Jun 14, 2020
This course helped me think of news ways to think and new ways to reach certain goals that I would have not thought about. It's kind of long but I was interested and completed the course feeling good.
Nov 26, 2019
Loved the practical "rewiring" assignments that helped me with understanding what really makes us happy. Not only this course changed my life perspective but enriched the lives of the people around me
By Richard L
•Jun 22, 2020
Good course. the only thing I would change would be the last three modules, they are redundant and we as learners can be pushed at that point in the course to new heights.
By Lorie C
•Jun 6, 2020
Thank you so much for offering this course. It was a blessing taking this course during COVID-19. My happiness scores went up and I've implemented most of the strategies.
By Rebecca G
•Jun 5, 2020
This course has really opened my eyes to the consideration of what makes you happy. The lectures are clear, engaging and the recommended reading / documents are brilliant.
By Kate P
•Jun 1, 2020
Fantastic course, so insightful and many helpful tips while applying them directly. Great, easy-to-digest videos, wonderful guest speakers. Really, this course was amazing!
By Lim K M
•Jun 1, 2020
Great course, super practical and love the candidness of the professor as well as the super hands-on exercises. Very insightful and interesting class, one of my favourites!
By Garry M
•May 13, 2020
The material in the course is great, I listened to the podcast too and found doing both together meant my learning improved, I've already recommended this course to friends
By Carol F
•May 10, 2020
A genuine student-friendly course approach - non-threatening so it made it easy to be authentic in your rewirement, feedback and self-reflection. A well-sequenced content.
By Marguerite M
•Apr 4, 2020
I enjoyed so much this course because it taught me how to apply rewirement techniques to achieve a state of well-being as well as the strategies to implement them correctly
By Lil G
•Mar 10, 2020
Lori Did a fantastic job!! she understood the material and was able to share it in simple and real life examples so that it made sense and really resonated thank you Lori!!
By Andrea O
•Aug 7, 2019
I loved this course, Everyone should consider to do it, it is really helpful, in a kind and smooth way... Definitely I will remember to practice it in real life. Thank you.
By Stephanie B
•Nov 23, 2018
So fantastic! I learned so much about cultivating happiness in my life and the way experiences will effect my world. I look at material things completely differently now.
By Rafael C
•Oct 2, 2024
Curso com muitos dados de estudos científicos, dando total credibilidade às informações passadas, além de trazer muitas tarefas para aplicar o que aprendemos. Valeu muito!
By Karla D
•Apr 3, 2023
Espetacular!!!!!!!!! Já recomendei a todos os meus amigos e familiares! É uma oportunidade de auto-conhecimento e crescimento incrível, cientificamente embasado.
Amei!! :)
By Sandra M
•Jan 25, 2023
Te hace ver el mundo de otra manera (solo si de verdad quieres cambiar). Te enseña qué es realmente importnte en el día a día y cómo ser consciente de todo lo que hacemos.
By Julie S S
•Apr 4, 2021
A comprehensive and engaging study of well-being and how to make positive and lasting changes in our lives. I found the course really helpful in refocussing me. Thank you.
By Елена С
•Dec 30, 2020
Very interesting and useful course! The material is provided in an engaging way, so apart from learning something new, you enjoy and reflect a lot. Thanks for this course!
By Chen J
•Nov 17, 2020
This is a very practical course. I think I have learned a lot of useful knowledge, and I will definitely apply what I have learned to practice and become a happier person.
By Sarah Q
•Sep 9, 2020
This course was very eye-opening. I looked forward to watching the lectures every week. Can definitely say I have the tools to increase my happiness now and in the future.
By Kirstin M
•Aug 9, 2020
This course was well worth the effort..it was creating a new mind set, gave me more clarity on the most important things in life and hands- on advice how to make a change.
By An E
•Jul 19, 2020
Great course with implementable strategies, and a framework for implementing. Looks at "what do we want the to DO, rather than, what do we want them to learn." Loved it.
By Lisa B
•Jun 26, 2020
Amazing! A really eye-opening course with lots of great impulses. Thanks for making this course accessible for people all over the world. I would strongly recommend this!
By Christine C
•Jun 15, 2020
This is an easy and practical course. It has a good combination of scientific research with actual things that you can do to create new habits and increase your happiness!
By Oksana K
•Jun 10, 2020
Doctor Santos! You are great! Meeting you is half the battle on the way to well-being! Thank you very much! I love you and Yale! This was my first ever course on Coursera!
By Froukje B
•Jun 9, 2020
It was a very helpful course, especially during this time with the COVID-19. It really helped me understand more about well-being and gave guidance that I was looking for.
By Kate
•Jun 9, 2020
An great course for those not used to studying .
Flexible and interesting , I gained a lot of useful information that I can now share with friends and use in my own life .