine Learning a more in-depth way.
By Xinyuan G
•Jun 15, 2020
The specialization covers important practical topics. I am glad to have the opportunity to explore it.
By Alexander B
•May 28, 2020
Overall really great coure that covers a lot of material in a concise way.
By Tarit G
•Jul 4, 2020
Excellent course! Thanks to the instructors and the team made this MOOC.
By Fangwen T
•Sep 10, 2023
Very Informative course. Learnt a lot statistical model fitting skills
•Aug 23, 2020
An excellent introductory course to the world of statistical modeling.
By Nicky D
•Jan 22, 2020
Excellent course, really enjoyed the section on Bayesian statistics.