Changing your health and getting to where you want to be required not only an effective exercise program but a nutrition program that will complement your goals. It is through the combination of diet and exercise that you can maximize your efforts and become the best version of yourself. With the NASM Science of Diet and Exercise Specialization, you will learn how to lay the groundwork of an effective program that combines your nutrition and activity to achieve the results you want. By understanding the interrelationships of fat and metabolism or proper nutritional intake to fuel exercise, you can better adjust your lifestyle to meet the desired goals. Through the application of nutrition and exercise research, you will be armed with the knowledge to guide, not only yourself, but those around you to meet the goals they desire!
Applied Learning Project
Learners will have the knowledge and skills to identify optimal nutrition strategies that best fuel key exercise and performance requirements including a thorough understanding of energy intake and expenditure, the role and functions of dietary fat intake, as well as functions of the different energy pathways; all utilized to develop an effective fitness program.