Jun 21, 2020
This course was very informative and interesting! I enjoyed the lectures as well as the instructors and also loved that it focused on many different kinds animal welfare issues. Definitely recommend!
Apr 27, 2020
Its a nicely designed course. It sheds light on many animal care practices and welfare. Very well instructions and quiz sessions are arranged. Many important learnings and takeaways from the course.
By Farah E
•Feb 2, 2017
Not very useful. Somehow general.
By Natalie E H
•May 22, 2016
*No Stars*
Another boring animal class that I would not recommend. The teachers do seem nice and well educated however it is still too boring and slow for me.
By Muhammad Q
•May 14, 2020
this course was free now a days, but now demanding 49 dollars.............very poor..............
By Melinda B
•Nov 13, 2015
Video's have no sound
By Seyed m a r s
•Jan 16, 2022
Hello, I am Mohammad Amin. I live in Iran. The economic situation of my country is not good. I need to participate in this course to strengthen my resume. I am going to study at a European university. I love veterinary medicine. Please help me so that I can help animals and be a useful human being. The cost of obtaining this degree is high in my country. We make money with difficulty. My father is a worker and he wants me to be a veterinarian. Receiving a degree in this course helps me to study veterinary medicine at a European university. Please accept my request. I have to get this degree. I'm not rich, but with this degree I can be a better human being to serve animals. May God support you. Thanks to the good Coursera team. I hope I can repay your kindness. i love coursera. i love Edinburgh. i love Veterinary
By Kathy L
•Oct 29, 2017
This course gave me a lot of things to think about. For example, the stereotypies exhibited by animals that have had negative experiences reminded me of how some people with autism display stereotypies in their response to sensory stimulation (either hyporeactivity or hyper-reactivity). That might be an interesting thing to explore neurologically, but I know very little about neurology, so hopefully a specialist somewhere will make the connection. Also, I have eleven indoor cats that I believe are in need of more interaction from me and mental stimulation in their environment. I need to work on this. They are all safe from the crazy drivers where I live, but I want them to have fulfilling lives. I guess that's my conundrum: How do my husband and I work and keep my cats happy at the same time?
By Grace G (
•May 12, 2023
This course was very informative, and allowed me to expand my knowledge and understanding of animal behavior and welfare issues. The only issue that arose for me during the modules was my issues with what some of the opinions people held were, and how I disagreed with them. However, that is not something to judge a course on. So, if you're interested in taking this course - just be aware that there will be things you don't agree with, yet it's important to understand many different viewpoints. That is something this course taught me. Without people of many different backgrounds and opinions to share their viewpoints, you cannot truly make change or have thought provoking revelations or research ideas.
Thank you to the professors who helped manage and make this course possible!
By Daniela V M
•Mar 7, 2023
Considero que es un curso muy acertado y considerablemente informativo donde la persona que lo toma es capaz de comprender los criterios básicos y generales de bienestar animal incluso como algo complejo.
Con este curso realmente se abre paso a la comprensión de los animales como lo que son; animales, y que en su desarrollo necesitan diversos bienes o recursos que deben ser brindados de la mejor manera para minimizar todos los daños fÃsicos y psicológicos posibles.
Un curso bastante bueno para nosotros los amantes e interesados por los animales. Es importante reconocer que los fallos en el desarrollo de un buen bienestar para el animal son problemáticas aún por resolver.
¡Gracias por darnos la oportunidad de aprender! Bastante motivador a decir verdad. Dios los bendiga.
By Katie S
•Mar 17, 2020
I went into this course thinking it would confirm my beliefs that we shouldn't eat animals. However, I have come to learn that it's not just about the ethics - we're called to look at things from an objective view as well when considering how animal feel, think, react, or why they behave the way they do. It definitely opened my eyes to logical ways of observing and providing for animals that are being raised for foods. I still don't eat meat, but I am more at ease knowing that there are measures put in place for animal welfare based on research and data that suggests animals had a say in how they are housed / treated. I also don't feel as "emotional" or subjectively angry about these things. I'm just glad we've made progress and we're continuing to make progress!
By John R E
•Nov 19, 2022
I,, not only, learned lots of very important information on this course about animal behaviour and welfare which is more research based and more dependent on the actual individual animal's perspective -but, it has also helped me to question many of the beliefs and attitudes I had before taking the course. As I continue to process this new knowledge and apply it to my life practically, I believe it will help me become are more informed and passionate advocate of the need to continually strive to improve animal welfare in all areas. Continued rigorous and truly scientific research, which is fully animal centric, is vital to achieving on going improvements in our knowledge and improvements in the actual welfare of all animal species.
By Anna K
•Aug 15, 2023
Thank you to all the instructors in this course. I do find it useful, interesting and hopefully, I can contribute better to improving animals' welfare now, beyond taking care of my cats.
As a result of my participation in this course, especially the part about farm animals, I have completely eliminated meat from my diet. I had been a semi-vegetarian before. What is learned cannot be unlearned, right?
If I may ask a question regarding your international efforts, could you share your thoughts regarding protection of mountain ions? in Nebraska where I live, hunting is permitted and it's very frustrating to hear about a new law expanding the existing practice.
Thank you again!
Anna Killinger
By Ismarai
•Oct 25, 2022
The "Animal Behaviour and Welfare" course succesfully fulfilled their learning outcomes. The interactive sessions contained efficiently implemented material, which was my personally preferred segment of the course. Nonetheless, I do believe that some segments of the material did feel quite rushed and almost as if they could've gone further with it and still made the material digestible. All in all, I am utterly satisfied with this course and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in comprehending different approaches for assesing animal welfare, as well as people who would appreciate a bit more insight into our coexistence with animals in different environments.
By Alisha D
•Jul 22, 2020
As an A-Level student (Year 12), who is hoping to go on and study veterinary medicine, this course was very interesting and informative. Due to the Coronavirus my work experience has been put on hold so this course will provide me with a topic to discuss in my vet school interviews. Although it may seem daunting to start a course with seven weeks, I completed it in five days whilst still taking my time to make notes and fully comprehend the material. I would encourage anyone considering taking this course to do so because it will help with your understanding and view on animals which you can use in your daily life (especially if you have a pet of your own).
By maria g
•Feb 21, 2023
me encanto este curso por que los animales para mi son como mis hermanos y yo darÃa la vida por ellos y no quiero que ellos sufran como han estado sufriendo por personas que no los quieren y la verdad me gustarÃa seguir aprendiendo mas de este curso y felicito por tu gran enseñanza que me dejaron gracias por todo esos puntos que me dieron dolores de cabeza pero pude comprender lo asà sea como me aya tocado yo doy mi vida por ellos por que ellos requieren amor de nosotros y pues estoy tan feliz por que mi carrera va hacer de zootecnia gracias mil gracias por todo lo bueno que me dieron para aprender acá en este pequeño curso tan bonito
By Morgan F
•Jul 24, 2020
IF you want a better understanding of what animals of go through this course will provide you with the knowledge and realization. That you might think animals have a pretty nice life, but no. In this course we learn about there welfare needs and there five freedoms that they desire.
Before I took this course I truly believed animals were living a pretty nice live, but after seeing the videos and these amazing perfessors and researches discuss and explain some of the negatives animals have to live with. I am proud to say, this course has opened my eyes to see the true and that everyday people are trying to fix the animals welfare.
By Daniela B P
•Jul 18, 2020
The course was amazing, all the content was pertinent but also very interesting, focusing on a lot of topics that even me, as a veterinarian, never put into perspective and never actually gave such deep thought about. All the experts seems very nice and professional, they all talk very fluently with great terminology that, even though english is not my first language (Greetings from Colombia!), it wasn't difficult to understand.
Thank you so much to all the experts for sharing their knowledge with us. Keep the great work!
I enjoyed the course very much and hope to see more in the future!
By Jorge R G C
•Feb 10, 2016
The course was very concise and accessible. I enjoyed the fact that there was a lot of people involved in the course, each one of them presenting their field of expertise. Sometimes a quiz-based course can be a bit dull, but the hangouts and comments let you question certain topics or practices and add depth to the discussion. I would recommend it to anyone interested in a brief, general introduction to animal behaviour and welfare (do keep in mind that it is not an animal ethics course, but the information provided can help you question or strengthen ethical positions).
By Maria K T M
•Aug 22, 2020
Very informative and I appreciate the definitions and terms added for such a limited amount of time. Sources provided are also helpful for additional reading and the course does show that it cares for the learner to be well-informed and to be entertained because this course is also persuasive as each video of the lesson shows visually the environment on what the topic is about-- for example if it is about zoo animals they provide videos related to it and inserts slides as well to show what they are talking about which is very helpful for further understanding.
By asheesh s
•Apr 7, 2020
Very very informative and motivational to sensitize us towards the welfare aspects of all animals, most important is that it opens our eyes to see these animals not from our point of views but try to see their world with their eyes and its not important that what we think, more important is what we do for these sentient animals. Thank you very much for opening our eyes, making us to think in a different way, broader way and specially to sensitize us to focus on various welfare issues and giving special attention towards the BEHAVIORAL part of animal welfare.
•Aug 13, 2023
This course is amazing. As a Veterinary student, it has really opened up my mind to the various layers in animal welfare.
It has been designed to enable learners make informed decisions and stance on animal welfare. It has equipped me with the right information to make evidence-based arguments on ethical and welfare issues regarding animals. The additional resource materials provided are so amazingly educative. I've loved every step of the journey! Now, more than ever, I'm certain I'm on a bright career path. Exactly where I'd want to be! Animal Welfare it!
By Katerina P
•Nov 27, 2019
Very helpful, well organized, eye opening course! Loved it! It made me want to study more on the subject of animal welfare and behavior.
I think this course would be beneficial for everyone today, regardless of if they have animals in their life or not, as it gives a very solid perspective, demystification, and understanding of what a good animal welfare means, how to assess it and how to objectively view the problematic of animal welfare in different areas, such as pets, farm/production animals, wild animals in captivity, etc.
I highly recommend this course!
By Desai N H
•Feb 10, 2021
Got to know cutting edge research being conducted in animal welfare science. Relevant research crux was shared throughout the course, it is the best part of this learning experience. Covered the animal kingdom which we interact directly or indirectly in great diversity. The professional manner in which all the instructors curated the course is admirable. Mentors' quick and continuous support in discussion forum made the journey more exciting. Tests were also insightful and in a way taught welfare concerns afresh and it will be remembered for long!
By Jana R B
•Aug 15, 2016
What an informative course! Your Professors (all women, and which I find very impressive and inspiring) are so knowledgeable, so broad-based, as well as detail-oriented in their quest to bring animal rights to the forefront of worldwide consciousness. I would love to visit University of Edinburgh someday, I'm an alumnus of University of Montana (B.A.) and Gonzaga University (M.A., and Ph.D. candidacy). Thanks so very much for offering this most important course for free and to make it available for certification so that it can be added to any resume.
By Brittany R
•Oct 14, 2018
Very informative, and it helped me see aspects of everyday life that were definitely "out of sight, out of mind" as it often is with lifestock (for those not in farming or thinking about what they eat/where it comes from), wild animals in zoos and conservation sites, as well as animals used in lab testing which I had always been curious about since I work at a cancer research journal. I'm interested in learning more and advocating for animals in any way I can while still trying not to anthropomorphize them so much (as humans are wont to do).
By priyanshu k
•Aug 13, 2022
I can see other side of coin after completing this course. Facts and figures actually helped me in understanding the requirement of welfare. I am from India, and can totally understand the requirement of Animal Welfare. I am into dog training profession, and can see the cruelity on daily basis. This course will help in many ways, specially, making people understand the necessity of Animal WElfare and I am going to ask them to provide atleast Five basic necessity. Thanks Coursera and thanks team. Appriciate your hard work and research.