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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Supply Chain Planning by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

2,940 ratings

About the Course

Have you ever wondered how companies know how much to produce in advance so that they do not make too much or too little? Matching supply and demand requires planning. This course introduces you to the exciting area of supply chain planning. Part of a broader specialization on Supply Chain Management, you will master different forecasting techniques, essential for building a Sales and Operations Plan. At the completion of this course you will have the tools and techniques to analyze demand data, construct different forecasting techniques, and choose the most suitable one for projecting future demand....

Top reviews


Jul 4, 2020

I am on my way to complete the specialization. I have learned so much about supply chain planning and forecasting in this course. Right from a different type of forecastings to errors in forecasting.


Jun 11, 2020

I loved the way course is structured and the way it is delivered, Mr. Rudi has kept it simple and makes it look easy to grab. He tries to cover the top summary of all needed subjects in each title

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626 - 650 of 659 Reviews for Supply Chain Planning

By Amjad A


Nov 19, 2020

the scope of information is interesting and important but I think there are some important information didn't described enough

By Pulkit b


Oct 16, 2018

Very less number of concepts covered. I was hoping that topics like Winter, Holtz and ARIMA would be covered

By Vladimir K


Feb 18, 2021

I wish there were more guidance on how to use the Excel/Google Docs platform to complete some of the tasks.

By Danilo C P


Feb 2, 2017

Several errors on the correction of exercises, not so deep material about the statistical analysis.

By Venkata S P N


Feb 15, 2020

Course needs to cover more number of forecasting techniques and few more practical example



May 12, 2020

very much informative and good course and instructor also good

By Joann L


Aug 24, 2020

I completed the course and do not see certification?

By Eliezer V


Mar 15, 2022

fair in knowledge but not enough to get a job.

By Pravin D


Mar 22, 2020

Deep and detailed knowledge is expected

By akmal k


Sep 6, 2019

basic course not that much attractive



Jul 18, 2019

I wanted it to be in more detail

By Craig B


May 17, 2017

Course explained the function

By Javier M


May 15, 2020

Not as good as the first 2

By Sami B


Jan 21, 2023

I am being asked to give reviews of work done 2-3 years ago. This does not make sense. This course needs serious updating, otherwise, it should just be removed. Newer ways of explanation should be applied too. I was very disappointed to see a great lack of effort by some other students. The discussion section is useless because this course is so old (the entire specialisation for that matter), that it is very rare to hear any direct feedback from the professor. I think it's best to get the paid master track certificate (if possible) as it may well be of much better quality.

By Tejasvi K


Aug 10, 2020

Basic forecasting methods are explained, but not really in detail. Peer graded assignment was tough compared to what was taught. No way to know whether we found right solution to the peer graded assignment as peers too were as ignorant as me about the case due to inadequate explanation.

By manuel s g


Apr 5, 2020

Tengo la sensación de estar pagando por un curso de especialización en el que el instructor lo grabó hace unos años y realmente no hay nadie supervisando ni contestando a las preguntas

By Anisha M


Aug 22, 2017

Tu calificacion no debe de depender de estudiantes. Ya que te frena el tu completar el curso.



Jun 26, 2019

Please revise on the submission system. The decimal places is really a headache.

By Syed T J


Jun 16, 2020

there is a problem occur in week 1 to submit the quiz

By Zhongjie L


Jun 24, 2021

The instructions over quiz could be more clear.



Jan 2, 2021

too difficult for begginers but useful

By Barbara G


May 1, 2017

Problem with quiz week 2

By Ana S


Nov 15, 2017

Very basic

By imane h


Jul 14, 2023

Cher support technique de Coursera,

J'espère que vous vous portez bien. Je me permets de vous contacter pour signaler un problème que je rencontre avec le quiz de la semaine 2 de mon cours sur votre plateforme.

Malgré le fait que j'ai vérifié attentivement mes réponses et que je suis convaincu qu'elles sont correctes, le quiz ne semble pas fonctionner correctement. Après avoir soumis mes réponses, je reçois un message d'erreur ou une notification indiquant que mes réponses sont incorrectes, même si je suis certain de leur exactitude.

J'ai essayé plusieurs fois de passer le quiz et de vérifier mes réponses, mais le problème persiste.

e tiens à souligner que j'apprécie énormément ce cours et je souhaite continuer à progresser, mais ce problème avec le quiz de la semaine 2 entrave ma progression. J'aimerais donc demander votre aide pour résoudre cette situation et me permettre de terminer le quiz correctement.

Merci beaucoup pour votre attention et votre aide. J'attends avec impatience votre réponse et votre assistance pour résoudre ce problème.



By Allen H


Aug 3, 2021

This course leaves a lot to be desired, i was epecting for more practical, real life cases rather than numbers and formulas.

We have to understand that each organization has a different method for demand forecast, many companies have this process automatized just like tha former company i used to work for.