Sep 1, 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and find that it encouragingly sets some directions, and of course, raises my excitement for further study into some of the different fields of philosophy. Thank you.
Feb 21, 2023
I already had a Bachelor's in Philosophy degree. But, this course has the potential to comprehensively elaborate on the aspects that were lacking and that I was unable to comprehend in a unique way.
By Eshraful P
•Aug 10, 2020
This is an excellent programme for students who is interested for online learning. I enjoyed this programme although this is my first online course.
By Sneha P
•May 27, 2020
It is very informative course which includes so many interesting topics. I liked the last week of this course especially the part of 'time travel'.
By Evelien M
•Aug 13, 2017
I found this course really interesting, learn full and it provided me with a broad knowledge about several general important aspects of Philosophy.
By David B
•May 20, 2021
An excellent, informative, enjoyable and challenging course. I look forward to studying more philosophy courses from The University of Edinburgh.
By Anas F I
•Jun 30, 2020
this is a good start for anyone interested in philosophy, but it is unfortunately too short and does not cover so much. otherwise, great course!
By Pati10
•Sep 24, 2018
Very good course - I think there could be more surnames, more facts, dates and titles, but it was okay. Thank you and I am waiting for more.
By Zack E
•Mar 20, 2018
Covered a variety of important philosophical topics with clear steps and consistent information directly reflected in quizzes and templates.
By Abdiaziiz I A
•Sep 24, 2020
First I thanking for all the teachers those prepared for course of philosophy and those who try to teach for courses so thanks all of you
By Fok s k
•Aug 13, 2015
Raise some philosophical questions for brain storming. However, not much direction of exploring further where philosophy should go.
By Celine H
•Nov 19, 2021
I love the lectures, but nobody reviewed my answer in the peer-reviewed assignment even though I have reviewed other people's work.
By Adam b K F
•Jul 6, 2020
Really good course for someone like me who is just getting into philosophy. Really gives a lot of perspectives into consideration!
By Ramez T
•Nov 16, 2018
Excellent introductory course that covers a lot of the basics. Would have liked to learn a bit more about different philosophers.
By Sabrina H
•Jan 2, 2016
I really like this course so far. The Instructors do a great job in explaining the material. I look forward to learning more..
By Vale
•May 7, 2021
Very basic but also very interesting course about some of the main topic philosophy has investigated throughout the centuries.
By Christy C
•Apr 22, 2022
The course is very informational and great for first-time learners who are looking for understanding more about philosophy!
By Patricio C
•Aug 30, 2020
Excellent course, the only thing that cause me troubles its the subtitules option for spanish, many times doesnt work right
By Jorge L S G
•Nov 2, 2015
Very well organized course. If you are looking for a way to get into philosophy this is definetly one of the best options.
By Remington C
•Oct 16, 2015
Lots of interesting ideas, most presented very well. Hit-and-miss for some of the topics, but usually spot on. Recommended
By Franco L M
•Mar 23, 2020
Maybe the tests were a bit too focused on the examples used during the videos, however, it was really nice.
Thanks a lot!
By Atheek A
•Apr 1, 2020
It would have been easier if the video lessons had more important notes on the sides such as definitions, tables, etc
By Julie G
•Jan 3, 2022
This was a great introductory course. I enjoyed the variety of instructors. Guy Fletcher does speak rather quickly.
By Hercules C
•Feb 12, 2021
Very engaging with good material and presentations. I had a bit of difficulty with the Scotch accent, but I survived.
By Benjamin V
•Oct 31, 2021
Great course, well structured and provides a great introduction to Philosophy with subjects that are relevant today.
•Feb 22, 2023
muy interesante solo que se traba muho y me saca del sistema y pierdo tiempo ademas la traduccion se ve medio mal.
By Eisar H
•Mar 13, 2016
Nice introduction to the subject and I'm just taking one point off for the organisation of the material presented.