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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Social Media Data Analytics by University of Washington

293 ratings

About the Course

Learner Outcomes: After taking this course, you will be able to: - Utilize various Application Programming Interface (API) services to collect data
from different social media sources such as YouTube, Twitter, and Flickr. - Process the collected data - primarily structured - using methods
involving correlation, regression, and classification to derive insights about the sources and people who generated that data. - Analyze
unstructured data - primarily textual comments - for sentiments expressed in them. - Use different tools for collecting, analyzing, and exploring
social media data for research and development purposes. Sample Learner Story: Data analyst wanting to leverage social m...

Top reviews


Feb 9, 2020

It was a very great experience while learning.Good Tutors as well good tone of speaking.I really liked the course and looking forward for more courses.


May 19, 2020

Give me the way to tackle data collection and analysis with Twitter, YouTube, and Yelp. It learns me to process and visualize of social media data.

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76 - 76 of 76 Reviews for Social Media Data Analytics

By Faiezy H

Aug 21, 2017

Very little appreciation of the codes provided