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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals by Google Cloud

16,174 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces the Google Cloud big data and machine learning products and services that support the data-to-AI lifecycle. It explores
the processes, challenges, and benefits of building a big data pipeline and machine learning models with Vertex AI on Google Cloud.

Top reviews


Mar 2, 2019

Overall a good curated course to help understand the GCP offerings and high level architecture of how their offerings fit in the current landscape. Easy to follow along as this was fundamental course.


Jan 21, 2021

Touched down on every aspect required on roadmap to Machine Learning along with big data. This will help to get which flavor suits or you find it interesting and then follow on next course of action.

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2676 - 2700 of 2,724 Reviews for Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals

By lluis


Dec 15, 2022

Really basic (foundamentals)

By Ho W W


Feb 17, 2018

Not much content

By Ristanti F R


Dec 2, 2021

Overall the course from Coursera is actually not bad. But then I got blocked by qwiklab for 1 month without any transparent notification of what was happening! I received error 500 whenever i wanted to access the lab, so i couldn't finish any of the GCP courses. Such a bad learning experience, wasted so much time trying to 'fix' it by following all the things they told me like clearing cache, changin browser, unenrolling from course (?), etc. At the end, once I confronted via email that they must have blocked me, then they admitted it and unblocked me. They told me they blocked me because I was using other resources that wasn't instructed in the lab. Why didn't they tell me sooner when I emailed the first few times? Why did I have to waste 1 month just to fix this? Qwiklab is so disappointing!

By Jose f R


Nov 20, 2022

This course requires previous knowledge in SQL that a beginner does not have, so copying and pasting SQL queries without knowing how to write them yourself is NOT helpful. Laboratories are extensive and the desired result is not well understood. Each laboratory could be divided into 3 in order to better explain them and achieve the desired pedagogical objective. It is not about getting a certificate. It is about the importance of learning how to solve specific DB and ML problems by yourself and efficiently.



Aug 25, 2023

I enrolled in this course more than a month ago but I am not able to complete it because of some error it is stuck on a video lecture and when ever I try to open the video lecture or continue the course . an error appears on the screen which says - sorry, we are down for maintenance , we will be back shortly . It is showing the same error since 2 weeks I have tried all possible ways to solve the problem . it is still not working .

By Tobias P


Oct 21, 2021

I feel ripped off. i completed the seven day testing period and finished the course in 6 days. After that I was notified that I completed the course and was congratulated. Now I have seen that with 41 euros have been deducted. With other providers e.g. with udemy the subscribtion was also terminated after successful completion. It is quite a feel bad experience and I will no longer use Coursera but rather choose other providers.

By eghadz


Aug 10, 2021

Horrible course, you only have limited time to do the tutorials which have errors and you only have a limit on the time you can do a tutorial which makes it difficult for you to think. You just copy and paste stuff without being mindful of what you are doing. The fundamentals course is way too difficult and has too much contents in a single week

By Mack S


Aug 11, 2023

The course is informative however labs are not easy to work with especially the last AutoML one you a required to use Cloud Storage but you are told that you don't have permission to use an already created CS bucket or even to create your own. I think it will only work if you are using personal account not the one given in Quicklabs

By Ajay g


May 14, 2023

Not really helpful. It is very basic level with no proper lab course set-up to properly allow to practice the candidate. Most of the materials are reading the documentation, which is free for anyone to view then what is the use of subscribing to the course and learning as I could have simply referred the documentation for learning.

By Sunil A


Feb 26, 2019

Shoddy material, quickly thrown together. Non-paying users cannot access labs. Why even allow them to enroll then ? Does not require Machine Learning to extrapolate a scenario where such a user is going to get frustrated and ask questions: "Where can I find the lab? or Why isn't my button to start the lab working?".

By Eivind H W


Jan 29, 2019

Following every lab, and every test. There is a video where the exact same is done all over again in a video. I do not feel like this immediate repetition helps me in any way, and after having watched one and a half of the lab review videos, I skipped through the rest.

By Intyaud B


Nov 1, 2021

Lab instructions are not very clear. Trying to load into a lab and it keeps loading and asking me to verify images, then when I do, it tells me my last lab was ended because I did not follow instructions.

I am clueless as to the reason I'm getting that message.

By Sajad M


May 14, 2022

The course doesn't introduce you to the concepts. The labs don't explain how things work, they just list some instructions without any explanation. Some labs have problem and dont work properly and they dont help you to solve them. It is so frustrating!!!!!

By amin s


Apr 23, 2019

utter waste of time, its just a cheap ad to promote a google cloud platform which no one likes/uses. i thought i would learn something but this course is a complete garbage. didn't expect coursera to provide such a low grade course. highly disappointed.

By Rajesh B


Jan 31, 2023

I faced problems with 2 labs

(1) My Org IT policy prohibits uploading a file to Google

(2) Predicting loan risk with AutoML Lab :: training takes more than 2 hours and deployment another 15 minutes ::: Attempted twice but could not complete the lab

By Eric H


Aug 11, 2020

Basically a Google advertisement disguised as an online course. Labs and quizzes are trivially easy, very little work necessary to complete the course. Will not be proceeding with the rest of the courses in this specialization.

By Stephen K


Oct 11, 2020

This course is basically just an ad for GCP. While the labs are helpful to get an idea of the capabilities, I don't think I learned anything I could apply in a future career. Perhaps the more advanced courses are more useful.

By Ciprian D


Feb 2, 2019

This course/specialization is seriously insufficient in order to pass the GCP certification. A lot of knowledge from the Architecture course would still be necessary. The disclaimer about work experience does not cover that.

By Christopher O


Jul 15, 2024

First actual lab wouldn't work. Then I was charged despite me trying to cancel the course. I highly recommend you just read the documentation and get a trial account to play with in GCP instead.

By Mike W


Jun 22, 2019

The notebook based demos are unfortunately pretty useless as labs. All of these courses would be much improved with real labs that require the student to build the system.

By Sebastian R


Nov 15, 2019

I singed up for this suppossed free course and now I got charged 44 euros. I do not want this and I deamand a refund. I'had already cancell all my subscriptions.

By Unreal W


Jun 17, 2019

Too abstract. Don't use acronyms without explaining the acronyms or paste lines of code with little to no explanation. K.I.S.S ( keep it simple stupid)

By Shalahuddin A A


May 5, 2020

It like an advertisement for Google Cloud Platform. The lab is too easy, just copy and paste without the need of thinking to solve a problem.

By Nas S


Aug 31, 2022

Just a walking advertisement for google services that teaches very little and doesn't remind you when a payment is coming and charges you



Apr 6, 2024

The labs are mostly waiting for environments to spin up, then following really simple instructions. Total waste of time and money.