Sep 6, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Oct 6, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
By captpadua p
•Jul 16, 2022
Ao buscar por um curso que tivesse elementos que me agregariam conhecimentos na área da Neurociência, não pude imaginar o quanto este curso tinha tudo o que eu procurava. Ótimo conteúdo, bem administrado por instrutures comprometidos, com boa didática e principalmente com excelentes formações acadêmicas. A professora Barbara Oakley, tem um carisma espetacular, sabe se expressar e sua calma nos transmite não só o seu conhecimento mas sua experiência de vida. Adorei ter sido seu aluno. O professor Terrence Sejnowski tem profundo conhecimento em neurociência e abordou assuntos super interessantes de forma clara e objetiva. O curso deve fazer parte do currículo de todo profissional que busca complementar sua especialidade pois aumenta potencialmente sua qualificação. Todos estão de parabéns pela criação deste curso.
By Valli G
•Nov 1, 2018
This is the most useful course I have taken in my life.
The lessons are practical and useful.
I see much improvement in my learning abilities & I am more confident now, than before taking this course.
By adopting the techniques I learned in this class, I am learning new subjects to advance my career.
I had been working for years and out of college, I had many doubts about my learning abilities, in particular of new subjects. This course cleared my doubts, dusted off my core abilities.
Great collaboration of the instructors, Dr. Barbara Oakley & Dr. Terrence Sejnowski.
I am very inspired by Dr. Barbara Oakley. I have Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Engineering.
This is the BEST value for my money.
Grateful to Dr. Barbara Oakley & Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for putting this invaluable course. Best Regards.
By Nghia N
•Dec 4, 2019
I first heard about this course through others learning to program. I finally decided to start it, and I'm very glad I did. Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski both clearly know what they're talking about and their lessons and information opened my eyes to how to efficiently learn. I will likely have to pour over my notes again and again to make sure I am learning correctly.What I found the most interesting was how sleep rids our brain of metabolic toxins and that there was two modes of thinking: focused and diffused. I believe these will have the most impact in my studies. If anyone is on the fence about taking this course, as long as you are interested in improving then I would suggest taking it. It's free after all!Thank you for making this course, and I'm interested in reading the book as well.Best Regards
By David P D
•Feb 7, 2019
The course was absolutely brilliant. It opened my eyes to the problems I had recently encountered with making a career change and learning the subject matter as easily I was used to. The course also provided both easy to implement strategies for learning any type of subject matter as well as backing up those recommended strategies with scientific fact and relatable examples from their personal experiences with learning or by sharing stories about accomplished scholars and scientists who experienced failure and self-doubt on their journey to success. Dr. Oakley and Dr. Senjowski presented the material in a very down to earth but fun and professional manner. I would highly recommend this course to anyone and everyone wanting to learn something new or deepen their learning on topics they are already familiar with .
By akash G
•Aug 24, 2017
I found myself lucky that i found this course on coursera, attended it and completed it. Its not just a course but more than that. Given by professor Barbara Oakley, this course not only helped me to improve my learning method but also taught me various things, like various techniques to increase my learning power, memory power, etc. Apart from the course curriculum, what i found most informative were those interview sessions with people, professors from different places. You can gain a whole bucket full of information by watching those interviews and going through the supplement material that Prof. Oakley has included in this course.
I will suggest this course to everyone who are having a problem while learning new things. Great Course by Great Professor. Thanks Prof. Oakley for teaching "Learning How to Learn".
By Sai S P G
•May 26, 2020
This course is extremely beneficial for people of all ages. Best approaches and techniques helped me to learn and understand materials in an effective manner. Knowing about how our brain works and applying things which doesn't waste our mental energy is the main purpose of this course. All the faculties had really helped me especially Ms. Barbara Oakley. She was very much passionate and was very much focused on getting things understood by the students.
I personally recommend everyone to watch the optional interviews too as it gives us a whole new perspective and we can learn a lot from it.
Classes were to the point and didn't beat around the bush which is that one feature I always look for in any course. Special thanks for that. I am very much confident that this will help me a lot in my life. Happy Learning.
By Alexandre M R
•Jul 27, 2022
We don't learn to think about our educational system, just to repeat, repeat and by symbiosis we incorporate the information. Coloring, scratching, doodling, I don't remember anything in my learning that actually made sense. At 53 years old, I saw meaning in learning, in relearning and how difficult it is, but not impossible, to review concepts and then learn. I have a degree in mathematics and a lot of what I saw in the course fits perfectly into the mathematics of life. Sometimes we are so skeptical that when we see a paid course with the possibility of being free, we immediately opt for the free one to see what it will do. This course is undoubtedly one that deserves to be paid, not only for the content, for the didactics, but for the sharing of knowledge. Thank you Barbara Oakley, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski.
By Mahmudun N
•Mar 24, 2021
It was great to complete this course!
Throughout my life, I have browsed a lot of time to seek a solution for better study, memorizing tools and so many things like these. Sometimes, I got and sometimes didn't. After that, I got the course and when I had started it, I saw that- I am getting everything in a package.
At the time of the course, I was being surprised at every part of that course and felt regret for myself for not getting the opportunity to at the earlier stage of my life.
I must have to convey my thanks to my institution "Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh" for arranging the sponsorship to complete such a wonderful course and the sponsor 'Commonwealth' as well. Obviously, special thanks go to the course conductors for their nice deliveries and the related person also.
By Liuginsa R
•Nov 3, 2015
I am fully in love with this course. OMG! If I just would have found this course years ago, I would have saved so much stress and questions about why I am not learning anything from the bunch of text books and articles I read. Now I know I didn't have the right approach and I was just letting information in but it was all lost in the jungle because I wasn't taking the time to form any chunk. Another problems I had, illusions of competence and not taking brakes. Of course, after LH2L, I take brakes and repeat material more frequently to myself. I try to use my diffused mode to recall important information and stick them on my long term memory. Thank you so much to Barabara Oakley for all the interviews to different personalities and for her fresh demeanor while explaining concepts and facts. I just love it!
By Monalissa I
•Jul 23, 2023
The content are well comprehensible. The topics are presented clearly in a manner that can be understood by students regardless of the level of education they have already completed. The examples are relatable. What I like the most are the new techniques for learning effectively which are being supported by research findings and the science behind how our brain is working. It also opened my mind to debunk some of the misconceptions I had in relation to studying and learning. I'm always excited to discuss and share what I have already learned from the course to my students and even to my family whom I think will also benefit since some techniques can be applied for both academic and non-academic tasks.
The contents are well-thought of. So far, this is probably one of the excellent courses here in Coursera!
By Wenjie Z
•Sep 15, 2017
I was so surprised that I totally covered the courses independently. finally I finished it by my efforts. actually ,during in the period of learning courses online , I thought I just had a try to learn it , but at last I REALLY kept on learning the courses after everyday's work. I did it .Thanks a million for your high-quality courses which inspired me to challenge myself and build up my own learning style, especially I shared my knowledge ang stories with my students in my class. last but at least learning here online realised my dreams of receiving education in the United States ,Although I never went to the US ,I still learned such amazing courses online of the the US. Tahnks so much for offering chance for the people like me to broaden our horizen,build up our confidence and expland our life !
By Susanne M
•Nov 3, 2015
Dear Dr. Oakley, Dr. Sejnowski and the dedicated team in your back, who certainly were part of making this wonderful MOOC possible. As you mentioned repeatedly during the course, learning is a life-long quest and can be one of the most enriching endeavours if one has the right tools to not only know how and where to acquire knowledge but how to make the learning process fun and memorable. The MOOC and the book offer these tools. I have already sent out links - especially to my son, who loves learning but is at the same time a genius in procrastination :) -, to teachers, friends and students and hope that some of them will get inspired by you, the way you have inspired me. I will definitely follow you on Facebook! All the best and once again: Thank you very much for this wonderful learning experience!
By J C
•Jul 22, 2024
Extremely useful course that teaches a skill which, in my view, is both fundamental and vital, regardless of lifestage. Very impressive that the content remains as relevant in 2024 as it was when the course was first launched. I really appreciate how the techniques and tips are grounded in a deep understanding of both psychology and neurology, yet presented in a way that's very accessible, even to those who may not have a background in these fields. The instructors are personable and encouraging, and the optional interviews are well worth one's time. I decided to take this course with the aim of helping my children become more effective learners, but have personally benefited from the content as well. A big thanks to the team that put this course together, and to Coursera for making it available!
By Osei
•Jan 27, 2021
I found the course exceptionally helpful. For a long time I was very intimidated by the act of learning. I was afraid of taking test and making mistakes. To overcome this fear I thought it would be helpful to get a deeper understanding of what learning is and how to do it.
This course has deepened my understanding of learning and gave me valuable tools in how to more effectively approach learning. I also feel like it has changed my perspective on learning to a more healthy one.
In the course there is a deep emphasis on the process instead of the product of learning. Being focused on the process has given me a sense of enjoyment I haven't felt in a very long time. I finished the course in a relatively short time and intent to refer back to it more often to solidify my understanding.
Strongly recommend.
By Janet B
•Feb 24, 2017
Interesting, engaging and educational! This course is taught in a motivating, fun style that will keep you glued to the screen. Learning How to Learn gives a solid understanding of how our brain retains and recalls information. The videos will help you to beat procrastination, use your time most efficiently when learning new material, and memorize information in different ways. There are lots of super test-taking tips too! Though not required reading, Barbara Oakley's excellent book, "A Mind For Numbers", is a well-written companion for this course. The suggested articles for each week's studies are enlightening and so interesting that you'll read many more than you expected, and come out all the wiser. If want to create a strong foundation for learning new material, this course is a perfect choice.
By Sebastian S
•Feb 11, 2019
This course is absolutely fantastic for anyone dealing with learning difficulties, or even trying to find ways to be more efficient at the essential task of learning new things. It tackles the science behind our minds capabilities to retain information. It also focuses on the cognitive and behavioural sides of compelling ourselves to keep learning from the age of 1 to 100. The chapter on procrastination and motivation was extremely useful to me. After decades of struggling with school and career related courses I finally feel that I can recognize the symptoms and correct the negative behaviours that held me back. The video lectures are very informative. Sometimes the subjects are presented with a touch of humour, which helped me remember more then usual. Beware of the Zombies and Vampire bats.
By Антон Р
•Apr 5, 2020
This is an amazing MOOC! Although there weren't any "discoveries of the century" for me, and most of the techniques that are covered in this course I suspected to exist or intuitive (kinda) "knew of", this course makes it real easy to see these techniques, use them to your advantage, and as a result - improve your learning and life in general. By using some of the techniques from this course right from the moment I learned them, I moved more easily throughout the course itself, so its pretty much self-solving thing!) You just need to start, and then with every turn of the wheel it gets easier and more interesting. Huge thanks to Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowsky for creating this MOOC and helping people from around the world to learn how to learn!) Спасибо, Барб и Терри!
By Amy
•Oct 5, 2019
This course is one of the best, if not THE best, MOOC I've taken so far. Dr. Oakley presented the material in a very thoughtful and clear manner. I understood the material easily because of her approach to teaching. Just as she suggests that learners use analogies or metaphors, for example, as a method to better understand and remember a concept, she also uses these methods to present the course material. These methods allowed me to do very well on all the quizzes (which was difficult for me in the past). I thought I knew a lot about how to learn before taking this course, but I was mistaken and had what the course refers to as "illusions of competency." I now know what to do to be most effective in my future learning endeavors. It was well worth my time and effort to take this course.
By Josephin H
•Apr 25, 2023
This is a really helpful course on so many levels. It contains very much content.I just did one or two videos a day, but almost EVERY day until I finished. I did make my own notes to each video, this means, I wrote down the key concepts of each lesson and also try to make it more memorable with pictures, gifs (I used iPad for digital notes) etc.I also used different colors.Summary: The course introduced new concepts to me, such as chunking. I wasn't aware of it. It also explains how you memory works and what methods you could use to learn better (Pomodoro, Spaced Repetition, Recalling, etc.)I would definitively recommend this course even to those people who don't have to take tests and just love to learn new things! ♥️Thanks to Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for this free course!
By Songly H
•Oct 9, 2017
Great course! Dr. Oakley and Dr. Senjnowski are great!
This "Learning How to Learn" course is an eye-opener for me as I am able to apply the techniques from the course to help me overcome my learning challenges, such as procrastination, bad learning habit like not recalling or doing spaced repetition, overlearning, too much focus on a minor detailed concept and wasting so much time. I learned a lot about effective learning techniques, which I have never used or heard of, such as chunking, interleaving, focused mode, diffuse mode, Pomodoro. I am looking forward to applying the knowledge and techniques I learned in this course to help me achieve more and better results in my future learning. Thank you Dr. Oakley and Dr. Senjnowski for brining this insightful and impactful course to Coursera!
By Safwan A K
•Sep 19, 2023
great course for any age group, i am a Pediatric Surgeon after studying my medicine and than my specialization for more than 10 years. This course enlightened to me the techniques which my subconscious was doing for me. I did not had any idea the techniques which i was using were factual and reproducible. But with this course i am able to understand the techniques much better and can reproduce those techniques without being in the middle of a major task. Usually these techniques came to me when my brain got activated to max due to a deadline in the studies. Now with this course i think i can achieve more learning efficiently. And this course for new people is like a treasure. I recommend to coursera to consider this as a must have course before starting the other courses in the website.
By Roberto C D
•Apr 22, 2020
This is really a best course if you are wishing how to learn! I was blocked in many new themes that I was trying to learn and I was giving up on many of them because I really didn't know that I was trying by the wrong method! I'm surprised how most of themes that I'm trying again are flowing well after applying some of techniques learned here. The course is very well structured and the empathy of the authors makes you learn like you were in a class with the best teachers. The bottom of each chapter presents links to videos and texts that worth to explore! I bought the book "A Mind for Numbers" and I have started to read it ... it's great and I'm loving! It's wonderful like the course and also a great review with the pleasure of touching real paper pages. Thank you so much!
By Nathan K
•Oct 22, 2020
Wow, what a course. No, this is not an exaggeration, and I'm definitely not sponsored by Terrence Sejnowski, and Barbara Oakley. No, I'm writing this because this course has truly changed my life. Not only in the short term, but clearly in the long term too. I can already see improvements in my university learning with the pomodoro technique, and I already know that I will apply many of the other skills to my learning too. This is the foundation course, the basic introduction course to learning in general. So it's really perfect for anybody who's currently doing learning in any regard whatsoever, be it high school, university, or just personal learning. This course gave me, and will probably give you the most important skills and abilities to aid you in your lifelong learning adventures.
By Lambert K
•Aug 26, 2018
If you are struggling to learn either because the material is too abundant, too 'difficult' or you are just struggling to learn as efficiently as you would like for some reason, this is the class for you!!!
Thank you, Dr. Barbara Oakly and Dr. Sejnoski!!!
I have now taken and enjoyed several courses on Coursera. Learning how to Learn has been by far the most helpful, enjoyable, and important class. I was absolutely great to explore how our entire body works to help us learn. I took extra time to complete this course because I wanted to be slow and progressively implement the suggested changes. I have experienced a lot of improvement... still working on some of the tricks to fully take advantage of the course and improve to the max.
Absolutely one of the best courses online.. and it's free!