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Learner Reviews & Feedback for First Step Korean by Yonsei University

49,839 ratings

About the Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!...

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Si le pones atencion y te esfuerzas en verdad vas a poder aprovechar mucho este curso. Me gusto mucho pero note algunas incongruencias en los subtitulos en español e ingles, asi que presten atencion.


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Hello, my name is putri, for those who want to learn Korean but are constrained by finances, you can study at Coursera, which provides free Korean language courses, for Coursera. Thank You Very Much..

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176 - 200 of 10,000 Reviews for First Step Korean

By Sherlyn C

Sep 13, 2020

Amazing, I am just a high school student who just loves learning languages as a hobby and I can say this course truly made my understanding of the Korean language and pronunciation much better. Before this course, I was learning Korean alone with only phone apps and just resources I can get my hands on, like KDramas, Kpop songs, Korean ballads, talking with Korean friends, etc. I am thankful for this course and the instructor for providing this opportunity to teach this language to many others in a magnificent manner! 감사합니다, 당신들 덕분에, 저 산 정상까지는 더 올라갈 수 있습니다!

By Khin W H O

Feb 8, 2023

Thank you Tr. Kang and coursera,

I have always wanted to learn Korean properly not only to be able to understand but also to be able to read. I came across an Instagram ads that led me here and I joined the First Step Korean because I expected that would be a great choice. This course did meet my expectations and now I can properly articulate the sentences and understand some lines from dramas and songs. That really inspire me a lot. In short, this course is a first step and it encourages me to take more higher steps for a better learning experience.

By Mansi R

Feb 25, 2024

I just finished this course and it was fantastic! The course was designed perfectly for beginners like me, with clear explanations and engaging activities. I feel very grateful and thankful to Professor Seung Hae Kang who made everything so enjoyable and easy to understand, and to everyone who was involved in making this course a reality. The learning materials were easy to follow and helped me progress quickly. I'm impressed with how much I've learned in such a short time and highly recommend this course to any beginner wanting to learn Korean!

By Shirley A E A

Mar 20, 2023

I always had an interest in learning Korean lenguage, I had bad experiences before in other language centers but I finally found this course. It has been incredible, at first I was hesitant about distance learning tools, but I can confirm that the advantages have been many. It has been very easy for me to make the course compatible with my study schedule, the classes were understandable, simple, the materials were very useful. The native teacher is the best, she made the classes enjoyable, thanks to her I understood everything about this course.

By Heydi V

Jul 19, 2020

Personalmente me gusto mucho la dinámica y organización de este curso, aprendí y adquirí mucho vocabulario, presentarme y adquirir herramientas para hablar por primera vez con un coreano, aunque no pude acceder al certificado por el costo, es sin duda una gran ayuda para aprender el idioma y aprovechar el tiempo durante esta verdad quisiera haber aplicado a una beca pero no me enteré al iniciar por eso, aprovecha y averigua antes de entrar a este curso para obtener tu certificado, gracias y espero volver aquí, en un próximo curso.

By Siri T

Jun 27, 2020

I think this was a good introductory course to be sure. Since I've studied Japanese before, I knew how crucial it is to memorize the alphabet in this kind of course, so I did not have much trouble in the following weeks. Given the format of teaching, word pronunciation was slightly difficult to follow, but I tried my best to try and emulate what the instructor is saying. I did use the notes provided but found it much more beneficial to write my own notes to practice spelling. Overall, an excellent course for anyone interested in learning Korean.

By 6.1_12 พ ด

May 18, 2020

As a Thai student who interested in the Korean language. This course helps me that learning Korean is not that hard. At first, I must say that I am worried maybe I can't understand these languages. Both English and Korean but actually It's clear and easy to understand. I recommend this course to whoever interested in the Korean language. It's fun and sometimes maybe it's difficult but if you usually practice it, finally you can understand it for sure. Thank you so much for making this course and made me understand the Korean language even more.


Oct 11, 2020

I rate this course full because, I was searching similar kind of teaching to my knowledge level. People who are so basic I recommend you to first read Hangul (Korean alphabets) first using You tube as I did and then start this course. Since I known how to read Korean and many vocabularies before hand, this course was so easy for me to understand in terms of sentence formation. Hope my review will help someone. Finally I thank Coursera for helping me in lending Financial aid to finish the course.

Thank you Mrs.Seung Hae Kang for your teaching.

By Tine08 S

Jun 16, 2020

This course has helped me a lot in learning to read Hangeul. The course is very easy to take and the design of each module is really student-friendly. For non-Korean speakers like me, the materials given like videos and worksheets are a great help. I can review them anytime. The professor is very amiable, composed, and fluent which I think is a great factor to the overall success of the course. This course has truly inspired me that I can't wait to fully learn Korean Language and visit the country in the near future. Jeongmal gomabseubnida!

By Rubina A

Sep 11, 2022

It was a very useful course - comprehensive (for a beginner's course) and very practical . Professor Kang is very good. The materials are well prepared. The sample conversations were difficult to understand at first, but once Professor Kang explained, they became clear. The notes are very useful (I also made handwritten notes based on these) and i will surely use these for future course reference. Thank you so much for making this course available for free to students like me who really want to learn 한글! I really appreciate this. 감사합니다.

By Victor H P R

Mar 11, 2021

Un curso muy bueno, bastante bien explicado, es cierto que la inicio uno no comprende bien lo que esta haciendo o escribiendo, sin embrago, con el avance del mismo, vas percibiendo que comprendes ya lo aprendido, como por ejemplo yo. Me gusta ver series coreanas y las veo subtituladas pero, hay momentos donde identifico lo que dicen sin necesidad de leer los subtítulos.

Agradezco el poder tener acceso a este curso y disfrutar de nuevas experiencias. Sin duda alguna muy recomendable y claro que volvería a tomar otro curso referente al tema.

By Allison M

Jun 1, 2020

I absolutely enjoyed this course because the mentor explained every little bit of the Korean language which made it easier to learn. Although I did not pay for my certificate which may probably limit my assignments, I definitely thought that the assignments were helpful because they provided notes and examples about the lesson. Besides having recorded audio and video of students speaking Korean made it easier to learn rather than just listening to it from a robot. I would absolutely sign up for a further advanced lesson on learning Korean.

By Liane D

Feb 8, 2016

Very informative but I think that, if I hadn't already had a basic knowledge of the Korean alphabet and grammar structure, I'd have found the grammar explanations to be a bit too brief. Excellent for beginner level refresher though. Some glitches in the tests (e.g. the correct answer being something not taught until the next lesson) and the videos (one lesson unable to be downloaded on any of the computers to which I have access). Would be good if this course had some social /cultural lessons (like how to drink in front of a superior

By Yarelis D D F

Oct 10, 2020

Es excelente sobre todo para aquellas personas que quieren comenzar desde el inicio con el idioma coreano, el cual tiene una cultura hermosa, llena de historia, mediante este método se puede ir acostumbrando a entender a las personas y entablar una conversación básica pero que con el pasar de algunos meses se puede mejorar muchísimo, gracias a este curso puedo leer en coreano y con el basto vocabulario que mostraban en cada semana conozco palabras y verbos muy útiles, por eso les exhorto a que aprendan a través de Yonsei University.

By Ricardo B

Oct 31, 2021

I would like this basic course and the next one´s have more explanations with more examples to understand more clearly. I learned a lot because i didn´t know nothing about Korean but now I have a basic knowledge that let me continue learning more about this beautiful language. I´m so happy and i want to continue learning more until I can talk an advanced Korean. Thanks for the opportunity to let me learn Korean, now I love Korea and it´s beautiful culture. Please suggest me the next course that I have to take. GOD BLESS YOU !!!

By Bethwyn G

Feb 23, 2020

This course is an excellent introduction to reading, writing, and speaking Korean. At times I felt like it was going a little fast for me, but I appreciated the challenge. The course teacher is good and does her best to show you how to pronounce certain things, though a few things sounded so similar to something else that I was sometimes really thrown. Learning a language is quite hard, this made it a lot of fun. Oh! I also really appreciated the little skits included - they helped me to practice my listening and pronunciation!

By Horst H

Feb 24, 2021

For all the Germans: Der Kurs ist deshalb besonders gut, weil auf die Unterschiede zwischen dem gesprochenen Wort und der koreanischen Schrift eingegangen wird. Die Kursleiterin spricht ausgezeichnetes Englisch und erklärt die kulturellen Zusammenhänge, wer z.B. wen wie in der Familie anspricht. Ältere haben generell einen hohen Stellenwert in der koreanischen Gesellschaft und werden anders angesprochen, sodass man in Korea immer darauf achtet wer mit wem spricht. Das wird in diesem Grundkurs besonders gut herausgearbeitet.

By Prabodha A

Dec 30, 2020

This course was really helpful. I literally didn't know a single letter in Korean or anything about Korean language at all. But the lecturer very well explained everything in a pace I could follow and now I know the entire alphabet on Korean, has the ability to read in Korean and have a simple conversation in Korean. The lectures were very interesting and the teaching methods were really good. Loads of thanks to the lecturer.

To anybody who wants to learn Korean and do not know where to start, I highly recommend this course.

By Simran D

Aug 30, 2021

The course was well structured and excellently taught. Seung Hae Ma'am explained every word and phrase in a fun and easy way and even gave us tips on remembering the basics. Though at times there was a bit too much vocab to learn in one shot, if we took our time with it, we could learn and remember at least 3/4th of the words. Furthermore, the quizzes helped a lot with practice and memorizing these words. I hope Ma'am puts out a new course for the next level of Korean! Thank you for this course! I had a great time learning!

By Preeti R

May 19, 2020

It is a helpful course for people who wish to learn the Korean language. The well-planned structure ensures that the students not only learn the vocabulary and grammar but also understand the correct pronunciation of the words, and how and when the same are to be used. The small conversations at the start, focus on pronunciation, detailed explanation of the concepts, additional vocabularies, and worksheets followed by a quiz at the end of every chapter ensure that the students have a holistic understanding of the concept.

By shikshya c

Sep 8, 2020

As a complete beginner for learning Korean language. I am very impressed with the way of teaching of this website. as being a curious 13 year old I wanted to do something new in this lockdown and learning a new language was always in my bucket list. I didn't have any high expectation from myself and the website but the result as even crossed my expectation from which am very pleased. I can write and read hangul know. I definitely recommend this website to the beginners who are interested in Korean language and culture.

By Abeywardena, H

Aug 5, 2020

I wanted to learn Korean language for some time but I had no idea where to go. Fortunately I found this course conducted by Yonsei University on Coursera. This course was really great and helpful. The way the Lecturer conducts the lesson and the course material are very easy to understand even for someone like me who does not had any basic knowledge about Korean language at the beginning. I would like to thank Yonsei University's staff specially Associate Professor Seung Hae Kang and Coursera for this wonderful course.

By Emmanuela

Sep 22, 2019

I started studying Korean by myself with some books, but I know I was going very slow because one thing is studying on books by yourself, an other thing is when someone explains you things and why to do something one way or another. This course is well structured, it allows the learner to improve its written and speaking skills too - along with listening. I would say it helped me so much to understand the basis of this language. Now I can only continue and study hoping one day I will become fluent in Korean. Thank you!

By Betty F

Sep 11, 2023

Es un curso excelente, se entiende bastante. Sólo hay un pequeño problema con los subtitulos (español), en algunas unidades que terminan estando en inglés y eso,ralentiza un poco el proceso de aprendizaje. Debe ser corregido para estudiantes que no manejamos al 100% el inglés. Por lo demás me resultó bastante práctico y fácil. Hay una gran riqueza en cuanto al vocabulario. Muchas gracias, espero que muy pronto la misma universidad proporcione otros cursos de Coreano a través de esta plataforma. Lo espero con ansias.

By Lily R

Apr 7, 2023

most of the course seemed familiar to me. i guess that’s why i could finish the entire course just in 2 days instead of 4 weeks I am eager to gain more knowledge about the Korean language. Learning a new language opens new doors to people and ideas we've never considered. Korean is one of the languages that I've wanted to discover. If you are interested in the Korean language, you can't skip this one! I would highly recommend this course and will be looking for more courses from Yonsei University. 연세대학교 감사합니다!!