Jun 18, 2021
I Thanks Coursera ,IBM and its team to provide us such a grade knowledge to help the world for protecting, analyzing ,recovering from the cyber attacks and otheronce again thanks Coursera and IBM Team
Dec 24, 2020
If you want to learn cybersecurity and you have no idea about that. Then this is the best course which covers all the basic topics and provide you a best knowledge about cybersecurity and their tools.
By Justin G
•Sep 5, 2019
This is bad.
This is objectively bad.
The quality of the slides? Bad. The audio quality of the presenters? Bad. The presentation itself? Bad.
Bad. All. Around. I expected a LOT more from IBM.
If you're going to build a course in English.. use primary English speakers.
If you're going to build a MOOC module? Build it. Don't slap prerecorded training from internal crap into a module and push it out.
The speakers gender has absolutely nothing to do with this course, nor should it hold any weight or impact. Knocking and police sirens? Really??
No. Just no.
By Ian L
•Oct 1, 2019
I have been stymied by the poor quality of the course material and the lack of proof-reading that has gone into compiling these quizzes. I don’t mind the occasional typo that gets through (those happen) but when I have to select THE WRONG ANSWER in order to get credit/point for the question, that is a problem (Please see Week 3, Practice Quiz: Incident Response). I am unable to see feedback on failed quizzes in order to find out what I missed (Please see final quiz in Week 2 – Many people in the thread have also struggled with it as well). I have no faith in the organizers of this course for the following reasons: (1) poor audio quality that is unintelligible in parts, to the point that even the transcript underneath the video says “[INAUDIBLE]” at times, (2) the lack of instruction on all topics while still giving us questions in the quizzes that ask about concepts that we didn’t cover, (3) the obvious lack of proof-reading where the right answer is wrong and the wrong answer is right. I am disappointed because this is not the standard I am use to with Coursera. The Google IT Support certification was of excellent quality and well executed. It was a challenge but it was passable. This IBM badge however has been a nightmare. I would strongly advise that someone at Coursera Support reads the threads and discussion forums.
By Prateek S
•Jan 3, 2020
I would like to demonstrate the course in both the ways, it's up to you wanna learn from IBM or not.
This course is very informative for me (cause I've zero knowledge about it!) that's why it was informative for me. The resources they are providing is very good. Here you will interact with some new terminology which is very rare to find in any blogs or any other platforms over the internet. So this is the good side of the course.
Now I would like to honest with you guys, this course is not properly maintained. It seems like somebody in a hurry collects all the materials and just puts it through in order to do the formality. The audio quality was very poor, so we have to depend either on subtitles or any DJ speakers (Yes, I'm not kidding. I'm serious). Apart from that transcriber itself couldn't able to do the correct subtitles because of poor audio quality. On Assignment 1 & 3, they have some type of grading problem, and also feedback for that is not available. There is also no mentor interaction, they just made video lectures and uploads on Coursera, that's it. Well, in most of the discussion forums, I've solved the doubts of most of the problems of students.
Now, the question arises, why the hell in Universe I dared to complete the course. Its because people haven't reviewed it in a very proper manner. In the very beginning, it was all perfect, but after the last video lecture of module 1, the main game starts. Sometimes I decided to quit, but my colleagues, who are also studying with me, and actively participate in discussion forums, advised me to complete the course. It really motivates me and pushed me to complete the course.
Well, are you going to the specialization? The answer is yes. I'm going forward to the specialization.
I hope, this review will really help you out.
Thanks and Cheers!
By Matthew F
•Feb 5, 2020
Terrible sound quality, muffled descriptions, some lectures recorded in someone's bedroom (it seems) with the neighbours banging on the door in the background, plus the quizzes do not tell you what you got wrong (like all the other courses Ive done). A very dry topic but no effort has gone into making this course interesting.
By Amrit S S
•Oct 31, 2019
Horrible course. Bad instructors, terrible audio and visualization. IBM could have done much better. Shame on you.
By Aditya G
•Aug 15, 2020
The reading link to Week 03's Framework and their purpose is Broken. Please Fix it. Everything else seemed perfect. I would recommend this course for people who think of starting their careers in CyS.
By Ritika V
•Dec 25, 2020
If you want to learn cybersecurity and you have no idea about that. Then this is the best course which covers all the basic topics and provide you a best knowledge about cybersecurity and their tools.
By Danquez R
•Apr 27, 2022
Best tip for these courses get a notebook and write down the question thats put at the beginning of each video then answer it by the end if you do this you will have no problem completing any course!
By Chantal L
•Feb 8, 2020
This course was very hastily put together. Two of the speakers were difficult to understand. One repeated himself so often that after a couple of videos I started to loose my enthusiasm. The speaker knew his material and had a nice friendly voice but he lacked specific vocabulary and consequently in a many places the ideas he was discussing got lost. Lacking essential vocabulary, he kept going back and changing words, confusing the issue. His explanations were difficult to listen to and read.. To make matters worse. In several instances, the accompanying transcripts of videos didn't match what was said, and could have been edited to clarify what the speaker was trying to communicate, but were delivered nonetheless. I had to transcribe every video which was both tedious and frustrating. Some videos text was too fuzzy to read. Lastly, every video began with the same static graphic of the hacker was uninteresting and boring. Overall, this course lacks development and polish. IBM is capable of better!
By Patrick R
•Feb 19, 2020
This course was rather painful to go through for multiple reasons. Main reason is the poor quality of audio and the slides. Additionally the presentation skills of the preseters was subpar, especially when it comes to proper command of English. The topics were kind of thrown together. Personally if I were IBM I would not put this out. IBM can do much better as evidenced for example by the Data Science courses, which are highly professional.
By sadra z
•Nov 7, 2019
I appreciate the chance to learn fundamentals of cyber security with you.
The vast number of topics made it pretty interesting for me and I couldn't wait to learn more.
Sincerely, Sadra Zargar
By Domantas Š
•May 26, 2020
To put it bluntly, the course is made very poorly.
Persistent poor quality videos that looked like they were cut up and stitched together, nitpicky quizzes that don't really test how well you understood the material but how blankly you memorized it.
Starting the course I was expecting a lot, but by the end of the first course, I'm planning on dropping it.
By Syed H A
•Sep 2, 2019
Audio quality can be a little better. Some topics are quite interesting though there's no reading material provided for them. The ones provided are excellent materials, no doubt. But, reading material on cryptography, encryption, DES, AES, that would've been excellent!
By Bolu J
•Apr 24, 2022
An introduction for a beginner that takes you through the steps, very informative, and helpful to guide you through the basics and move on towards advance level. I definitely recomend, Thank you IBM.
•Feb 7, 2020
it was a great experience learning so many basic concepts about the cybersecurity world , helped in understanding the key terms of cybersecurity and makes me stand out in cybersecurity crowd.
By Renaud L
•Sep 2, 2019
Heavy emphasis on videos and, sadly, they are not well structured. The teaching staff is made up of employees that do not master English and it makes the learning experience somewhat painful. They speak in incomplete sentences, overly using words such as "so", "someone", "somebody", and peppered with filler words.Also, the transcripts, which could be an alternative, are just horrible. I suggest using well-made PDFs, using the same presentation slides but with clear text explanations.
By Modestas G
•Apr 18, 2020
Very solid course. Quick overview about almost everything you need to know at the beginning. A lot of useful links with additional material to study. Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge, indeed!
By De L P G d C
•Apr 15, 2020
Some of the Teachers has terrible didactics, sometimes it looks like they are stutterers, sometimes the video has bad noises or the quality of microphone is bad (too slow or broken), some of the slides are badly drawn. I was expecting too much from this course.
By Shubham P
•Jun 23, 2020
By Bhumika R
•Jun 26, 2020
The audio in most videos is not clear. Besides, constant variation in sound and speaking style is not conducive for a good learning experience. Did not understand the voice in a few videos
By Deleted A
•Jul 6, 2020
Terrible sound quality!
By Edwin Z T
•Jun 2, 2022
Instructive and educational. Great and fulfilling course on Cybersecurity Tools and Cyber Attacks!
Awesome course fullfils its objectives of providing the needed tools amd skills in Cyber attacks.
By Oludemi-Adelaiye D
•Nov 25, 2019
This is my first course and I really enjoyed it. It's built on practical knowledge and has really inspired me to learn more about Cyber Security.
By Marty H A
•Sep 2, 2019
Very heavy on videos, though the audio quality and transcripts could be better. The quizzes could also be improved, as they are too focused on memorization of trivia -- a bit more engagement of critical thinking skills would do. I also thought the little story about Ronald Regan and "War Games" was silly...surely the U.S. government became concerned about cybersecurity in the 80s due to the rise of the PC? At very least, the course points you in the right direction for other industry resources; in addition, it's part of a 4 part program, so you need it, even if it is not the best or most exciting.
By Jon J
•Oct 20, 2019
Content was good but the delivery was poor. Would prefer instructors who are native English speakers as it was very difficult to understand portions of the content. Don't see why they couldn't facilitate that given all the instructors are doing is narrating.