University of Virginia Darden School Foundation
Human Excellence in the AI Age, Part 2: A Soft Skills Course

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University of Virginia Darden School Foundation

Human Excellence in the AI Age, Part 2: A Soft Skills Course

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Verschaffen Sie sich einen Einblick in ein Thema und lernen Sie die Grundlagen.
Stufe Anfänger

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 3 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 1 Stunde pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Tools to help you be more resilient and make better life choices and decisions.

  • Strategies to work towards becoming your Best Self.

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7 Aufgaben

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In diesem Kurs gibt es 4 Module

Welcome to Human Excellence in the AI Age Part 2, an exploration into the intersection of human potential and artificial intelligence (AI). In this module, we will lay the foundation for understanding the evolving relationship between humans and AI and how individuals and organizations can strive for excellence in this rapidly changing landscape. In this module, you'll meet your faculty, Edward D. Hess, author of 14 books and Professor Emeritus of Business Administration at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business. Finally, you'll familiarize yourself with the course structure - video lessons combined with reflection questions and checks for understanding that is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the course so you can make the most of your course experience.

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8 Lektüren

Welcome to the Managing Your Emotions, Owning Your Words and Behaviors module. In the first part of this module, we address the importance of emotions as one of the most misunderstood and mismanaged parts of our existence. Next, we explore the tendency to deny, defend, or deflect (our initial emotional responses) when faced with challenges and conflict. Then, we will reflect on the ways emotional intelligence is particularly critical as we move into the AI Age while learning some practical tools for handling negative emotions. In the second part of this module, we focus on taking ownership over our words and behaviors. We challenge you to avoid the tendency to operate on "autopilot" and instead become fully engaged in each task you undertake throughout the day. Finally, we will review the five gateways to speech articulated by Roshi Joan Halifax and ways that you can take greater control over your mind and body to achieve better quality relationships.

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5 Videos2 Lektüren3 Aufgaben1 Diskussionsthema

Welcome to the How to Out-Think the Technology module. More than ever before, the AI Age will require us to think critically in order to remain relevant in our jobs. In this module, we explore how scientific thinking is essential to question our beliefs, determine what facts and data support our opinions, and seek out disconfirming information to stress test our beliefs. Finally, we'll share tools to support scientific thinking such as critical questions, the "5 Whys" strategy to conduct root cause analysis, and Gary Klein's Premortem Tool to help visualize and prevent failure and evaluate a course of action.

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3 Videos1 Lektüre1 Aufgabe1 Diskussionsthema

Welcome to the You Can't Achieve Excellence By Yourself module. In the last module of the course, we discuss the need to move away from a "survival of the fittest" approach to a more collaborative approach, one in which we achieve our full potential by supporting and building relationships with others. Competition leads to divisiveness, preventing each of us from building the caring, trusting relationships that are going to propel us forward. We need others to help us stress-test our beliefs, demonstrate new ways of thinking, critique, learn, and problem-solve. We also need to become reflective listeners in order to have high quality, meaningful conversations with others. Reflective listening involves being open minded, listening to understand and to learn, being fully present, etc. In this final module, we focus on the types of behaviors that will help us build strong relationships and teams in the AI Age.

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5 Videos2 Lektüren3 Aufgaben


Edward D. Hess
University of Virginia Darden School Foundation
4 Kurse88.738 Lernende


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