Popular free Guided Projects


We've collected top-rated, completely free Guided Projects so you can confidently practice in-demand tools like Python, Google Sheets, TensorFlow and more. 

In less than 2 hours, you can build a job-relevant skill as your instructor guides you step-by-step with this special hands-on learning experience - available only on Coursera! Explore the list and find a free Guided Project to start today.

Popular free Guided Projects


We've collected top-rated, completely free Guided Projects so you can confidently practice in-demand tools like Python, Google Sheets, TensorFlow and more. 

In less than 2 hours, you can build a job-relevant skill as your instructor guides you step-by-step with this special hands-on learning experience - available only on Coursera! Explore the list and find a free Guided Project to start today.

Curated by Coursera

These courses and Specializations have been hand-picked by the learning team at Coursera

CommunityJoin a community of over 100 million learners from around the world
CertificateLearn from more than 200 leading universities and industry educators.
Confidence70% of all learners who have stated a career goal and completed a course report outcomes such as gaining confidence, improving work performance, or selecting a new career path.
All courses include:
  • 100% online
  • Flexible schedule
  • Mobile learning
  • Videos and readings from professors at world-renowned universities and industry leaders
  • Practice quizzes

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