Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology

Completed by ELKE BLINICK

July 29, 2022

Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

FinTech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies

Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing

Application of AI, InsurTech, and Real Estate Technology

View certificate for ELKE BLINICK, Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology, offered through Coursera. Through completing Wharton's Fintech Specialization, this learner understands the fundamental building blocks of financial technologies and the latest real-world applications, including regulations, cryptocurrencies,  portfolio optimization, payment methods, robo-advising, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, and blockchain.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

FinTech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations

University of Pennsylvania

Taught by: Christopher Geczy & Natasha Sarin

Completed by: ELKE BLINICK by July 26, 2022

2-3 hours per week

View this certificate

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies

University of Pennsylvania

Taught by: Jessica Wachter & Sarah Hammer

Completed by: ELKE BLINICK by July 27, 2022

2-3 hours per week

View this certificate

Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing

University of Pennsylvania

Taught by: David Musto

Completed by: ELKE BLINICK by July 28, 2022

2-3 hours per week

View this certificate

Application of AI, InsurTech, and Real Estate Technology

University of Pennsylvania

Taught by: Christopher Geczy

Completed by: ELKE BLINICK by July 29, 2022

View this certificate