Web3 and Blockchain Leadership for Transformation

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Web3 and Blockchain Leadership for Transformation

Ce cours fait partie de Spécialisation Web3 and Blockchain in Global Commerce

Enseigné en Anglais

Don Tapscott
Alex Tapscott
 Alisa Acosta

Instructeurs : Don Tapscott

1 564 déjà inscrits

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23 heures (approximativement)
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Describe how blockchain consortia may vary with respect to their purpose, activities, membership models, beneficiaries, and governance models

  • Describe some of the benefits and key considerations concerning shared standards for blockchain and digital assets

  • Explain how blockchain design choices around privacy, user identity, security, notaries, block relays etc. influence interoperability implementations

  • Explain how blockchain will transform the roles and functions of the C-Suite

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34 quizzes


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(12 avis)

niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
23 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
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Ce cours fait partie de la Spécialisation Web3 and Blockchain in Global Commerce
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  • Développez des compétences professionnelles avec des projets pratiques
  • Obtenez un certificat professionnel partageable

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Il y a 5 modules dans ce cours

Blockchain alone is just a tool. In order for this technology to fulfill its long-term promise, humans must lead. Rather than relying on state-based institutions, blockchain must be primarily self-governed through collaborations of civil society, private sector, government, and stakeholders in non-state networks. In this module, we discuss the idea of blockchain governance networks and explain how they can support blockchain stewardship at three levels: The platform level, the application level, and the ecosystem level. As well, you will learn about the conditions that are necessary for a blockchain-based hub of innovation to succeed.


16 vidéos3 lectures4 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

Although blockchain technology emerged from the open source community, it quickly attracted many stakeholders, each with different backgrounds, interests, and motives. In this module, you will explore the roles and perspectives of nine categories of stakeholders within the blockchain ecosystem, including industry pioneers, venture capitalists, developers, governments, regulators, leaders, and end users.


8 vidéos2 lectures4 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

Because blockchain changes the deep structures and architecture of the firm, it will consequently transform our models of management and the roles of the C-Suite. Navigating the balance between blockchain’s hype and its true potential is a key responsibility of an organization’s management team. In this module, you will learn about some of the decisions and changes that business leaders can anticipate when considering how the future of blockchain will unfold within their business.


11 vidéos8 lectures14 quizzes

With companies across sectors seeking to harness the transformative potential of distributed ledger technologies (DLT), the blockchain ecosystem is an exemplar of new models of industry collaboration. Coopetition—the strategy of cooperating with competitors for defined purposes to cultivate a new economic ecosystem that benefits both—has become the new norm. In this module, you will learn what companies are trying to gain from consortia projects, and what industries and competitors need to accomplish to get to a win-win. You will discuss various design options, organizational models, and best practices for consortia projects, and will explore several examples of industry consortia that are at the forefront of the blockchain ecosystem.


7 vidéos3 lectures5 quizzes

While most professionals understand the potential of blockchain technology, not all of them understand its mechanics and the requirements for its success. In the last decade, thousands of blockchain projects have sprung up, all intending to become the dominant blockchain protocol. A clear winner has not yet emerged, leading to numerous attempts to communicate and transfer value between different blockchain networks. In this module, you will learn about two major themes concerning the exchange of data and value across blockchain protocols: standardization and interoperability. You will learn how various types of standards—including semantic standardization and technological standardization—can create powerful network effects and economic gains for members of a blockchain ecosystem. You will also learn about various approaches to interoperability among blockchain networks. You will explore a series of recent interoperability projects (e.g. Aion, Chainlink, Cosmos, Polkadot) and will discuss some of the implementation challenges and opportunities concerning blockchain interoperability solutions.


13 vidéos4 lectures7 quizzes


Don Tapscott
18 Cours132 617 apprenants
Alex Tapscott
17 Cours131 963 apprenants

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