May 24, 2020
I am glad to participate in this course. I really appreciate it and thankful for the coursera team. I also thanks to the professor Mr. Landers who provides wonderful speech and explanation. Thank you.
Apr 22, 2020
I enjoyed every bit of this course. I would recommend all my friends and family members to take this course and learn from this very nicely explained modules on Writing Professional Emails in English.
•Jan 23, 2021
During this course, I reviewed my knowledge in writing e-mails. I had the chance to remember the importance of the correct spelling, correct use of grammar, polite vocabulary and good structure, for a well written -mail. I found very interesting the distinction between the ways we apologize. Besides that I learned about high and low-context cultures. The best advice I received during this course: to examine carefully, who is the recipent, ( gender, age, position, culture ), plus the purpose, before sendig an e-mail and to write accordingly. I strongly recommend you to take this course. It's simple, easy too understand and really helpful. Thank you for this learning opportunity.
By Srikrishna K
•Sep 9, 2022
I liked the content, but I disagree with some of the comments and ratings pasted during review. I have to disagree to some of the comments as they dont even type a suggestion and just type "Z" . How is that even makes sense ? and I would appreciate , if qualified who passed the exams to review rather than someone randomly who are just rating with no reason and more importantly I feel they are wrong and I wish mediator reviews such ratings especially "May be" once. Once they place "May be" comments should be meaning ful and have more characters rather than just typing "Z" , "OK" for "May be".
By amberwang1987
•Jan 5, 2020
I think this course is overall helpful and of high quality. I've learned a lot and found most of the content conducive to my career development. However, as to the assignments, I tried my best to finish the writing assignment for week 1, but still failed. I don't agree with some reviewers comments that I didn't use the punctuations right and I didn't write a subject. I hope there could be some coordinators with necessary skills and background knowledge to make sure the scores are more professional and objective. Maybe they could help exclude too subjective comments and ratings.
•May 1, 2021
Dear all,
I am CHENNUPATI DEVVRATH an alumni of the course "Write Professional Emails in English".
I find this course important, brief and efficient at the same time, suitable for almost anyone who wants to improve writing skills.
Regardless to the age, gender, professional background or nationality, the course will be useful in a sense of reminding something forgotten, or even giving a completely new information on what to write and how to write in your emails.
Thanks to the faculty of Georgia Institute of Technology for making this possible.
•Jul 13, 2020
This is a very interactive course for non-native English learner. I have been benefited from this course. I learned how to express myself professionally at the time of email writing. The pedagogy, in fact, is highly effective to instill the required skills for drafting a precise, concise, clear and simultaneously comprehensive email. Therefore, I recommend this course for beginners to improve and hone their skills so that they could write impressively and effectively.
By Ana P
•Apr 11, 2020
Our teacher Gerry Landers has come up with easy to watch and digestible videos, that make this course excellent to improve our English written communications skills no matter our level of English. One of the worst experiences is the review system of the course. Some students will give you an unfair low score which is not backed up with an explanation nor following instructions. That is not professional.
By Akiko L
•Oct 14, 2021
The course provides more knowledge and information that we do not often google. It is very nice to point out some special situations and culture shock. However, I am little bit disappointed about the examples, not too much different express way, so that even I used professional email expression in my assignments like I used in my working life, some feedbacks just like 'I do not know if it works'.
By David A
•Jan 13, 2021
This is an excellent course. Videos are really nice and you will enjoy them. I have learn a lot here. The only thing I think the course should to improve is the review of assignments. The students review your assignments and sometimes they're wrong and it's a bit unfair. It would be nice if the course has like a moderator, because students are learners and we can't assign others students' grades.
By Bhavinkumar V P
•Apr 14, 2021
Nicely explain all small things which needed to be considered during writing an Email professionally. A course is providing many useful links but I am sure people didn't try to cover and touch all the important things from that useful website's links. It is better they introduce some sample emails inside the course for the beginner for guided learning. Thank You and wish you the best of luck.
•Sep 20, 2022
I want to thanks Coursera and Mr. Gerry Landers (Instructor) for their help and support. What I have learned:~ 1. Keep your Subject Line narrow and meaningful. 2. Use Appropriate Greetings. 3. How to make your E-mail text more efficient. (Keep your words polite & respectful) 4. Add word of Appreciation, if any. 5. Use Appropriate Closing and give Alternate Contact details.
By Madhura L
•Mar 7, 2016
I have loved this course as Respected Gerry Landers explains everything considering various aspects. I have surely improved on being a professional email writer. Most important attribute of this course is that it has really helpful links in the ADDITIONAL RESOURCES section after each lesson.
Thank you Professor Gerry Landers and Coursera!
By Kana G L
•Jan 27, 2021
Honestly, I use email everyday and talk with a lot of American citizens. First time I had no idea how to write because mu country use high context communication but since I've been working, I learned how to make low context communication. I am glad that I get to know the basic. Thank you Coursera. You are the best!!!!
By Nathalia d S T
•Aug 17, 2020
O curso é ótimo! Aprendemos muitas coisas e temos a possibilidade de melhorar a escrita. Contudo, apenas acredito que o curso, ao propor as suas atividades, elas deveriam ser corrigidas por professores, além dos alunos do curso. Sugiro isso, porque não ficamos esperando outros alunos corrigirem nossos exercícios.
By Saleh A H
•Apr 7, 2020
When I am trying to get my certification I get the following error:
"Attempted to fetch PDF but got the following errors:
Could not find signature for instructor Suzi Lee. Please notify the Instructor to upload one."
How Could I fix it Please?
Contact me in my email "".
By Nilesh T
•Jun 22, 2024
The course is excellent. This course really updates my knowledge about writing Professional emails. There were important points which I will keep in mind during email communication. I would like to appreciate and thanks Coursera team along with Georgia Tech Institute to provide this course.
By Dett R D
•Apr 11, 2023
This course on writing professional emails in English can be a valuable investment for individuals seeking to improve their communication skills in the workplace. It gives a good knowledge to write clear, effective, and professional emails in English. I thank all the course team members.
By Manar M
•Feb 11, 2021
If you have little to no information on how to write an email, then this course is for you. The writing assignments are very educational. Also, If you have a good background in writing emails, most of the stuff you will already know; however, you'll still find some practical advice.
By Carolina V R
•Mar 30, 2021
I really like the course. My only concern is about the task. I know it's amazing share and learn with the classmates but We know English is not our native language. For me is really important to have the tutor/teacher comments and in this class you only have the classmates comments.
By Carolina S
•Jul 25, 2017
The professor is clear and his kindness comes through in his smile and demeanor. I was hoping this course to be a bit more advanced. I would have prefered a clear indication of the level this is for. I got good information but I would have like to have gotten even more out of it
By Mayya S
•Feb 28, 2016
I liked this course. There are a lot of useful information. It's well-structured and includes a lot of examples. A moment I didn't like is locked assignments. In my opinion, it's ok when you can't get a certificate without payment but I can't see a reason for practice lock.
By Mai N C
•Sep 7, 2020
This is a useful course which is highly applicable at work. Thank you Professor Gerry for designing and instructing such a great course. I just wished the link to the reading material still worked. I did flag Professor Gerry that error, and he referred me to Coursera.
By Tint H A
•Dec 22, 2018
I think professor speaking rate is a little bit fast but appropriate to catch the main meaning. The assessments are great and effective but little to do. The contents are useful, practical and medium in difficulty. I hope this course will be more detail in future.
By Islam F
•Feb 21, 2017
Dear Landers,
Thank you very much for all your time that serve to us, and to teach as writing professional emails in English. I am really appreciated of you fully supports and kindness.
I hope I could take some other classes of you in coursera.
By Savan K
•Jan 17, 2020
Very nice and very helpful course. It will surely help the people living in the 3rd world and is not fully aware of writing a professional email. One can surely learn many things from this course. This is one of the best and helpful courses in coursera.
By Dana E
•Apr 21, 2020
I learned very good tips from this course and have certainly noticed my emails improve. The reason for a missing star is the peer review. While I enjoyed this feature a lot, I would have preferred to have at least one instructor review and feedback.