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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

31,084 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Dec 5, 2020

Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.


Jan 18, 2021

It was an interesting and informative, at a basis level, course. The information is easy to understand and the new gained knowledges tend to remain in your memory, due to short and interactive videos.

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151 - 175 of 8,887 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Sachal S


Feb 6, 2023

The Stanford course on Food and Health is a well-structured and comprehensive course that covers a wide range of topics related to the intersection of food and health. The course material is up-to-date and presented in an engaging and accessible manner, making it ideal for anyone with an interest in this area. The course includes lectures, interactive discussions, and hands-on activities that help to reinforce key concepts and provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Overall, I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between food and health.

By 张晓航


Jun 19, 2017

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This course is not all about nutriology or simply introducing any knowledge as I expected in the first place. In fact, it changes my opinions towards healthy diet. After taking the course, I know which food to choose for health purpose and avoid those heavily processed foods that could lead to obesity. And the most important thing is that I become more positive towards everyday meals. I don't feel boring during the whole process of preparing food anymore even it is only for myself and begin to enjoy the pleasure that food brings to me.

By salil g


Jun 18, 2020

This course is the best way to know about food. We get to learn a lot about calories and the food intake and how to control and bring gradual changes to our diet in order to progress and achieve our health related goals.

I have just one suggestion. I believe that many of the students are from Asian Countries like India, Vietnam, China Etc. So I feel that It will be great if you can include statistics from the Asian countries as well relating to Obesity, Dietary patterns etc. which are all mentioned in the videos.

In the end, A very big THANK YOU to Ms. Maya Adams and Mr. Michael Pollan for making the course easy and understandable for all of us.

By vivek d


Sep 6, 2022

It has all the basic knowlade about what and what not to do when you are councious about your health and the food you eat and the rest of the lifestyle around it.

It explainns the basic but important nuances about cooking at home and the effects on our health.

It helps us to understand about fat, sugar, carbohydrates and the rest of the important energy sources as well as nutrients that are necessary to have a good health.

It clears the idea that how important it is to understand the Food science behind what we regularly eat, and answers all the questions about why the person should cook at home and eat healthy as much as possible.

By Rafaela P


Aug 24, 2017

Even that I haven't paid for it and that I won't have any certificate showing that I took this course, I would spraid the knowledge that I've learnt. Everything that I listen to in this course has made an impact on me and I would like to share with eveyone I know all the tips and advices about healthy food. I got now a different point of view about food. Food isn't just a thing that we eat in order to get energy, it is a delightful way of enjoying life. I'm looking forward to cook one of the Maya's recipes. Finally, I just want to thank the Stanford Univertisty and Course for letting me takes this course from my own house, in Spain.

By Anne-Marie M


Jan 28, 2022

This course helped motivate me to get back on track as my eating habits had slacked towards processed food quite a bit. Contending my family's dietary likes & dislikes makes it challenging to remain motivated in cooking healthy meals every day. As far as information goes, I'm fairly well versed in nutrition so I don't feel that I learned that much. However, the professor's positive attitude, sound advice and encouragements was worth the course in itself. Anyone who is a bit lost within the wide variety of nutritional claims and trends and wish to have a better sense of direction in their nutritional journey will enjoy this course.

By Devbir S V


Mar 25, 2024

I really feel like I have gained good knowledge and which can be relied upon because the creators of the course were such established professionals in their field so I feel I can really trust the information and most of it made sense. I feed there was a lot of more technical statistics given in the first few lectures which I enjoyed and would have like that peppered in the next ones as well but I understand the purpose of the latter ones was different. Great experience overall, not being from the healthcare field myself but this is the first time I took a course which was not professionally linked to me and it was well worth it.

By Shradha R


Jan 18, 2019

I think this is one course which is absolutely essential for everybody and even more so for people who intend to be more aware of the food that they are putting in their body. As a food blogger, I always share recipes and suggest to people what they should eat and therefore for me, this course has been so helpful and constructive. I love the fact that this course shares all the vital information in a very crisp, clear and simple way. The fact that they are empowering and encouraging people to cook at home and providing helpful guidelines and tips to help them is commendable. Maya and Micheal have done a great job. Thanks a lot!

By Chinmoy C


Oct 22, 2019

it is a beautiful course, I stopped myself from buying a pack of kurkure (indian version of cheetos) and my wife will attest to what a great feat this is... but I expected something more in terms of chemistry and may be little equations and more medical terms that I needed to google at the end of the video. but then this was a beginner level course. However I am grateful to the team for setting up such an easy going course which is plenty in information and yet not too heavy to grasp. and kudos to Michael Pollan for writing food rules, apart from 'twinkle twinkle little star', my 2 year old is going to be reciting

By Stephen H


Feb 27, 2016

Very well presented course.

To certain degree, the concepts are basic. If you're looking for a course that explains the physiological effects of sodium or the chemical reaction of glucose, this is not it. However, it gives sensible advice about how to eat well for a healthy life.

I took away a number of good ideas. Also, the course helped me put into a wider context some things I already knew in a disjointed manner, which helped me to understand them better.

Good structure, script, presentation (including interaction between the presenters), visuals...

In summary, I feel following this course was time well spent.

By Fabio L A


May 4, 2020

Excelente curso que fue orientado de de una manera muy especial por MAYA ADAMS, quien inspira a sus estudiantes con su compromiso y su maravillosa forma de hablar, caracterizada por la claridad en la pronunciación, presentando ideas claras y concisas que permite una asimilación por parte del estudiante, de cada tema, muy bien planeado el curso en cuanto se puede desarrollar de una manera que no sea demasiado exigente en tiempo pero a su vez permite aprendizajes muy valiosos que nos permiten cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios y nos llevan a tomar medidas para lograr unos habitos nutriciones saludables.

By Soña B


Oct 29, 2020

Dentro del programa que plantea,que parece sencillo,realmente destaca de forma brillante la relación entre la nutrición y la salud;sin dejar de ver los aspectos sociológicos,familiares y hasta emocionales del buen comer en todo su significado.

Ademas de lo maravilloso de las recetas que van a impulsar a mucha gente a realizarlas.

Yo ya hago muchas recetas y amo la cocina;aunque no es mi ocupación.

Y realmente tuvieron mucho que que ver mis padres y mis abuelos.


By Joris B


Aug 9, 2020

Hello, Many thanks for this excellent course. I was already extremely health conscious and aged 66 I have the same weight as when I was 25. I knew most of the common sense approach -Martin’s mantra- and never use processed foods but have learned much about sugar and the different types of fats, notably about trans fats and also that, in limited quantities, some saturated fats are acceptable. More info on cheese, potatoes and alcohol would have been welcome. Perhaps also whether deep frozen vegetables are more /less healthy than fresh ones. In any case, I greatly enjoyed this course. Many thanks, Joris

By Elena B


Mar 31, 2022

Buenas tardes.

Éste curso me ha ayudado a entender que la alimentación no solo es comer, sino lo que comemos, ahora pienso que nutrientes le daré a mi cuerpo y al de mi familia, para evitar enfermedades posteriores. Un punto importante es la maravillosa invitación que nos hacen al consinar en casa, con la familia, ver éste acto como un complemento importante como ser humano, son momentos de alegría, responsabilidad, placer, tiempor de compartir para tener una mejor calidad de vida al mismo tiempo que enseñamos a nuestros hijo ésta cuidado escencial.

Gracias por su atención. Tomaré nuevamente el curso.

By Deepank D


Jan 12, 2021

Definitely made me switch to healthier alternatives of foods we generally consume. I have started eating an apple (without worrying about the sugar in it), a carrot (all that fibre really aids in maintaining my gut healthy), and a tomato every day. I'm no longer worried about overconsumption of healthy carbs (mainly homemade wheat chapati), which also keeps me satiated for a longer time. My food cravings have definitely reduced, and no kidding when I say I experience a little higher energy levels than before. A BIG thank you to Mike Pollans and Maya Adam for presenting this great course for us!!

By Tonya R


Mar 18, 2020

Good basic course. Easy to understand.

Allowing us to self pace is critical for me. I started course before it was all opened and available so I had to stop and wait a week or two for subsequent sections to open. I'd rather have full course available from start and let me take it at my pace but within a specified period of time. Usually I can complete more in one setting and other times life means you have to start and stop and return a week later. For example the 2020 pandemic also impacted when I could finish this course. But as we isolate I will be able to take more courses Amen!

By Olga v S


Mar 25, 2023

Very clear, dynamic, and pleasant delivery of the material by both lecturers. I must confess I popped my fridge door open a few times while following the course - and each time with more consideration :) I am Dutch, my husband is an excellent home cook, we tend to eat healthy, but still there are issues of late night snacks to tweak. That's why I found the course very helpful. Inspiring, too - for me, as an enthusiast herb gardener - to continue study nutrition from exactly Food and Health perspective. (I'd be happy if one day you offer a course on Herbs and Nutrition!) Thank you!

By Jovana D


Nov 7, 2016

This is a great course for someone who is just getting into the whole healthy eating thing. As someone who is familiar with Michael Pollan, (I'm a huge fan!), I didn't hear too many new things. Nevertheless, the course has a fantastic flow, it's a pleasure to listen to, and even though most of the things I was already familiar with, the course is so beautifully designed that it was great going through it again and again. Thank you Stanford University, I wish you had more courses like this, just with a bit higher level of difficulty. All the best, and good luck to the future students!

By Kam S


Jul 9, 2018

This course was incredibly informational. The facts and information are easy to digest (pun intended :) and share. I am so excited to share what I learned with my family and friends. I love that they give you simple, actionable items and do not suggest any extreme dietary measures. I also appreciate that they do not include senseless activities, but rather simple quizzes at the end of each unit that actually challenge your understanding. The videos are very quick and easy to consume and understand. My only regret was that the course was so short and I could not learn more from them!

By Lucille C


Sep 27, 2019

In this course, I've learned about making wise and healthy decision in taking, buying, making food that is beneficial for my family and my own health. I learned that it's important to have moderation in eating, that planning is essential when buying and consuming food that will have nutritional effects on your body. I've learned that buying organic food or food with less nutritional facts is a wiser decision than opting for processed food. Most of all, preferring plant-based diet has long-term health benefits on our body, mind, and soul. Thank you Coursera and Stanford University.

By Sateesh K P


Jul 23, 2021

it was amazing while learning and knowing many things regarding nutrition and its value. Being a doctor and clinical biochemistry student I have learned good stuff that really helps me for future endeavours in this particular field of biochemistry as well as in nutrition. the main thing is that i can guide various kinds of people like fitness enthusiasts, pregnant women, people suffering with different Diseases and disorders and even who want maintain a healthy lifestyle without intense physical activity. my earnest gratitude to Coursera, Stanford and off course Maya m "adam".

By Jessy A


May 5, 2020

I am a sophomore in high school, due to the social distancing because of coronavirus I have had more time at home. I decided to take this free course and I am so glad I did. I learned so much without feeling like it was a burden, it was very simple and easy to understand. The videos are short and I especially loe that I can complete the course at my own pace meaning I don't have to worry too much about due dates. I would totally recommend this to anyone simply interested in learning more about food and health and how to make healthier decisions when it comes to our food intake.

By Francis F


Dec 2, 2022

The course is well put together in a concise way so I was able to complete in an afternoon. I gained a better appreciation of eating well and Michael Pollan’s commentaries were enjoyable as was Maya’s recipes. A good course to remind ourselves we should home cook more and gain nutrition from food as opposed to consuming unhealthy processed foods.

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants is a good takeaway mantra. I went away convinced that home cooking could be simply transforming our health and connecting with nature and friends.

Thank you for putting this easy to digest course.

By Angelie


Apr 4, 2021

This course has taught me what I need to have a healthy relationship with food, and how to eat to be satisfied, happy and support my long-term health. This course is all you need if you want to start improving the way you eat.

The tips can be implemented by anyone since it focuses on a sustainable approach to a healthy eating habit. I have decided to follow this course since I am interested in dietetics, but I think everyone should follow it no matter what they are normally interested in. Having this basic knowledge about food can drastically improve your health and wellbeing.

By Brandon C


Oct 18, 2017

loved this course, as a chiropractic assistant, who works in a naturopathic facility treating neuropathy, this course has enlightened me to the many natural and fresh foods, our patients can eat happily, while enjoying the same great tasting foods as before. Many of our patients are diabetic and we encourage a natural, fresh palio diet, low in sugar and dairy / grain consumption. I loved the idea of cooking and sharing recipes with us, toward the end of this course. Thank you very much, I am sure hundreds of thousands of others can benefit from this course, as I surely have.