Aug 25, 2021
While following this course I had fun and I started to enjoy again to learn in a properly/right way. It can be fun and playful. Thanks a lot for this course Prof. Oakley, Prof. Sejnowski and Coursera!
Mar 13, 2018
this course is great! I actually already know some of these Technics and concepts before i went into this course but this course did such a great job of explaining it the now it really sticks with me.
By Kiril S
•Jun 3, 2018
At this point in my life I am a professional. So much wish that I had the chance to see this when in high school or college. I've learned some of the techniques on my own through trial-and-error, and it would have saved me so much time. Will recommend the class to family and friends who are interested in self improvement. Thank you for putting together such a treasure chest!
By Vishwa A
•Oct 8, 2016
This course was an obscenely pleasing and satisfying experience for me. The lecture videos were very helpful,in the real life. It was indeed very educational. The lecturer Dr. Oakley, i should specify on, had a specific kind of teaching method, which was very very clear and easy to learn. Overall, the whole course was an beautifully emanating experience. Thanks. To everyone.
By Anupriya C
•Mar 1, 2016
Course was informative and well-paced. The videos were superbly recorded and points explained. It is suitable for students in school as well as adults trying to learn something new which can be quite hard at their age. A fresh perspective or insight into learning is always beneficial and this course can either surprise you or completely change the way you learn. Worth a try!
By Тамара Н
•Oct 12, 2015
Thanks to Barbara and her colleagues for this wonderfull course! it was interesting, helpful, easy to understand and fascinating :-) i enjoyed the images and videos within the course, the tests and questions after each video were very helpful to pass the final test and practise all the techniques (such as recall, mini tests etc) which were described and suggested at course.
By Fabio A
•Jul 25, 2024
Thank you very much for the knowledge that you have imparted to your students through this course. If it wasn't because of my procrastination, I would have completed this earlier. And now that I did, I have learned much of how to be proactive in dealing with my new learning in all sorts of subject matter that I will be going thru from this moment on. What an awesome course!
By Andrew R
•Jun 23, 2023
One of the best free course I have taken so far. I Do Recall application is a great tool I have been using for almost 2 weeks now. Consistency in retrieval practice is key to effectively create chunks. Focus and Diffuse are both important in learning new concepts when studying. Relaxation is also required for us learners to avoid burn out. We are not machines, we are human.
By S-shahani R
•Dec 5, 2020
I really enjoy learning this course thank to Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski.
Its really a great learning experiences I hope that I can share my knowledge ive learned to this course and I am deeply thanking Coursera for this wonderful experience and also to Ma'am and Sir for the woderful learner experience I have throughout this course. More power and GodBless
By Jimo K
•Jul 28, 2020
I would like to take this chance to sincerely thank Dr Barbra Oakley and Dr Terrence Sejnowski for been the most helpful instructor of my life. What I have learn in this course, I wish I had known those things 40 years ago. These two Instructors made me a new person in my search for knowledge. Thanks a million for making me discover the power of my brain. May God bless you.
By Antonio C
•Apr 28, 2020
It is a great course, pleasant and easy to follow. It shows us how to do what we have to do better. From the topics of how to tackle procrastination, all the knowledge about einstellung, short- and long-term memory, chunking, creating vivid analogies and metaphors, avoiding overconfidence, etc, all this knowledge has a direct impact on the adequate completion of our duties.
By Muthuselvan
•May 9, 2019
This is an awesome course and helped me to learn and unlearn some of the concepts about brain functioning while learning and also teaching effective techniques to learn. The study materials, course tests and videos from masters have helped to feel more confident and am sure that I can learn anything new with this methodology. Thank you Barb and Terry for this great course !
By Aliza B
•Jul 12, 2016
This course was sooo useful! I am starting college in the fall and thought this might help me; it definitely will. The main instructor is great; she explains things very well. If I learned one thing from this course, it is that I need to go back and forth between focused and diffuse modes of thinking. Just that one thing has helped me immeasurably since I've learned it.
By Sujata D
•Jul 26, 2021
The course has given me several insights into learning how to learn. The presentation style and the content of the videos made it very interesting and I am really grateful to Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejowski for their genorisity in sharing their knowledge and insights on a platform that would enable access to so many others. Thank you to Coursera too for creating this platform.
By Chen W Z
•Jun 12, 2021
Excellent course. Simple, concise and short, but rich with information on how to study more effectively. What goes above and beyond the ordinary study tip advisor is that they involve significant amounts of neuroscience to explain why some things work and why some don't, which is super duper interesting. In general, it's an excellent course, and I recommend you to take it.
By Cristobal B
•Jun 14, 2020
Lo disfrute mucho, ademas aprendi nuevos conceptos y consolide conceptos que estaban poco entendendos. Los videos son cortos, aun asi hay veces que me costo llevarlos adelante. El tiempo en 4 semanas es muy bueno para tomarse la informacion de manera sencilla y permitir que aciente. La pasion y el compromiso de quien lo dicta aumento mucho mi participacion. Muchas Gracias.
By Nandini G
•May 11, 2020
Great experience with great instructors. Able to get familiar with new ways of learning and new concepts that are very helpful for higher education and learning.
I would really like to thank both the instructors for sharing great information and help us for our future. Its been a really good four week session with immense knowledge.
Thanks a lot for such a great opportunity.
By Gerardo E C A
•Dec 15, 2015
Curso recomendado para todo aquel que es conciente de que siempre estara aprendiendo, y de que siempre puede caer en la procastinacion de algo, postergar una actividad, dejarla para despues, perder el enfoque, es siempre un problema, este curso te enseñan como funciona tu cerebro, asi como tecnicas para evitar procastinar, y como ayudar a mejorar tu memoria de largo plazo.
By Shubhranshu M
•Sep 28, 2022
Taking this course is a life changing step for me. I used to think, learning is just studying the subject or topic which with time we forget. But learning things in a way that teaches in this course will surely helps me in keeping it for longer run.
Thanks to the teahers and the team for this wonderful course. Also thanks to Coursera for bringing this up in the platform.
By Travis E
•Jun 17, 2022
I already love learning new things so having a guide show me how learning works behind the scenes allows me to now understand the things I've been doing either consciously or subconsciously or not doing, and move them to their appropriate areas. I can't say much because though I did learn many new things, not everything was quite new to me but I'd say it was all valuable.
By Abhipsa M
•Mar 31, 2020
This was a wonderful course. I enjoyed and learned mental frameworks and tools thoroughly. I'm sure they will help me with whatever I will learn in my future. I wish I had encountered this course previously. Plus the optional interviews with deeply passionate individuals and some Nobel Laureates were extremely insightful. Truly there are so many ways to approach learning.
By Kevin H
•Dec 21, 2016
I wish that this was a subject of it's own in the high school curriculum in Australia!
The tools presented are certainly useful in the approach of learning but very much applicable to many other areas of my own lifestyle. This course has certainly provided both motivation and stimulation for me to enhance aspects of my life previously lacking in effort.
Thank you very much!
By Oswaldo M
•Sep 6, 2015
Este curso me permitio obtener un nuevo enfoque de como debo llevar o crear nuevas rutinas para lograr aprender de forma eficaz. Los ponentes explicaron de manera muy simple conceptos complejos y usaron muy bien los recursos que tenian a disposición. Altamente recomendado para todo aquel que desee iniciarse en un MOOC o para quienes esten estudiando alguna carrera o curso
By Florence L
•Sep 6, 2015
Learning how to learn is truly inspiring, especially thanks to Barbara Oakley. Everybody starting his or her school/ university life should have access to this knowledge. It is really sad that none of my teachers ever showed us how to learn and why. But I guess they didn't know better themselves. But learning never stops, so I am looking forward to use this knowledge now.
By Surabhi H
•Aug 8, 2015
I can't explain how much this course has changed my attitude and thoughts towards learning!! It will definitely help me throughout my life, from schooling, all the way to my future career goal and dream. I thank the professors, Ms. Oakley and Mr. Sejnowski, profusely for teaching us the skills and techniques for learning, as well as opening our doors to a brighter future!
By Sonia S
•Sep 8, 2021
Easy to digest "chunks" of material offered in compact segments which were easy to follow made comprehension and completion of the materials quite manageable. I feel well armed with enough techniques and tips to make me much better at learning so I consider the course a great success. Can't go wrong if you just implement the techniques laid out in Learning How to Learn.
By Joey C
•Dec 29, 2020
Excellent course taught by people who really know their stuff. Dr. Barbara Oakley is great at explaining things in an easy-to-digest manner and seems like a fun person to grab a beer with. The guests they interview are also really remarkable and shows how much work was put into creating this course. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to optimize their learning.