Master of Business Administration

Interested in saving thousands on your degree? Learn more about Prior Learning Credit on March 27! Register here.

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Master of Business Administration

Illinois Institute of Technology

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Enroll in your first course or request more information.

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Accredited degree (100% online)

Offered by Illinois Institute of Technology, Stuart School of Business.

No application required

Degree admission is entirely performance-based. Bachelor's degree is required.

12 to 24 months

36 credit hours of graduate coursework

Approx. $417 USD per credit

About $417 x 36 credits = $15,000, with pay-as-you-go tuition for each course.

Save up to $1,250

You may be eligible to have your prior learning on Coursera recognized for credit.


New student enrollment steps

Enrolling is easy at Illinois Tech with performance-based admissions. See below for a step-by-step guide on how to secure your spot in one of our six start dates throughout the year: 

  1. Click “Enroll now” 

  2. Sign up for an account with Illinois Tech

  3. Fill in the required personal and educational information. For master’s level programs you will be required to select your prior institution and provide transcripts. You will not be able to select courses or pay the course registration fee without this information.

  4. Select the course or courses you’d like to register for in your desired session. Please keep in mind that you will be required to pay upfront for the course registration at time of enrollment. This means that if you are selecting one course for this program, you will be required to pay $417; for all 3 courses, your total will be $1,251. 

  5. Upon payment, you will receive further instructions on how to link your account and get started with your courses on Coursera.

Already in an open content course from Illinois Tech on Coursera and looking to upgrade to the degree?  If you are already enrolled in a course from Illinois Tech on Coursera but looking to upgrade your course into a degree - your process is similar to new students! The upside for you is that you’ve already made progress on the course, and when you upgrade, that carries with you.

Performance-based admissions

There is no formal application process for this degree program. Applicants with a bachelors degree can enjoy admission that is entirely performance-based. With performance-based admissions, you can skip the process of taking admissions tests, and paying application fees. Learn more about how you can get started.

Admissions Information

Important Dates

Spring B - Enrollment deadline is March 31st

  • November 4, 2024: Spring B Registration open
  • March 10, 2025: Spring B courses begin
  • March 31, 2025: Last day to register for Spring B Courses
  • April 21, 2025: Last day to upgrade open content for credit for Spring B
  • May 9,2025: Last day of Spring B courses

Upcoming Events

March 27: Save Money on Your Degree with Prior Learning Credit Webinar - Register here!

Additional Resources

Illinois Tech Academic Calendar

Course Offerings by Session

PBA Quick Start Guide

Admissions Information

Important Dates

Spring B - Enrollment deadline is March 31st

  • November 4, 2024: Spring B Registration open
  • March 10, 2025: Spring B courses begin
  • March 31, 2025: Last day to register for Spring B Courses
  • April 21, 2025: Last day to upgrade open content for credit for Spring B
  • May 9,2025: Last day of Spring B courses

Upcoming Events

March 27: Save Money on Your Degree with Prior Learning Credit Webinar - Register here!

Additional Resources

Illinois Tech Academic Calendar

Course Offerings by Session

PBA Quick Start Guide

Ingreso por cursos individuales de maestría

Esta modalidad de admisión te brinda la oportunidad de empezar la maestría a tu propio ritmo y pagar los cursos de forma individual. Podrás matricularte en el curso que desees y acumular créditos antes de tomar la decisión de inscribirte en el programa completo. Los créditos que apruebes serán homologados si eres posteriormente admitido en la maestría.

Ingreso por Certificados MasterTrack®

Si eres aceptado en el programa de maestría, los contenidos vistos en el certificado MasterTrack® podrán ser homologados posteriormente. El MasterTrack® Principios de ingeniería de software automatizada y ágil equivale al primer semestre de MISO.

Ingreso por el Certificado Google IT Automation with Python

Si cuentas con este certificado podrás ser eximido de la presentación del examen de admisión y dar continuidad a tu proceso de ingreso.

Explora los recursos disponibles

Te recomendamos estos cursos abiertos o MOOCs para prepararte para el examen de admisión o para el inicio de clases de MISO.

El propósito de este curso es ofrecerte un ambiente interactivo para que desarrolles tus habilidades de pensamiento computacional, aprendas a programar en el lenguaje Python y te entrenes en la resolución de problemas utilizando un computador

Los modelos de clases en UML te proveen una forma de comunicar y validar el entendimiento de un problema dentro del paradigma de programación orientada a objetos, independiente de la tecnología en la que se implementa una solución.

Aspirantes extranjeros

Recuerda que es obligatorio que cuentes con visa de estudiante u otro tipo de visa que, en caso de ser admitido, te permita estudiar. La visa deberás presentarla en la Oficina de Admisiones y Registro o enviarla al correo, ANTES de la impresión del recibo de matrícula.

Si tienes dudas acerca del proceso de visas para estudiar, puedes comunicarte al teléfono (+57) (1) 3394949 Ext. 2211, o al correo