May 30, 2021
This course helped me a lot on realizing what I was missing and the real mistake that I've ever made. By fixing my cognition in learning, it gave me a better chance to study and retain more than ever.
Mar 6, 2019
This course was eye-opening. I learned so many great techniques that I can immediately incorporate into my daily life. Thank you so much to the creators of this course for such invaluable information.
By Reagan C
•Jan 25, 2016
Barbara is a fun professor to listen to. The jokes and analogies can be terribly cheesy but they are memorable! I wish I had taken this course years before starting univeristy studies. It explains how the brain works to process, learn, and memorize information and gives practical tips anyone can implement when trying to learn new material. This is a valuable course that has already enhanced my learning over the 4 weeks.
By Chloe N
•May 11, 2022
I expected this to be another cringy middle-school-esque lesson on how to highlight properly and reread information but I was pleasantly surprised to be immersed in a science-based, highly effective course that actually kept my ADHD brain intrigued and invested. The skills you learn here are fact-based, proven methodologies from wo very reliable and fun-to-watch individuals and I would recommend this course to anyone.
By Francisco D
•Aug 20, 2020
I found this course interesting and wish it would have been available when I was in college the first time or even high school. What I enjoyed the most was how learning concepts that I’ve come across through my adult life have been gathered up and organized in easy to follow presentations. I think this material is so important that I’ve asked my teenage daughter entering high school this fall to go through this course.
By Juan G
•May 24, 2020
This was a great course! I followed three years ago, and it is great because it provides not only techniques (this is great!) to improve your learning process but, also, the background/basis for these techniques, and the scientific evidence for this background, as well. This means that it provides you with powerful tools to improve your learning process on your own, (and, in my case, my students' learning process).
By Adrianto R
•Apr 1, 2020
It's so helpful for me because now, I can learn how to improve myself and how to learn new skills effectively. This course also help me to recover from my self loath habit (when I failed to make some good result in work). From this course, I learn more about my brain, how to think and learn effectively. I learn so many things and I will recommend many people to take this course. Thank you, Mrs Barbara and Mr Sejnowski.
By Floriano G P
•Aug 8, 2019
This course confirm some point of view that I already had and show me new scientific informations and methods to study, memorize and prepare to tests. The interviews are interesting too because enphasize some concepts and aggregate some particular way to lead with circunstances. I think this course is useful to everybody and I intend to restart in in some months to check what I retained and learn again what I forgot.
By Tran T S
•Mar 14, 2018
Though I am a master student, I must say this course helps me much in understanding not only how to study but also myself. The strategies to learn in a more effective way are presented clear, concise, and easy to follow and practice. Moreover, there are lots of additional articles that worth the effort of expanding your understanding about learning approaches. This is a must take course for those seeking the knowledge.
By Giorgio S
•Jan 16, 2017
Highly recommend this very useful course. Done accelerated learning techniques in the past but as it turns out these can often create ilusions of competence. The scientific validity of the ideas presented make this an extremely valuable course for anyone serious about improving their learning, memorisation and test taking skill as well as making better use of that wonderful miracle of creation we have between our ears.
By Jie S
•Jun 27, 2016
This is my very first course on Coursera. I benefitted from it tremendously. Really appreciate the teaching, the material and design of the course. I have a lot more to say in details but just don't want to waste your time here. Please go ahead and check it out yourself.
I am in my 50s and facing memory loss and shortened focus as few of many other challenges in life. This course is greatly helpful.
Happy learning! :-)
By Nicola B
•Oct 10, 2015
I felt this course gave me practical tools to enhance my studying and increase my learning. I purchased the optional book, and found that reading it after completing the lectures helped to solidify the concepts learned during lectures. Barbara and Terry put together an excellent program. I regret I did not have sufficient time to view all the optional videos, but I'm hoping to go back and view them in the coming weeks.
By Stewart s
•Nov 25, 2022
Fantastic - I love the ease with which the materials are presented, and the way they relate to real-life situations. Barbara's relaxed attitude fills you with confidence as you go through the course and Terry's wealth of knowledge adds so much credibility to the information given. Genuinely a great learning experience that has motivated me to learn more and has opened my mind into how we learn. Thank you both so much.
By Tsegazeab S
•Jan 9, 2022
This course is absolutely crucial to those who wanted to learn new subjects and concepts. Dr Barbara Oaklay and Dr. Terry Sejnowisky are amazing teachers who really know their stuff very well. especially, the interviews of real world heroes and heroines of learning is really motivating. after completing this course, I feel that I am ready to learn new languages and scientific concepts outside of my field of expertise.
By Danutė G
•Nov 25, 2020
The material of the course is great, but I personally was impressed more of how modest, devoted and supportive teachers were. Especially that positive soothing manner of professor Barbara Oakley, i think, makes this course exclusive. Also all that metaphors of zombies, vampires etc., dynamic presentations really helped to keep attention and learn material. I'm so grateful for this opportunity of learning how to learn!
By M. A Q F
•Feb 5, 2020
It has been great experience to attend this unique course. A very important topic on which this course is based is going to be helpful to every student. In this course the reasons why some people do not get mastery of subject in spite of spending huge amount of time and energy are elaborately discussed and the techniques to overcome those reasons are also mentioned.
I would recommend every student to take this course .
By Hugo X F M
•Apr 8, 2019
I highly recommend everyone to take this course, you can learn a lot on how your brain works and consequently have a very strong idea on how to learn everything that you want in your life! Barbara is amazing and a really motivating person! I also recommend to watch all the optional interviews because they are made with amazing people that teach you and inspire you a lot... Thank you to the people who made this course!
By Ilya G
•Nov 26, 2018
This course is amazing! It provides a scientifically supported practical toolkit for successful learning. I wish I could learn it before my academic studies because it would definitely make my life easier and my learning experience more effective and relaxed. Fortunately, now I can share it with my children and also use some insights for achieving my career goals and "sharpening the saw". Thanks a lot, Barb and Terry!
By Ram R
•Jan 15, 2018
This is an excellent course - I would recommend it to anyone interested in learning especially people who believe that they CANNOT learn certain things AFTER a certain age. I am deeply grateful to the two very knowledgeable and learned instructors for the confidence instilled in me for learning newer things effectively.
What one learns with pleasure, one never forgets. This course pretty much satisfies that criterion.
By Flavio A Q D
•Oct 11, 2015
This course is a must. It explains a lot of key concepts that prove essential for anyone who wants to be a more efficient learner on any subject.
The various topics are presented in a fun and easy way. And in case you don't get it just rewind the video or look for help on the discussion boards.
Another plus are the various interviews with people sharing experiences and difficulties on their specific areas of knowledge.
By Jennifer Z
•Aug 27, 2015
Brilliant! It may sounds overenthusiastic, but this course enriched my life dramatically. I've got a completely new perspective on how to learn. Even only two weeks after passing the final test and finishing this course I can avouch my learning process has improved up to a new level, both in terms of effectivity and efficiency.
Bottom Line: It doesn't matter who you are or what you are specializing in - do this course!
By Lago T
•Mar 29, 2023
My only regret about taking this course is not having taken it sooner! I'm in the midst of a career transition and was growing more and more frustrated at my inefficiency in retaining the material long-term. This course really shed some light as to how and why some of my bad study habits from my college days weren't doing me any favors and helped reframe my understanding of how the brain functions, as well as memory.
By Grace M
•Jun 29, 2022
Learning How to Learn is a great course for those who want to clearly understand our brain functions and habits for building new skills, thinking and learning methods in focused and diffused modes for much more effective results in our work and studies, spaced repetition for long-term memory building, chunking for acquiring new things, time management and avoiding procrastination by using the Pomodoro technique, etc.
By Shuntell B
•Nov 9, 2021
This is a great course to take. Why? Leaning How to Learn will not only teach you how you should learn but why the way you have been learning may have been counterproductive in learning effectively. There are a lot of techniques backed by researched data proven to help you become a better learner, a better thinker and a better student over all. Trust me and check it out for yourself and you will not be disappointed.
By Aude L
•Sep 4, 2019
I especially liked the visualization with cartoons and the effort Professor Bloom puts into not only explaining the theories but also showing different perspectives on why they are solid or less solid, applicable or less applicable, and also show the evolution of psychology over time. It made me feel like learning more. Maybe about positive psychology, neuroscience, constructivism or even mental disorders. Let's see!
By Marianthi K
•Feb 13, 2021
Es war für mich ein besonders Erlebnis und eine grosse Hilfe. Es hat mir die Kraft gegeben, wieder an mich zu glauben und weiter zu lernen, etwas was ich meinem ganzen Leben über mache und liebe. Mrs Oakley ist eine ruhige Kraft, hat mich, mit ihrer beruhigende Stimme, unheimlich motiviert und durch ihre klare Stimme und langsames Sprechen, auch mit meine Englischkenntnise weitergeholfen. Sehr dankbar und glücklich.
By Poulamee P
•Jun 5, 2020
This is a great course. I recommend it to everyone. It helps us get the right mental tools in our mental toolkit to help learn materials easily, efficiently and with less frustration. It covers techniques to overcome all hindrance in the path of learning like procrastination, the problem in memorizing, the problem in understanding and solving difficult materials. Just GO for this course. It's totally worth the time.