Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors

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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors

Enseigné en Anglais

95 627 déjà inscrits


Familiarisez-vous avec un sujet et apprenez les fondamentaux

Elena Valderrama
Jean-Pierre Deschamps
Lluis Terés

Instructeurs : Elena Valderrama


(752 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
27 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 9 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Digital Design
  • Catégorie : Boolean Algebra
  • Catégorie : Processor Design
  • Catégorie : Digital Circuit Design

Détails à connaître

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17 quizzes

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Il y a 12 modules dans ce cours

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font></b> <br/><br/>We have collected here everything you need to know before starting the course. <br/><br/>This week is divided into three sections: <br/><ul><li>The first is the one you're reading about now and includes a number of general explanations about how the course will run and about the virtual machine you should install on your computer to answer the different quizzes . </li><li>The second (<i><b>Previous knowledge: A review</i></b>) presents a series of tests you can use to check your level of knowledge about numbering systems and the use of pseudocode to describe algorithms. </li><li>The third block contains the first real topic of the course: <i><b>What Digital Systems are?</b></i></li></ul>


1 vidéo10 lectures

<b>Check your knowledge about binary and hexadecimal numbering systems, and the description of algorithms using a pseudocode</b>


2 vidéos2 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b> <br/><br/>This module is an introduction to Digital Systems. Here you will find:<ol><li>A set of videos_L covering issue 1 and the corresponding exercises, </li><li>Two videos_P introducing the processor that we will design along the course, and</li><li>Some video-based explanations; a wiki and some FAQs about how VerilUOC_Desktop tool functions.<br/> You will have to use VerilUOC_Desktop in the next module</li></ol> Read the "Lesson Index" in the "Index and PDF files" section and the "README" in the VerilUOC_Desktop section for more information.


5 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b> <br/><br/>This module introduces combinational circuits, logic gates and boolean algebra, all of them items necessary to design simple combinational circuits.<br/> Read the "Index of lessons" for more information. <br/><br/><b>To solve the exercises in this module you will need to use VerilUOC_Desktop. Look at the module "VerilUOC_Desktop tools" to learn how to use it.</b>


5 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b><br/><br/>From this week you will need to use VerilUOC_Desktop to do some of the exercises in the quizzes. VerilUOC_Desktop is a software package based on Logisim, enhanced with a number of modules to enable:<ul><li>Enter Boolean equations (BoolMin),</li><li>Enter digital circuits and check them according the problem statement (VerilCirc), and</li><li>Enter chronograms (time-charts) and check that they are correct (VerilChart).</li></ul>This section contains two videos explaining how these three tools work. By now you only need to use VerilCirc and BoolMin, so if you are pushed for time, you might postpone VerilChart for later. Obviously, it is impossible to cover in these two videos all eventualities you can find while working with VerilUOC_Desktop tools. In case of doubt, look at the VerilUOC_Desktop wiki, look at the FAQs or post your problems in the forums. There are specific forums for VerilCirc, BoolMin and VerilChart.


2 vidéos3 lectures

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b> <br/><br/>We continue the study of combinational circuits. While in the previous module we were working on the classical design techniques of combinational circuits, this one is focused on other issues such as a brief introduction to computer aided design tools (CAD tools), or the direct synthesis of combinational circuits from its algorithmic description.<br/> Read the "Lesson index" for more information. <br><br/><b>To solve the exercises in this module VerilUOC_Desktop is needed. </b>Remember that the "VerilUOC_Desktop" section in module 2 contains all the information you need about this tool.


5 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b><br/><br/>Arithmetic circuits are an essential part of many digital circuits and thus deserve a particular treatment. <ul><li> The first part of this module presents some implementations of the basic arithmetic operations. Only operations with naturals (non-negative integers) are considered. </li><li>The second part of this module introduces the basics of VHDL with the goal of providing enough knowledge to understand its usage throughout this course and start developing basic hardware models.</li></ul>


10 vidéos9 lectures1 quiz

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b><br/><br/>This is the first module dedicated to Sequential Circuits (Digital Systems with Memory).<br/> <b>To solve the quizzes you will need VerilUOC_Desktop</b>. Remember that the first week includes a complete description of VerilUOC_Desktop. In particular, VerilChart is presented in the second video.


7 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b><br/><br/>This second module dedicated to Sequential Circuits deals with particular sequential circuits that are building blocks of larger circuits, namely registers, counters and memory blocks.


4 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b><br/><br/>This module deals with two topics: <ol><li>In previous lessons, the relation between algorithms (programming language structures) and combinational circuits has been commented. This relation also exists between algorithms and sequential circuits. We will explore this relation in the current module.</li><li>The second topic we will see is the definition and VHDL modelling of Finite State Machines.</li></ol>


5 vidéos4 lectures2 quizzes

<b><font size=4 color=#B22222><b>Click on "v More" to read the purpose of this module</b></font> </b><br/><br/>This last module presents some basic information about manufacturing technologies, as well as about implementation strategies, and synthesis and implementation tools.


4 vidéos2 lectures2 quizzes



3 lectures


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.4 (118 évaluations)
Elena Valderrama
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2 Cours131 552 apprenants
Jean-Pierre Deschamps
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2 Cours131 552 apprenants
Lluis Terés
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
2 Cours131 552 apprenants

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Avis des étudiants

Affichage de 3 sur 752


752 avis

  • 5 stars

    63,21 %

  • 4 stars

    22,57 %

  • 3 stars

    6,10 %

  • 2 stars

    2,12 %

  • 1 star

    5,97 %


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