May 9, 2020
The course had helped in understanding the concepts of NumPy and pandas. The assignments were so helpful to apply these concepts which provide an in-depth understanding of the Numpy as well as pandans
Sep 28, 2021
This is the practical course.There is some concepts and assignments like: pandas, data-frame, merge and time. The asg 3 and asg4 are difficult but I think that it's very useful and improve my ability.
By Dannis C
•Mar 29, 2019
Very fast paced, you definitely need to have a solid background in Python and the different libraries.
By 卢雅丽
•Jan 20, 2019
many functions were not included, so I have to look up many other materials to finish the assignments.
By Daniel D
•Jul 12, 2020
Instruction was often unclear and difficult to follow. Be prepared to do lots of learning on your own
By Sajjad A
•May 5, 2021
For a beginner this course is a bit intermediate the assignment is not what a beginner should solve
By Agamemnon
•Jan 5, 2018
Not clear enough to understand the lecture, also there is a huge gap between assignment and lecture.
By Renato M
•Apr 5, 2020
There is a HUGE gap between the assignment and the lectures. Otherwise, it would be a great course
By Ajay D
•Jun 5, 2019
Self- Teaching required too much. Feels as though you don't need the course and can achieve on own.
By Yi L
•Apr 9, 2020
It was OK. Too many stuff needs self-learning. Better adjust the course schedule and assignments.
By vaibhav s
•Aug 8, 2017
Assignments were quite time consuming. May be I did not had good background of python programming.
By Sushant N
•Jun 14, 2020
teaching skills need to be improved as compared t assignment as it consumed much time per day.
By Rugved R K
•Jul 26, 2020
professor could be more interesting like the one in programming for everybody in python course
By Abdul H R
•Apr 23, 2020
This course needs more practicing session. There are a lot of lecture but not enough practice.
By Monoplex N
•Mar 21, 2023
For the student who has only experience with PY4E, there is a huge gap to pursue this course.
By Chaithali B
•Jun 16, 2020
I had really tough time submitting the assignments but overall the course was good.
Thank You.
By Varun R
•Mar 27, 2019
Too hard for beginners in programming. They should mention this before we pay for the course.
By Harshit D
•May 25, 2018
Assignments are great! They will force you to learn. The professor and lectures, not so much.
By Patavee M
•Mar 22, 2017
Please provide more lectures. We depend on self-learning more than lectures in order to pass.
By Peter F
•Jul 15, 2022
frustrating. there's no reason hidden tests shouldn't be part of validation. it's annoying
By Ahmed W
•Jun 6, 2020
Needs more focus on Python. It needs an advanced level in Python libraries "Pandas & Numpy"
By Timothy P P
•Aug 15, 2018
It's stuffed. I had to review the videos over and over with subtitles and had to read a lot
By Philip H
•Mar 15, 2017
Difficult. I cannot recommend this course to everyone but just technically minded people.
By CSE_B_52_Md_Amaan_Shaikh
•Jun 13, 2020
Include some theory part in this course,as this is introductory course for data science.
By Zhibo Y
•Sep 13, 2021
assignment (especially assignment 4) are toooooo difficult for an introduction class!!!
•Nov 13, 2017
Good and clear video's and assignments. Unfortunately the auto-grader is a bit a pain.
By Surya G
•Aug 24, 2020
Great course but not for beginners and also i felt the lectures were short and rushed