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Learner Reviews & Feedback for First Step Korean by Yonsei University

49,866 ratings

About the Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!...

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Hello, my name is putri, for those who want to learn Korean but are constrained by finances, you can study at Coursera, which provides free Korean language courses, for Coursera. Thank You Very Much..


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I have learned so much and I really enjoyed learning this beautiful language. I know that I will learn to speak and read with lots of practice and perseverance. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

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326 - 350 of 10,000 Reviews for First Step Korean

By Tian C

Jul 28, 2022

Korean is a refined language. It is a convergence of the language of local Korea, a dialect of central China, some modern Japanese and English words. Simplicity is the great advantage. The related dialect of central China is deceasing, I'm glad to see Korean has kept its partial words and be prosperous. Korea is the heart of east Asia. Look forward to see the unification of Korea and be prosperous.

By Tram N

Jul 26, 2020

The materials are clear and easy to follow. The course teaches me some basic ways to make a conversation in Korean. Also, there are a lot of vocabulary to learn from in this course. Of course, not all Korean vocab is here, but it's helpful to learn quite a bit from this course alone. Would highly recommend for beginners wanting to get a first glimpse of Korean language. I really enjoy the course !!

By Dhanushka E

Feb 21, 2020

I am addicted to watch Korean tv series and its impressed me to learn Korean language, when I joined this program I know some of the words such as unni, oppa, harapuji and so and so on, when I started this course it drive me to the real world and I really engaged with this, and I need to thank Professor to teach the lesson in a way in which we can clearly understand, thank you so much. Kamsahamnida

By Tarissa A Y

Aug 18, 2021

I consider myself as a not-so-beginner Korean language learner but this course helps me a lot learning the details! I learn Korean mostly from Korean drama and variety shows so I learn a lot about informal languages, but in this course I really learn from the basic things in formal language. I love this course so much! I also want to study in Yonsei University in 2023, hahaha. 정말 고맙습니다 강승해교수님! ^^

By bryce g

Apr 11, 2021

i really liked this course and it gives you good thorough explanations to grammar structures. it may move a little fast for some but that's because of the 5 week span of basic korean. this is very good with helping you develop you vocab as well as improving your pronunciations. an important is that this course goes over more formal polite korean. overall great course and would recommend to people!

By Marina G Y

Feb 12, 2022

Really good course for complete beginners in Korean language. Very well explained, really useful for daily life situations and it is nice that you can self-regulate your pace while learning. It doesn¡t quite explain grammar or verb tenses at all unless some examples appear in the lessons, and that's the only thing I will improve maybe by adding another modle about verb tenses or ending particles.

By Phoebe R L

Aug 14, 2020

Thank you for this course. I am able to understand sentence construction of Koreans. Also I may be able to understand some of the words from the vocabulary of this course and use it in a simple Korean sentence. I am confident that I may be able to create sentences when in a basic Korean conversation with my co-students. I hope Yonsei will provide more courses like this to help us to develop more.

By Tung N

Apr 12, 2016

FSK was well designed with clear explanation and relevant examples. This course is good for beginners, to those who are new to Korean and only know some Korean words though its dramas or musics. I hope to see the Second Step Korean course (or higher courses) from Yonsei in the coming months. Thanks professor and the course team for your hard work in getting this course up and running on Coursera!

By Samantha

Mar 15, 2021

Aprendí bastante rápido, aunque me gustaría que añadieran vocabulario. La estructura del lenguaje me quedó en mi mente. Puedo leer, escuchar y entender coreano básico. ¿Recomiendo el curso? Sólo si quieres aprender a llevar conversaciones cotidianas y aprender la gramática y las reglas gramaticales. Si vas en un nivel avanzado de coreano donde ya dominas esto, entonces este curso no es para ti.

By Tiara C

Aug 25, 2023

I'm very satisfied with the course, it help me increase my knowledge abuut korean language. Thank you to Prof Seung Hae Kang, with the help of her through the whole courses makes me able to understand more about the class. Also i want to thank Coursera and Yonsei University for holding this course and approving my financial aid, so that i can have a chance to experience this course. Thank you.

By Cheonsa D

Nov 28, 2020

I loved the classroom style lectures, it really helped me to focus and take learning Korean more seriously. While there are PDFs for the course notes, I really suggest writing out your own notes as well because it has helped me to memorize things better, plus my Korean handwriting is becoming much more natural this way. I've been recommending this course to everyone who wants to learn Korean!

By M 1

Jun 25, 2020

Este es un curso realmente bueno, me ayudó mucho a conocer más vocabulario en Coreano e incluso me ayudó a leer un poco más, me encanta.

Lo único es que hay clases que no tienen subtitulos en español, para mi no fue difícil por que también hablo inglés, pero pueden haber personas que no entiendan el inglés por lo tanto les va a costar más avanzar, pero por todo lo de más es excelente este curso

By Cheryl T H

Jun 6, 2020

Thank you Coursera and Yonsei University for putting this First Step Korean lessons together. The lessons were easy to understand and complete. It helped me to better understand the vocabulary, sentence structure and pronunciation. Thank you so much for Professor Kang who worked hard to explain each lesson. I really appreciate everyone's hard work to present such an amazing On Line class.

By Kamila B

Aug 5, 2023

Благодаря этому курсу я научилась читать и писать на корейском. Конечно, ещё много чему есть учиться, но я научилась основам здесь. Учительница просто шикарна, курс успешный, всё так понятно и доходчиво. У меня очень приятные воспоминания с этим курсом. Я его прошла за 18 дней. Каждый день предвкушала изучать что-то новое. Всегда всё было так интересно и увлекательно. Огромное спасибо 🥺💗🫂

By Sarah A A

Jun 20, 2020

It really is clear and very helpful for first-time Korean learner as it gives the basic of Korean language and gives a foundation in understanding the language. Classes are clear, we get all parts needed in studying a language. Reading, Speaking, Listening, and also Writing (by practicing ourselves using the review session). I look forward to more advanced classes and is excited to take them!

By Iosephf E M S

Jun 21, 2018

Este curso es perfecto para una iniciación al idioma coreano, sin embargo es muy importante el estudio por tu cuenta para no quedar rezagado durante el mismo.En lo personal, es un curso para principiantes con un leve conocimiento del hangul, considero que es necesario un estudio previo acerca del hangul para evitar confusiones en la pronunciación de sílabas, a su vez, de palabras y oraciones.

By Lindiwe B

Jul 31, 2023

I had been self-studying Korean with a number of online sources and language learning applications prior to enrolling in First Step Korean so this served as a well-structured refresher. I imagine it would be a great tool for a beginner learner as well.

Much needed and appreciated. I hope to continue with a similar course for a more advanced language level if it is offered in the near future.

By 사쿠라

Sep 7, 2022

Exelente método de aprendizaje de verdad merece 10000 estrellas, con este curso he mejorado drásticamente mi coreano, y la profesora exelente habla de manera clara y sencilla de entender. (además la página tiene subtitulos en español y en la mayoría de idiomas. :)

10000/10 este curso te va ayudar muchisimo y HAY MAS pero este es el más básico y si lo practicas diario creéme que sales ganando

By marco a v

Aug 27, 2020

Fue un curso diferente y hermoso de realizar mediante este curso comprendí y aprendí varios puntos del idioma y del país de Corea, es agradable poder aprender más de una cultura y más aún si es través de su idioma siendo esto uno de los mejores cursos de idioma o de mi misma área de aprendizaje que he cursado hasta ahora, gracias por brindarnos este y por hacer que sea gratis Gracias. 감사합니다.

By Lisawaty

Apr 16, 2020

At first I cannot make sense at all how to read the Korean letters. It seems like Kanji. But, after I take this course, I find that Hangul is much simpler than I thought, it is not like Kanji at all. In fact, reading it just like reading a Romanian alphabet with combination of vowel and consonants. Thank you so much Professor Seung Hae Kang for developing such a good course with good videos!

By Adriano S

Feb 12, 2019

Very nice course. The big problem is the time your servers take to provide de video. I am in a 2Mbps internet line (FTTH) and it takes 10 min to open. After that lot of spikes in transmission, which become very dificult to follow the teacher. But your course survey was fast, which make me think it is not same provider infrastructure. But anyway, i am still on the first section and i like it.


Oct 7, 2021

j'ai appris/compris vraiment beaucoup de choses durant ces cours.

explications claires et a chaque fois les exemples et exercices sont intéressants.

J'ai eu un peu de mal à suivre la cadence pour respecter les délais mais je suis contente d'avoir été jusqu'au bout.

Besoin de temps pour revoir tout le contenu et assimiler entièrement afin de passer au Step 2 ^^

je vous recommande cette formation

By Brittany D

Oct 31, 2022

Relevant material that was fleshed out and easy to understand. It would be more helpful if the order of lessons were in vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence structure, then conversation, rather than beginning with a conversation using words and phrases I have never heard before. Overall, it was great to study at my own pace and I found the material to be very relevant as a novice learner.

By Aya A B M M

Dec 4, 2021

I am so honored to take this course ,and Thanks a million to Yonsei University and Coursera ,and a special thanks to the wonderful professor that is teaching this course i benefited a lot ,and I will continue the next levels soon. Actually i loved this language so much ,although it's a little bit hard ,but the professor makes it so easy for us ,so thank you for the great effort. 매우 감사합니다~

By Faizal U

Jul 5, 2022

I really appreciate the course a lot. It has been very useful and I recommend. When I heard the Korean language for the first time in 2019 I had promised to myself that I would never learn that because it is very difficult. However this course has changed my mind and I already have basics of Korean. Moreover, I had the opportunity to dance with a Korean diplomat and practice it with her.