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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

31,084 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Dec 5, 2020

Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.


Jan 18, 2021

It was an interesting and informative, at a basis level, course. The information is easy to understand and the new gained knowledges tend to remain in your memory, due to short and interactive videos.

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176 - 200 of 8,887 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Alison L


Apr 20, 2020

This course is fantastic! I really appreciated the instructor’s passion and kindness as she teaches these the subjects. I also really enjoyed her family’s involvement in the making of the videos! It was a personal touch that made a big impact on me. I have two sons, we are pretty healthy with our eating and we make working out a priority, but we can always do better, so one of the reasons I took this course is to make sure that I am doing the best I can for them, for my husband and for myself. Thank you for putting all this together, it really helped me clarify some things!

By Inga K


Jan 14, 2020

I have immensely enjoyed this course. It is a well structured and easy-to-follow course that offers basic information needed to make more informed choices about food.

Maya Adams, M.D. is a wonderful and engaging speaker - her presetations as well as her conversations with Mr. Michael Pollan kept my attention from the beginning until the very end. The selection of recipes at the end of the course was a nice bonus.

Thank you for providing this course. I sincerely hope there will be other more in-depth courses regarding this topic.

Kind regards from Bosnia and Herzegovina,


By Witchy J


Jul 21, 2019

Ce cours sur la santé et la nutrition me permet de savoir que la santé passe par l’assiette et l’activité physique. Avec l'acquisition de nouvelles connaissances en ce domaine j'ai fini par réaliser que les liens entre nutrition et santé sont de mieux en mieux connus, et le risque de développer de nombreuses maladies telles que: cancer, maladies cardiovasculaires, obésité ou encore de diabète de type 2, si on n'a pas équilibré et mesuré ce que nous mengeons. Ce cours me procure également des connaissances techniques, sécuritaires de préparation et de cuisson des aliments.

By Salome N


May 2, 2020

I think this course is a very comprehensive course on introduction to food and healthy eating. It has fantastic videos were watching one of them you can learn many things, but the fantastic thing about this course is that it teaches you the wonders of the food when you know how to take advantage of it; it teaches you that there are no excuses for an excellent diet and that isn't difficult to achieve only whit an adequate consumption of vegetables and fruits you have everything. The phrase that I like the most about this course was "Eat Food, Not too much; Mostly Plants".

By Ines A


Jan 21, 2020

I really loved the course. By the way, I am thinking of attending Standford University for more options to continue learning and studying this nutrition science. I have learned skills I have not done before. I am so happy with the job I did and the way my teacher taught the subject. I also emphasize the fact that the Doctor who is interviewed geves really interesting info for the teacher to use his knowledge as a backbone to support what she is explaining. Awesome!! Congratulations for this incredible course Standford. I would like you to have more of these in this app.

By bharathi c s


Jan 8, 2021

I was always yo yo ing all the fad diets in the market. This course really helped me understand nutrition, healthy eating and how to build those healthy habits. After completing the course, I understood how easy, quick, tasty a homemade meal can be. I have started to cook and eat healthy meals because of this course. I am finally able to lose around 3kgs of weight and lost 4 inches around waist in one month of following the advice in the course. Thanks a lot for bringing this course. I am determined to be in healthy BMI by following the suggestions from this course

By Marco


Jan 8, 2019

Very well done beginner course on food and nutrition. It has four main parts. The first part does high level introduction of key scientific concepts. It is however just to give a better understanding of the topic. The other 3 parts talk a lot about practical aspects of food and nutrition including what to eat.

I definitely recommend this course as a primer for whoever is interested in the topic. As recommended in the course as follow up i also watched two moovies Fed Up and in defense of food.

To Course and instructors, thanks for letting me learn more about the topic

By Eashwar M


Feb 11, 2021

Most of it i have already heard or read in some or the other website when i was planning to loos my weight. But what i liked in it is way they are explaining the stuff, i didn't feel like attending a lecture or class, i felt like i am just listing or talking to or observing a casual conversation among people, which helped to concentrate and understand more of what they are actually talking. Finally the slow and soft background music which made the video lively and calm and stressful. Thankyou very much for this knowledge and i look forward for more courses. :)

By Victoria C


Jun 6, 2023

Maya Adam's course information was very useful. The Introduction to Food and Health teaches an individual 'why and how' to make good choices in the area of food and health. A recipe or two uses too much sugar or salt for my liking-an easy fix. Overall, the recipes are very inviting, and I look forward to adding all of them to my cuisine portfolio. This being noted, in one spot the emphatic language used by the gentleman being interviewed could be voiced over, a minor link needs to be reset, and a couple typos fixed. I am happy I took the course. Thank you!

By Blanca I M R


Jun 30, 2017

I think this course is great. With simple videos and explanations we can learn about our metabolism and the right way to eat. I have just studied a course here in Mexico about Applied nutrition and this course was very helpful for explaining concepts in a simple and easy way. Is the third course I take with her and I really admire her manner, and the way she make us understand concepts. I just hope that you can offer the course with subtitles in Spanish because not everybody, specally many that could appreciate the content of the course can understand English.

By Katie M


Dec 4, 2020

I would’ve liked to learn more specifically about the different macros and the nutritional side of food but I understand it is an intro course. In that sense I feel it covered a good array of topics. The recipe videos at the end were a nice touch. Dr. Adam is a good speaker, easy to follow and listen to. I appreciated the guest speaker and what he had to share. Videos were short enough to hold your attention without getting bored and drifting off into space. I would recommend this course and would definitely watch more on this topic and with this instructor!

By Ana S A M


Apr 28, 2020

I reeeally loved that, as you said, sometimes nutritionists go with super hard and big words about nutrition, and their patients or beginners like me end up like "what?", but you, mostly at the end, talk about how to shop wisely, how to read the labels, how to choose the right food and how to cook such simple and easy and totally delicious meals... you make it look even easier. and you talk about easy and simple but useful tips that I never saw coming haha. but for sure it was also really necessary the technical part as well. definitely an awesome course ;)

By Anahita T


May 26, 2024

Thank you Stanford University for this course. It was simple and well-explained. I actually liked the fact that it was like a documentary. A lot of times we complicate things when it comes to our diet. But for a lot of people the key to eating healthier is just to make some not too drastic changes that can make a huge difference long-term. However, I understand that this course may not do too much for someone who is already familiar with the basics of nutrition and eating healthy. But it can be useful for people who have limited knowledge of food and diet.



Aug 21, 2017

This is the second course I have taken on food and nutrition that was taught by Maya Adam MD. This course and the related videos are excellent just like the first course I took. Maya is a wonderful instructor. She presents the information about food and nutrition in an easy manner that anyone can learn from, understand and then utilize the information that she presents in order to make better healthy food selections while at home, on the go and while shopping in a grocery store. I highly recommend everyone take all of Dr Adam's food and nutrition courses.



Jan 12, 2021

Hello , firstly l appreciate you for agood courses you prepared us ,GOD bless benefits for me in the following ways:l learned the that processed foods are not healthy because nutrients are removed,l know the ways of preparing food,l knew the ways of food choice.l learned how l can protect my life become healthy.eaing too much food is not good because it can hinder my pleasure.but l have financial problems that's why l don't know if you will give me my certificate because l am refugee.but l am waiting for a good response from you GOD bless you.

By Andrew H


Jan 12, 2018

It has been almost a year since I have taken this class, and switched up my diet to be more aligned with what I learned. The results have been great. I feel healthier, more alert during the day and have more energy than ever before. I am making smarter food decisions, and have a better relationship with my food. I thought eating "healthy" was going to be more expensive, but instead I have actually saved money on grocery shopping by cutting out a lot of processed foods, meats, and snacks. This is a great class and I highly recommend it to everyone.

By Norma G


Jun 29, 2016

I really enjoyed this course.

The explanations were very clear, she caught up my attention and I also love the book: "Food, Love, family". I absolutely recommend everybody in this course to get it.

As a testimony, my life has totally changed, I started love cooking, I enjoyed trying new foods, and I want to make a better world by education in nutrition and the need for all parents in the planet to know more about how can they love their family better by eating healthy, fresh and homemade food together.

Thank you, Maya.

Cheers from Zacatecas, Mexico.

By Suzanne W


Jul 14, 2020

It is a great "basics" course. The U.S. and the world is suffering from an obesity epidemic. So many people don't know how or why to cook at home. This course gives just what you need to get started onto a healthier track. If you are already well informed about eating healthy food it will be too basic. It is a great place to send people who need to change to a healthier lifestyle in the kitchen. There is background music while the professor talks which was bothersome, would have preferred that the music was just when there was no lecture.

By Nicolas A


Jan 27, 2016

Great introduction! I will definitely recommend this course to many of my relatives to whom I struggle to explain what a healthy diet means! To me, two aspects could be emphasized a bit more as I can see many people trying to eat healthy making those mistakes: 1. eating natural non organic food is better than processed organic food, 2. marketed healthy food is usually not healthy (orange juices etc.) as natural healthy food does not have to be marketed. Raise awareness against marketing labels "organic" and "healthy"

Great job! Thanks a lot.

By Alisha P K


May 2, 2020

It is one of the best courses I have done. I believe, food is consumed by every human and it is high time that people should be aware of the food they intake everyday. The highlight of this study is it is simple to understand and can be easily remembered for any age group. I will recommend my friends and family to do it too just for knowledge purpose. I have already started making so many changes in my food intake, food items, food portion and my grocery lists. Thank you for providing us the course with amazing insights of food and health.

By Binita C k


Jan 14, 2024

The Stanford Introduction to Food and Health course covers essential topics, including nutritional fundamentals, healthy eating habits, interpreting food labels, and meal planning. I gain insights into weight management, food safety, and critical thinking about nutrition information. The course also emphasizes culinary skills, understanding dietary patterns, health promotion strategies, behavioral change factors, and global perspectives on food systems and cultural influences. I sincerely appreciate your invaluable support and kindness.

By Cynthia Y


Feb 12, 2020

This course truly helped me understand the importance of choosing the right foods to eat. It taught me about nutrition labels and how marketing can easily fool us into thinking something is healthy to eat when it really isn't. I loved the simple explanations which helped me really understand the information in a clear way. From now on I wıll base our meals around the vegetables I wıll cook for that day and I wıll be sure to remind myself and my loved ones to stop eating once we are no longer hungry. Thank you for the life changing tips!

By Tatsiana Z


Jul 4, 2020

Wow! I enjoyed this course so much!Even though I know a lot of information but Dr. Maya is explaining those concepts about food in simple way and paid attention how is important to eat healthy and cook at home.

I came from a different background and I am cooking food for my family and I can see that American culture doesn't pay attention that eating at home will subside so many problems vs eating outside or processing food.

The last week was fulfilled with easy and healthy recipes which I am definitely will cook at home.

Great class!

By Ameya D


Feb 14, 2017

Excellent Course! Folks this is not just about type of nutrients and nutrition. All your questions regarding will be answered through this course. It does not only tell you what not to but also tell you what should you eat and what amount, I think that is the most important thing.

I highly recommend everyone (even if you think you are not fat, you are very healthy) to follow this course. You can see there are years and years of research and experiments are explained in very simple words and along with solutions to all problems we face.

By nareshpandian.p


Aug 6, 2022

...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................thank you