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Deep Learning with PyTorch

Enseigné en Anglais


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Joseph Santarcangelo

Instructeur : Joseph Santarcangelo

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

19 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 6 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Key concepts on Softmax regression and understand its application in multi-class classification problems.

  • How to develop and train shallow neural networks with various architectures.

  • Key concepts of deep neural networks, including techniques like dropout, weight initialization, and batch normalization.

  • How to develop convolutional neural networks, apply layers and activation functions.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Softmax regression
  • Catégorie : Neural Networks
  • Catégorie : Activation functions
  • Catégorie : PyTorch
  • Catégorie : Convolutional Neural Networks

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août 2024


5 devoirs

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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

In this module, you will understand problem with mean squared error, and discuss maximum likelihood estimation. And then we'll see how to go from maximum likelihood estimation to calculating cross entropy loss, then Train the model PyTorch. You will apply your learnings in labs and test your concepts in quizzes.


2 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir2 éléments d'application1 plugin

In this module, you will learn how to use Lines to classify data and understand the working of the Softmax function. The module also covers the argmax function and its utilization. You will create a custom module for Softmax using the nn.module package in PyTorch and use a Softmax classifier to create a model for performing classifications. You will apply your learnings in labs and test your concepts in quizzes.


3 vidéos1 devoir2 éléments d'application

In this module, you will create a neural network with a hidden layer using nn.Module and nn.Sequential. You will learn to train a neural network model and how neurons can improve a model. The model will also explain how to construct networks with multiple dimensional input in PyTorch. In addition, you will explore Overfitting and Underfitting, multi-class neural networks, back propagation and vanishing gradient. Finally, you will implement Sigmoid, Tanh and Relu activation functions in Pytorch. You will apply your learnings in labs and test your concepts in quizzes.


6 vidéos1 devoir6 éléments d'application

This module provides an overview of deep neural network in Pytorch. You will learn to implement deep neural network in Pytorch using nn Module list. The module includes concepts like Dropout, layers, and weights. It will also discuss the problem of not initializing the Weights in a Neural Network model correctly and how to fix it. The module will also explore different initialization methods in Pytorch, gradient descent, and batch normalization. You will apply your learnings in labs and test your concepts in quizzes.


6 vidéos1 devoir10 éléments d'application

This module describes convolution and how to determine the size of the activation map. The module also covers activation functions and max pooling. In addition, the module discusses convolution with multiple input and output channels. It summarizes Convolutional Neural Network Constructor, Forward Step, and training in PyTorch. You will learn concepts like graphics processing units (GPUs), CUDA, residual network, and Resnet18. You will apply your learnings in labs and test your concepts in quizzes.


7 vidéos1 devoir6 éléments d'application1 plugin

In this module, you can complete a peer-reviewed final project to demonstrate and prove the skills you gained in the previous modules


2 lectures1 évaluation par les pairs2 éléments d'application


Joseph Santarcangelo
33 Cours1 581 804 apprenants

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