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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study by Google

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About the Course

This course is the eighth and final course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll have the opportunity to complete a case study, which will help prepare you for your data analytics job hunt. Case studies are commonly used by employers to assess analytical skills. For your case study, you’ll choose an analytics-based scenario. You’ll then ask questions, prepare, process, analyze, visualize and act on the data from the scenario. You’ll also learn about useful job hunting skills, common interview questions and responses, and materials to build a portfolio online. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks with the best tools and resources. Learners who complete this certificate program will be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Learn the benefits and uses of case studies and portfolios in the job search. - Explore real world job interview scenarios and common interview questions. - Discover how case studies can be a part of the job interview process. - Examine and consider different case study scenarios. - Have the chance to complete your own case study for your portfolio....

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I enjoyed the course. Getting to know the basics of SQL, Tableau, and R was a challenge at first but was explained in great detail and definitaly helped that it was a streamlined process.


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I found a new passion in data analytics. I already signed up for a data analytics boot camp to further develop my data analytics team. Thank you to the amazing Google team that taught the courses.

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151 - 175 of 2,355 Reviews for Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

By Oliver S


Jan 27, 2022

The Google Data Analytics professional certificate has opened my eyes to the field of data analytics, something I was completely ignorant to.

I really enjoyed the enthusiasm of the lecturers, and the wide range of learning opportunities they provided us with, from quizzes to videos to practical activities and other resources.

For those thinking of taking this course, give it a go, there is nothing more rewarding than persevering and completing something you've put a lot of time and effort into!

By Daniel Z


Jan 27, 2022

It is an absolute eye opener. I wasn't really confident with my knowledge, and didn't know how it would merge together, but this course made it so that I could work on a real life problem while testing everything I have learned until now. It has helped me a lot, and I am really grateful for all the work that has been put on it, I would recommend to at least have a look at the various Cases Studies that are proposed because they're really interesting, and will build up some confidence in you.



Feb 15, 2022

I can't seem to put in words how this course has empowered me and literally even though I have not started to venture out into the job hunting, with the skills I have gained , I am sure I can crack something. Thanks to GOOGLE for this great course setup, which was perfect in every way for every googler cum beginner. If invested properly in the entire course, you are sure to benefit from it. Plus the last capstone project is like the icing on the cake which will surely help in gaining a job.

By Adityam D


Oct 21, 2021

This course has been instrumental in helping me step foot into the data driven world. Although a part of data for a long time since I started working, I never realised there were so many ways and tools that could help me expedite my analytical skills. Also, I have gathered the fundamental approaches in moving ahead with career opportunities in data analytics roles as well. Thank you Team Google for the efforts that you have put in together to curate a course of such stature.

By Colette C


Jan 5, 2022

This is the best certificate program/course I have taken on Coursera to date (I have completed over 20 courses). What makes this course different is the breadth of material covered. Not only did it cover the technical skills of a data analyst, but it covered practical skills, behavioral skills, job-hunting skills (putting together a portfolio, interview questions, etc.). I am definitely going to go back over the lessons again, as I feel the time spent is well worth it!

By Ariel F


Jan 21, 2022

Google is so generous in their courses. They won't just give you completion certificate, they've also put up a third party that will affirm your qualification after completing their course. They also provided free access to platforms that are supposed to be with fee. And best of all, they also connected you to their partners so that the possibility of getting hired is so high! It's as if they've already prepared everything for you. Thank you Google! Thank you Coursera!

By Thessa D


Feb 8, 2023

This is not an easy course but it's all worth it. I did a lot of googling for codes which is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is quite a learning experience and gave me the confidence to start working as a data analyst. I know that the only way to retain what I have learned in this journey is to keep using it because the old adage 'Practice makes Perfect!' is true.

Thank you Google, Coursera, and the American Dream Academy for giving me this opportunity!

By Natalie M


Sep 26, 2022

This course is particularly useful because it is taught from an applicability angle inaddition to being taught by people who are practicing data analysis. It puts data analysis into perspective in a very simple and clear manner. I can not overstate the skill and technique and humility with which the instructors deliver the material. The I recommend this for anyone who is interested in data analysis but feels overwhelmed by database languages or programming.



May 7, 2023

I just wanted to express my appreciation for the incredible learning experience I had with the course instructors. Their detailed and step-by-step approach to teaching the material was impressive. The course structure was well-planned, with each lesson building on the previous one, making it easy to follow along and understand. The instructors were knowledgeable, patient, and supportive throughout the entire program. Thank you for a fantastic learning journey.

By Ryan W


Jun 26, 2022

As a newcomer to the world of data analysis, I have to say I was very impressed with this course. It was presented in a way that I could understand and I learned a lot. Some aspects were overwhelming but with a little determination and review of the videos and readings, I was able to succeed. I will definitely be looking to add to the skills I have acquired from this course in the future. I feel this is a great start to a career in the data analysis field.

By Ingrid C


Mar 21, 2022

Amazing! Just it! It took me 6 months but I finally got the certificate! Ye-ah!

Along this path Google instructors were fantastic, the subject and explanations were on the point. I can say I concluded this certificate with all confidence about what a Data Analyst does and this is what I want in my life, this is the right career for me.

If you have doubts, do not have, just do it and be happy about your choices, 'cuz you tried and it is the most important.

By Igor G


Nov 8, 2021

I have chosen DIVVY bikes as the capstone project and I have no regrets. Working with real data allows you to check on yourself what a job in a company like DIVVY bike sharing can be.

I have the most favorable impression of this online course. We studied the most necessary topics for future analysts of the data, the course materials were logically organized, and I could only dream of teachers at this level.

Thanks a lot to all staff of this best course!

By Thanh D V


Oct 27, 2023

Sometimes the course makes me feel like it is a little boring and too long. However, overall, it is a really great course. Because it helps me understand the fundamentals of being a data analyst. I do practice the code and data on DataCamp, but I do not have the knowledge to understand why I have to do that. That is really important, and this course is helping me to understand it. How and why is finally helping me to connect all the puzzles

By Julie M


May 11, 2023

The data analytics course is an excellent foundation course for beginners.

The course format is very helpful, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the subject matter and may feel stuck. It is organized in such a way that you can build your skills.

The capstone project and portfolio building are both valuable components of the course and help students showcase their efforts. Overall this is a very beginner friendly course.

By Eilyn C


May 30, 2023

A very complete course, with concise and precise information on each of the topics. Practicing with the additional tools they give is essential to consolidate knowledge. t has been the first time that I have done something on the subject of Data and at times it has been challenging, but I have enjoyed it, and I have been able to get out of the mess that I had gotten myself into by my own means. It has been a discovery.

By Víctor S G


Mar 2, 2022

SQL, EXCEL, PYTHON, R are statistical tools very common and languages very useful for any data driven decision and in order to test our hypothesis. This certificate is very useful to connect again with data and gives you tips to create a professional portfolio that might land a job. If your intuition tingles everytime you see a csv or a spreadsheet, then enrollat this certificate because it is a very wise decision.

By Cantrelle P


Jan 20, 2024

As someone who was intimidated to learn anything to do with coding or computer languages, I can honestly say I am so glad I took this course. It is a terrific introduction to data analytics. It is easy to follow along and I actually felt comfortable throughout the learning process. I feel like I know which paths to take to continue my learning and that with time and experience, even I could be a great analyst!

By Aalana M


Jun 1, 2022

OMG!!!!! This cause was in-depth and challenging. I fought my way through it to generate the requisite charts, however, I got stuck along the way. I will definitely keep working at it because the information was insightful, detailed, practical and thorough.

My only regret was the scholarship forced me to rush the course and complete in 3 months but it was well worth-it!

A course well put together by Google.

By Robert M


Dec 19, 2021

I have enjoyed the course. Although, I already have a lot of these skills through work and self education, it is nice to have those skills validated by this course.

This is an awesome introductory course that is a great course for ground work. Up to this point, I have not been introduced to Google's Six Phases of Data Analysis which has been helpful for thinking about how to work as a data analyst.

By usiel e p


Dec 28, 2022

I know it is a lot of hard-work and it is not easy to create this course but it is amazing. Anyway, I truly appreciate their time and effort to help us to progress and learn new skills. The team members and professors are amazing and they deserve my respect for sharing their knowledge and helping people to become better.

Thanks Google, Coursera and Data Analytics team for such an amazing course.



Dec 22, 2021

The Case Study seemed straightforward, but I lacked computer space and power to exploit fully the power of SQL. besides i lacked money to rent the space for database querying. I relied heavily on spreadsheet functions and tools to clean, organize, calculate, summarize for analysis and visualize the data. In the end, I offered credible insights that could lead to solutions of the business task.

By Liz C


Jun 8, 2024

Comprehensive course that provides a mix of theory and skills. Somebody that successfully completed the course could function effectively as a junior data analyst. The biggest problem with the course is that there is no way to ensure that somebody actually diligently completed the work and did not cheat. For example there were many participants that simply typed k on the discussion forums.

By Brandon S


May 29, 2023

This course has helped me achieve my goal of learning how clean, to analyze data, and share data. Although I do not plan to get a job as a data analyze, I feel that it has given me a getter idea of some of the tasks that I may have to do in the future after completing college. I am very thankful for this experience and am planning to take the more advanced certificate when I have some time.

By Sharifa S


Feb 23, 2022

Excellent course!! This course gave me the confidence to continue my path onwards in pursing a data analytics career. I now have a porfolio that I am proud of (was working on one while I was in the program) and will be starting a data analytics masters program soon. Thanks for offering this helpful course Google! Plus the resources afterwards to ensure that your students truly do succeed :)

By william o


Oct 22, 2023

coursera tidak hanya membantu saya dalam biaya, namun juga memberikan materi-materi yang diberikan sangat menarik, namun banyak hal yang membuat saya terkadang kesulitan dan harus mencari namun coursera memberikan pengalaman pembelajaran materi yang sangat baik, tidak hanya itu coursera juga memberikan sertifikat kepada saya bahwa telah menyelesaikan tugas-tugas pada google data analytics