Sep 6, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Oct 6, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
By Jesus M
•Sep 26, 2020
This course has been great in teaching the mechanics about learning and the practical techniques we can use to enhance our learning process and experience. Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski have presented key fundamentals to the science of learning in an easy to follow format and have made the process of learning tangible. I struggle more than most in learning new materials and subjects. Fortunately, after this course, I have a real practical application, e.g., Pomodoro, Recall, Interleaving, Memory Palace, I can use to progress my life-long learning endeavors. Thank you Dr. Oakley, Dr. Sejnowski, and the LHTL team!
By Stephanie W
•Feb 18, 2018
Learning How To Learn (LH2L or LHTL) is really so much more than a course. Not only does a learner gain incredibly useful life skills, as outlined in many of the other reviews, but also a community. The Facebook group and weekly e-mail from Barbara Oakley are great resources for a whole plethora of techniques and ideas about improving one's life. I would have been much better off had this course come into my life at a younger age, however, better late than never. I see it as a foundation upon which all of my future learning in life can occur. Please check it out and engage with the community. You will only benefit!
By Deni
•Mar 16, 2017
I am so glad I discovered this course right before I begin Ph.D studies. Not only were the lectures insightful, but also the optional expert Interviews and Supplementary readings. This course will definitely transform you into a more conscientious learner. Thank you Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowksi (and all other background workers) for taking the time to organize and share such useful content in a practical, succinct and lucid way.
Examination seasons are approaching in Jamaica, so I am motivated to write an article for the national newspaper to share effective learning strategies based on this course. Thank you again
By Vera D
•Apr 7, 2022
Dr. Oakley is awesome. She teaches in such a way that learning is not a burden but an ongoing journey. And she doesn't teach as an authority but as a learner and fellow who has experienced the similar struggles or failures. She encourages the learners through the content and also through her expressions and body language. I like how the course is made up with short videos (some other courses have 20 minute long video for a single topic which is quite heavy for brain to digest) and frequently reviews what has been talked about before while teaching something new - just as it teaches, spaced repetition is effective.
By Eklaspure P V
•May 19, 2020
Hello there, Coursera is helpful to learn about new things(about programming, languages,health... Etc). I'm enrolling more than two course on coursera. Poromodo technique, I never heard it before but I got all information about poromodo technique in this course. So many things which gave me the technique to study well and improvement towards success & one think, our teacher gave this learning how to learn powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects course as our assignment but when I started to watch i feel happy.One best thing about coursera is they give us certificate after completing enrolled course
By Bartholomeus A
•Mar 7, 2021
I learned a lot about how our brain works in learning: what are the should n should not do, why some are should and some others are should not, more effective and less effective ways and the reasons, and also tips and tricks. And these all make sense and have given answer to my questions of whether I am learning correctly all these times.This course also explain everything in a simple, easy to understand and concise way, that I believe the material should be taught to students in elementary school (with some alterations to fit their age, off course), to form their habit of learning correctly as early as possible.
By Sergio R C
•Feb 13, 2019
Really powerful and useful course about how to learn any subject or skill we want to acquire. This kind of knowledge if something we all should have been tought in school, and I´m grateful to know about how to improve my learning process now and retain more information than before!
The course is structured in a way that will enhance your learning, and the classes with Barb are really funny and pleasant. This course is really valuable (much more than what I paid for it), and I encourage you to take it if you are a curious person who loves learning and would like to boost your ability to know about the entire world!
By Kent M
•Jan 2, 2023
Yes, conceptual metaphoric memory chunking stored within an unrelated but familiar mental imagery To assist in triggering recall chunks of specific living breathing conscious memory .This is one of many highly effective techniques that I have gleaned from taking this course, Along with the importance of sleep, session Spacing, exercise, The importance of focused and defused modes of learning, Affective and ineffective periods of repetition and review of new material In order to create stronger neural links. Very interesting and enlightening information within here. “If you haven’t you should Take this course” .
By Christinas W
•Feb 3, 2021
I have already finished my bachelor's degree and am currently working towards my master's, so I thought I already knew pretty much about learning.
Indeed, I already knew about some of the concepts explained in this course but I never had the background information that really made me put them into practice on the long run. Other contents of the course were completely new to me and gave me a definite a-ha moment, where so much makes more sense to me now.
Lastly, the type of presentation of the knowledge and the videos were very well done. I truly enjoyed listening to them and would definitely recommend this course.
By Ethan R
•Dec 2, 2016
You're on coursera to learn right? This course teaches you how to learn effectively. So while learning to learn might seem like a strange concept (after all you've been doing it all your life) I would advise you to start with this course. That way, you can learn any later course better.
This course covers multiple learning techniques and, frankly, a load of techniques which are great to adopt for mental health reasons. This course shows you how to improve yourself more than any course I've come across. Everything is well explained, well sourced and effective. As a bonus, the additional interviews are fascinating.
By Anna B
•Feb 23, 2021
I thought the course was presented in an organized and thoughtful manner with a little humor, too.
The segments were a nice size, not too full of information at any one time.
Please tell the professor that I was particulary impressed with the idea that one can solve problems when one is asleep. My mother was a dressmaker, and at times she would be stuck on how to place the pattern on the material in order to get the effect she wanted. She would go to sleep, and in the morning she had the answer. That was over 60 years ago. Who knew that she had discovered what scientists would later verify.
Thank you.
By Piotr W
•Apr 3, 2017
It's the first MOOC I completed! And it was amazing journey! Learning How to Learn is a great motivator, it encourged me to learning, it braodens horizons... I recomend it to everybody! The course improved my self-esteem... The tutors are great! The material was easy to understand and not so demanding. It was a pleasure to watch the videos! I think the test were sometimes to easy, and you just need to rembember the exact words from the videos, there was almost no need for self-thinking, but still I am extremely happy that my first completed MOOC is Learning How to Learn! It will help me with the new courses ;)
By Ahmed B
•Jan 19, 2016
Extremely helpful for people of all ages and from all walks of life. The only really bad thing about this course is that this was not available when I was in school or in my undergrad years. Though, currently I am doing PhD, I still feel its positive effects in my life. I didn't know that this course, which I started in my leisure time, will have long lasting effects on life and the way I think and solve personal and professional issues.
Hats off to you Barbara Oaklay, your team and cherishing long journey derived by your passion.
Last but not least thanks to Coursera Team for creating such a wonderful platform.
By Marty K
•Jan 24, 2021
I initially took this course to gain confidence in my ability to complete and do well in an on-line course. I accomplished these goals as well as learning a number of techniques that have helped me to overcome hurdles to my own learning such as procrastination. I hope to share my learning with my children to support their education and help them to move them forward in their studies using a variety of the tools that I have learned. I also plan to use this as a springboard to advance my career by completing more online courses which will allow me to branch out into new disciplnes and expan my marketability.
By adrienne l
•Oct 2, 2018
The course was easy to do but I gained a lot of practical advice on studying/learning techniques that are immediately applicable. I also enjoyed the part where we learned the scientific reasons to some of the background processes that drives learning and the fallacies/common misconceptions related to learning. There were many concepts that I already know prior to the course but this course helped me consolidate my knowledge and also increased my enthusiasm in learning something new or challenging. The presenters, Dr Barbara Oakley & Dr Terrence Sejnowski are both very personable and delivered the course well.
By Михалева М С
•Feb 5, 2018
The course was created with interest and painstakingly, but half of it was obvious for me: the discussed techniques are possible to see at schools: for example, all the pupils know, that you need to practice and study information by chapters in a long period, not in the last night before exam.
But in the whole that was a cool expirience and I found some useful tips. Good analogies which were used in videos helped me to remember rules of effective study better. Furthermore it was a good practice for my English, I enjoyed while listening Barbara Oakley's narrative.
Thanks for creators of the course and good luck!
By Patric
•Jan 19, 2021
One of the most informative classes I have ever taken. The research was fascinating! The use of visuals and videos made even the most complex and challenging topics easy to understand. The sharing of specific techniques and varied styles of teaching were also helpful. The team approach to teaching and sharing of knowledge was terrific. The recommendations for additional reading/learning were/are much appreciated. Read Dr. Oakley's book 'A Mind for Numbers - How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if you flunked Algebra), as I was taking the course and am now reading Moonwalk with Einstein by Joshua Foer.
•Jan 11, 2021
Amazing material. The curse contains information highly recommended for everyone than wants to study effectively, or wants to learn and doesn't feel capable, or wants to make the best out of their time.
Every new technique to learn better is backed up by research, and all the material used to make this lectures is also on the references for people to go deeper into it.
I was a little bit sceptic at the beginning of the course, but this is not one of Coursera's number one classes just because: this is a fundamental class that, if taken seriously, will work as a base to keep building knowledge in other courses.
By Karen T
•Sep 29, 2020
One of the best courses I've taken in Coursera thus far. I consider myself as someone who works well once I’ve discovered how certain systems work, which is why I find it incredibly important that this course taught me how mind works. Being able to understand the different modes of thinking has also allowed me to embrace my humanity and actually be okay with it – that is, because I used to think that resting and sleeping are usually counterproductive for when I’m trying to learn. I find this course essential to people of all age brackets and sizes! It helped me understand my potential and actually act on it.
By Mehmet K
•Nov 5, 2019
Bu kurs hakkında bulunan yorumlardan birçoğu İngilizce olduğu için Türkçe açıklama yapma gereği hissettim kendimden çünkü bu kursu her İngilizce bilen her insanın, özellikle hayat boyu öğrenme gayreti olacak insanların, almasını şiddetle tavsiye ettiğim 2 tane eğitim ile ilgili uzmanlıkları olan Profesörlerin birtakım işlevsel ve bilimsel tanımlar, örnekler, tüyolar ve kazanımlar vererek "öğrenmeyi öğrenme" konusunu başarılı şekilde aktarıyorlar. Kurs ücretsiz lakin belli bir plana uymayı gerektirebilir verim almak için. Belki de Coursera ya da MOOClar arasındaki en faydalı kurslardan biri diye düşünüyorum.
By Wenye Z
•Jul 27, 2017
Great stuff! I had a blast with these videos - kinda literally, as I played nearly everything at 1.75x the speed. It was still really fun though, and very useful as well. To be honest, many of the topics that were touched upon were things I had vaguely figured out through my own experiences. However, this course has crystallised and validated those ideas to the point where I feel confident in applying them in real life. I'm absolutely certain that some of my past frustrations with learning were from NOT following the advice here. Thank you for this course! It will help me a lot for my current career-change!
By Hisham E
•Sep 7, 2015
The concepts of chunking, diffused and focused mode or learning, memory, recall, spaced repetition and and beating procrastination through immersing in the process that leads to a product were beautifully introduced in this course by Barbara Oakley and her co-instructors. The material is presented in such a nice way that makes someone readily identify with what one needs to do in order to become a better learner.
I recommend this course to everyone regardless of how skillful at learning they are. Understanding your brain and memories is a nice exercise on your road to mastering tough subjects. Kudos Barbara
By Pore J
•Aug 13, 2015
I registered the course in order to help me understand more about my brain and improve my learning ability. That’s satisfied!
The first week, I feel like both of professors are so weird and the video lectures like the 1960s movie. Surprisingly, after the first week I was looking forward to see them and the next session. I very much enjoy it. I like the course content- understanding how the brain work and how to get better brain.
I am very much happy that I had undertaken the Learning How to Learn course. And thank you so very much Dr. Barb Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski for this course. Happy learning ever :)
By Kumar M
•Aug 29, 2019
The course was very well detailed and helped me broaden my understanding of the learning process much much more. Both the teachers taught in a very interactive way and I very much liked their teaching style. The bite-sized tests at the end of each video were very helpful in retaining the key parts of the material. I am very sure that this course that I just finished will help me in all areas of my life and definitely will help me learn faster and more effectively, now that I have a brief knowledge of how our brain works. I will recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn, "How to learn effectively".
By Sanja M
•Nov 23, 2022
This is an example of the course that is well structured and planned. You move through the topics in feeling that you have really learnt something, as most of the time, you have to implement the previous into the next stage or lesson. Everything is divided into smaller pieces, so it is easy to follow. The way teachers speak is non-judgemental and biased, which adds to the total value of the course.
Whether you want to overcome your own learning difficulties, or want to learn how to help others in learning journey, this is a starting point.
I have enjoyed and learned a lot in Learning how to Learn course.