Sep 6, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Oct 6, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
By Chayton C
•May 4, 2020
really slow videos with 0 detail, really weird questions after videos with answers such as "a million billion" idk what this is supposed to be
By Liliana S R M
•Feb 1, 2016
This course did not motivate me at all. Videos where mainly repetitive and the questions seemed to be there to serve no purpose.
By Artem M
•Oct 11, 2015
Only part 3 was partly interesting and usefull. All the rest is vain.
By Marwan s
•May 20, 2017
not very useful
By Thierry D
•Jul 23, 2016
nul de chez nul
By Neeraj K
•Mar 18, 2016
waste of time
By kevin b
•Sep 29, 2016
By Adetutu B
•May 22, 2020
I have just finished this course, and I must say that curiosity led me to take the course. 'Learning how to learn... ' I said to myself how do you learn to learn? Having finished the course, I totally agree that everyone needs to 'learn how to learn' If it can be simplified for the young minds, the course should actually be taken in grade school, then I thinks a lot more students will make straight A's. (Just my thought),
The saying goes 'who feel it knows it.' The experience and knowledge of the instructor's Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski coupled with the outline, presentation and video helps (if I may use the language of the course) in interleaving seemingly related and different ideas (using metaphors and analogies) through out this course.
How many things we take for granted? - movements, seeing, hearing, even blinking etc. The enigmatic power of the brain to process so many details within minutes, the power of your thoughts to change your person. Concept mapping, chunking, Procrastination and the Pomodoro technique (this I think we all do without realising there is actually techniques it, cues to procrastination etc.
There is just so much to learn in this short course than can be explained.
I am one of those who used the opportunity of the lock-down, it has opened my eye and I am willing to take more courses. I have also introduced the course to some people young and old to recharge their Brains.
It is difference from what I learnt in all my years through school, university and experience in life.
'The taste is in the pudding' My curiosity is thoroughly satisfied,
I deeply appreciate the instructors, Coursera and all the team members involved in making this course available online, Thank you
By Rajesh K
•Jan 12, 2020
Truly incredible course. It was rewarding experience to learn how our brain works. It opens many doors in our life when we know how our brain works, at least we can understand why we have certain kind of feeling. As sometimes we can't understand why we have feeling of discomfort, but it is the brain's signal coming from the subconcious that you have messed up something and now you have to look up where you've goofed up and make it correct. What I have learned is that pain is incredibly powerful tool created by nature. I mean how can know if something bad happened to you if there's no pain(both physical and mental). It's a nature's way of grabing your attention to address that problem so now and next time you be careful and not repeat that mistake. Pain, anger and frustration are really powerful feelings that can do wonders in our life if you acknowledge their existence. It is the path towards the truth. Just like in one of the optional interview we've seen the pain of his grandmother's death due to Alzheimer motivated Nelson Dellis to become memory champion. This course is also helpful for the people who are dealing with Depression, Social Anxiety, PTSD, chronic fear and much more because when they are dealing with those problems it creates a lots of confusion as to why they have certain kind of feeling.
Internet is such an incredibly powerful tool if it is used smartly. I can't believe we have access to such a high quality material for free. Thank you Barbara Oakley ma'am, Terry Sejnowski sir, Coursera team and all the people who are associated with this course.
By Jacques K
•Jul 5, 2019
Exceptional course. I work on personal development now for 13 years, have for example read from scott h young a decade ago - and now he is interviewed here and mentioned. Great to see one of my "teachers" featured here.
I have a bachelors and masters degree, recently got some more hard certifications (AWS cloud architect and developer) and needed a way to even learn more and more efficiently in the future both for work / career and personal life.
iI want to learn davinci resolve video cutting, improve in photography, photoshop. lightroom.
As mentioned, i have been working towards personal dvelopment for 13 years, read though about 50 books and 1000 pages of blog posts, but never retained much info - now i have the tools to retain that info, test myself on it, and use spaced repetition to retain it for a decade. Discuss it with my wife to even more deepen the knowledge. Use pomodoro and other techniques to really do my courses 100 percent and not loose interest after 10%.
Thanks Barbara and Terence for this great course which is a lifechanger for me even after i already gained so much knowledge in my past 38 years on this earth.
This course should be mandatory in every school education all of the world as it explains the PROCESS of learning and not just focused on the PRODUCT. I wish, i knew about this course when i was 15 or even 20 years only (now that i am 38).
By Valentin L
•Feb 9, 2020
A very comprehensive course on the subject of learning. I have used the research-backed methods taught in this course to improve my learning and not only did I gain a better understanding of the material I was studying but as an adult/lifelong learner, I use the techniques in this course to retain a lot more of my daily reading on various subjects.
I also strongly recommend (to everyone not just Math/Science majors) reading Dr. Barbara Oakley's "A Mind for Numbers" - which is a very useful complementary text for the course.
By Greg Y
•Jul 15, 2022
A very helpful course, with good content and good presenation. Well worth the time spent working through the lessions. Thanks for spending the time and effort to create the course, Barabara and Terry!
By Sharmi S
•Jan 10, 2018
This course was really good. I learnt alot about learning. I wished I took something like this before starting university. But now it also helps me to learn new things and I finally don't feel stupid.
By Alexander D
•Jun 2, 2022
Thhiiss course is really helpfull and brings a lot off bennefit to any student who wants to develope her or his brain capacities.
Thanks a lot to authors! I will recomend it to every person I know!
By Roman L
•Jun 1, 2022
While the information is useful, it is extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY, general. There is not much (none, really) included practice for students to try and apply the concepts learned in the course. Also, a couple of videos discussing brain chemistry could be removed completely without having any effect on the rest of the course - it was like watching a movie with several seemingly important plot lines given time and then not mentioned ever again for the rest of the movie.
The only reason the course took me a month is because I've been watching the course videos and doing quizzes on my iPad while walking on a treadmill at the gym 3-4 times a week, I've spent no time on this outside of the gym. So imagine how quickly you could do this if you actually sat down for some dedicated time to study. The whole thing could be finished in 2-3 days, max, instead of 4 weeks, and that's very generous.
I've enjoyed the course, I liked the way the information was presented by the lady instructor, I've increased my knowledge of how information is absorbed by the brain and how problems are solved, and I will use a couple of techniques in my further work and studies. But I would not pay money for the certificate for this course.
By R. R
•Jun 14, 2021
Эту бы воду да в засушливые регионы, или лесные пожары в Калифорнии тушить... Я прослушал лекции за две недели. Нового — нуль. Всё эти рекомендации, метод Помодоро, интервальное обучение, польза сна — всё баянистые баяны. А, и самое в этом весёленькое: рекомендация «Сфокусируйтесь!» Да если б у меня не было проблем с концентрацией, нужен был бы мне курс о том как учиться?! Ещё одна чудесная вишенка — интервью с разными персонажами. Да на кой ляд мне рассказ старушки о том, как ей помог этот курс, если курс ниочём? И это, как насчёт неприкрытого манипулирования и навязывания студентам ошибки выжевшего? Очень, блин, научно.
By Mark C
•Aug 16, 2015
I appreciated the new perspectives on learning, and the smaller chunks of video and assignments (which allowed me to spread the work out over the week).
The "Thanks for Learning about Learning" phrase was fine for the course introduction and the final module, but became annoying as the closing phrase. of. every. video.
Dr Sejnowski's skills are reading a teleprompter distracted me - I suggest doing some practice and redoing the videos when the TP won't be such a distraction (watching his eyes track back and forth didn't do it for me).
By Marcos P
•Jun 17, 2019
Based on the reviews I read, my expectations for this course were pretty high. However, the course ended up being very basic and I didn't learn any new learning technique. I think that for most people who have Googled study methods at least once, they will already be familiar with most (if not all) of the methods introduced in the course. The material may be useful for someone totally new to studying, but even then I would not recommend taking it. You can learn just as much is less time watching YouTube videos or reading brief guides on procrastination and learning techniques.
The quality of the course was also disappointing. The volume in each video jumped up and down across lessons or when different speakers took the lead. I am surprised to see there's so much hype around this course despite its simplistic content and poor quality. I've taken more than a dozen courses at Coursera so far and this one doesn't even come close to the best ones I took.
I'd recommend finding something better to invest your time on.
By Jack M
•Sep 12, 2017
It really didn't help, and all the test questions and answers were jumbled and hard to understand. And i found it extremely difficult to follow along with the videos which just made my quizzes that much harder. It's a good course and all, just not organized and everything the people were saying sounded exactly like the last one. Good idea and concept just not well prepared.
By Matthew B
•Jan 12, 2019
Some interesting information is presented that could be potentially helpful to students, teachers, & curriculum developers. However, there is little of practical value beyond a few simple statements, e.g. "Spread out your studying over several days." Or "Trying to remember is better than re-reading." Additionally, the course does not practise or model what it preaches.
By Brandon M
•Mar 10, 2020
The irony here is that the "Learn how to learn" course teaches nothing. What's worse, it has vague references to dubious, and likely apocryphal tales of late geniuses and how they supposedly solved problems. So instead of teaching science based learning techniques, it is teaching folk tales of the "secretes" of geniuses.
Don't waste your time. This is an embarrassment. I have come to expect far better from Coursera than this.
•Dec 29, 2021
Unfortunately I could not find what I was looking for in this course. It was mostly boring and motivating to watch. The language level was decent, I was able to understand almost everything although I am not a native speaker. I could not finish this course since it was boring most of the time and repated itself.
By Horia C
•Jun 13, 2016
This is definitely a course for someone that has finished a higher degree. if you've done that, there's a very big change that you already know about 90%-95% of the techniques presented in thous course.
By Vasili K
•Oct 5, 2020
Water over water. Just selling the books and personalities.
By Manisha B
•Nov 29, 2020
I didn’t get my certificate even after completion