Oct 31, 2017
This course is excellent! The material is very very interesting, the videos are of high quality and the quizzes and project really helps you getting it together. I really enjoyed it!!!
Feb 14, 2021
The course was really interesting and the codes were easy to follow. Although I did take the previous course for this series, I still found it hard to grasp the concepts immediately.
•Aug 27, 2020
By clement c
•Dec 13, 2019
Awsome course overall. I took one star away for the capstone project's correction system that I think could be improved. If felt this system to be too rigid. Maybe allowing people to give points 1 by 1 intead of just a few options (0, 3 or 5 points) would help. I also feel like too many points are awarded for criterias that are beside the point of the course (5 points for the number of pages, 5 points for knowing how to write an abstract, 3 points for redacting the problem to be answered). This skills however important were not taught in this course and are unfair to evaluate in my opinion.
By Khoa M
•Oct 1, 2021
The course was really great for me to start using R and build models. But it was really challenging. And the final peer-graded submission really threw me off due to the late / lousy markings for my submission and lack of available submissions for me to mark. Still an enriching and challenging course overall!
By Henk v E
•Sep 25, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in this course, and I do think that I learned a fair number of skills of real conceptual and practical value. Thanks to the instructors' team for their dedicated efforts.
By Eddie G
•Jan 21, 2021
Very comprehensive and challenging course. The explanations/rationale could be done better In the statistical programming parts.
By Daniele M
•Feb 11, 2020
Classes are very good, but people do not put much effort on peer review coments.
By Eric A S
•Jan 12, 2020
This course gives a very good introduction to Bayesian modeling in R using MCMC.
By Satish C S
•Oct 13, 2021
The course is very helpful for those who wanted to learn the Bayesian modeling.
By Dziem N
•Jun 22, 2020
The programming examples are excellent. Thank you...
By Stéphane M
•Feb 25, 2019
Good balance between courses and codes exercises
•Jul 17, 2020
I think this course is hard.
By Vittorino M C
•Jul 31, 2020
I learn a lot, thank you.
By Leon K
•Jan 28, 2022
High quality videos and lots of examples. Nonetheless, in some cases I felt that key concepts (e.g., Metropolis-Hastings algorithm) were only introduced on a technical/formulas level whithout giving an understanding why it works. From time to time, an overview on things would have been nice. E.g., when do I actually use which method. This is why I can only give 3/5.
By Juan J G T
•May 3, 2022
Te obliga a hacer una prueba final abierta, debiese ser opcional, entiendo sirve para la clasificación, pero si ya aprendiste los contenidos esenciales y no te interesa el curso para certificar ya, lo encuentro innecesario
By Serum N
•Feb 26, 2020
Such shallow course. You will be better off reading chapter1 of Bayesian data analysis. Don't waste your time here.
By Sujan D
•May 30, 2023
Why i still didinot receive the certificates???