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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Advanced Neurobiology I by Peking University

576 ratings

About the Course

Hello everyone! Welcome to advanced neurobiology! Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. We’re trying to understand the molecular, cellular nature and the circuitry arrangement of how nervous system works. Through this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of basic neuroanatomy, electral signal transduction, movement and several diseases in the nervous system. This advanced neurobiology course is composed of 2 parts (Advanced neurobiology I and Advanced neurobiology II, and the latter will be online later). They are related to each other on the content but separate on scoring and certification, so you can choose either or both. It’s recommended that you take them sequentially and it’s great if you’ve already acquired a basic understanding of biology. Thank you for joining us!...

Top reviews


May 11, 2019

All information on this course is very useful for me. Now I can without any problem understand the hard themes in neurobiology. Thank you.


Aug 16, 2020

The information on this course is so useful and helped me to understand the brain functions and many process.

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126 - 141 of 141 Reviews for Advanced Neurobiology I

By Jonny G

Apr 10, 2017

This course is a discreditation to coursera, and it's low standards are appalling. From a purely certificate based perspective, the only requirement to complete the course are completely the quizzes. They are short, and can easily be googled, or the slides can be downloaded and the answers simply CRTL+F for keyboards. There is zero need to watch the lectures ( at least for the first 2 weeks).

The lectures are terrible themselves. The English is beyond horrible, and I don't understand the modern culture of having teachers teach in languages they can't speak. It is purely reading off the slides in any case, word for word. I learned more about the basics in neuroscience in a 20 minutes lecture from a separate course, "Computational Neuroscience" than the entire first week here.

If you actually want to learn neuroscience, check out HardvardX's intro course.

By dr

Mar 22, 2017

This is the worst, most pathetic course I have taken online. If Peking University believes this is their best - I'll not be taking another course with them. The instructor's command of the English language is awful and the sub-titles are some help, but not a lot. Instructors are just talking faces up front - they cannot teach. They may be great in the lab, but keep them out of the classroom. I toughed out the course, but it only got worse. I had originally signed up for parts 1 and 2 of this course. Canceled part 2. The use of slides that are not clear / too small and not on the screen long enough to digest the information did not help. Do yourself a favor - avoid this course. As a side note - I have taken in excess of 25 online courses, this was the most painful.

By Dani J

Jun 11, 2019

I work with international students all day and have done for years, but this was painful to listen to. I really appreciate the effort made to present a course in another language, but I just couldn't follow along with this course. The obviously strained and slow pronunciation was so distracting. In addition, I couldn't make sense of even the simplest explanations as complex concepts were just referred to as "things" and "go like this" when we often could not see the accompanying hand gestures. The same thing has been explained in another course, and made sense right away. I highly advise anyone considering this course to take the course by either the University of Chicago or Duke University instead as I've tried them both out, and they are great.

By Deborah M

May 22, 2016

After finishing week 1, I have decided to stick with Duke university's Medical neuroscience which is starting up again. I also highly recommend "Understanding the Brain The Neurobiology of Everyday Life" which I believe was taught by the University of Chicago. I found them to be far more engaging the viewer and the format to be much easier to follow. I found it visually disturbing and also have to keep pausing to read the slide before it switches.It's too bad because I was really looking forward to this course. It also seemed she had trouble pronouncing many of the words and I do not want to learn how to pronounce many of them incorrectly also many of the slides did not have an English translation on them.

By Deleted A

Apr 21, 2017

Extremely poor quality of instruction. The lectures themselves are little more than the material being read directly off the slides by an individual with a poor grasp on the English language. The majority of the slides are walls of unclear and non-descriptive text. Even with reading directly from the slides, the lecturer is overly circumstantial in her explanations if not just outright tangential. I commend the authors for putting together a course outside of their native language but, in this case at least, it does more harm than good.

In short, this course has the air of a group of first year students giving a presentation verbatim from the slides, as another commenter also mentioned below.

By Luis A

Apr 4, 2016

Lots of good information, but the presentation is very bad. Not only are the professors clearly struggling with the English (and the material, calling anatomical planes "plates" and confounding sulci with fissures, etc), but some of the recording/video editing decisions make it less engaging and more difficult to follow. For example, the size of the images is often compromised because they chose to show the professor on the left side of the screen, even though it is absolutely unnecessary to do so.

Overall, I do not recommend this course.

By Mohamed M

Dec 30, 2016

The professors sound like a group of first-year students presenting a group project, literally reading notes off of a powerpoint slide. The professors also can't speak English, so instead of explaining things in depth, they have to very, very slowly read basic phrases (to explain complex subject matter) off of what's basically a teleprompter.

By Cecile D

Jun 29, 2016

Really poor powerpoint presentations and videos, half in chinese. The accent of the teacher is horrible (i'm not an english-native speaking person so it's hard for me to follow english when badly spoken, so i cut off the sound and only read the subtitles.)

The content is interesting though.

By Marcela K

May 23, 2016

I don't want to be mean, but the first week was terrible! I was expecting what it said: ADVANCED neurobiology.

I feel bad giving this review. I'm just dropping the course.

By Timo-Daniel V

Jun 19, 2020

Very unstructured. The male lecturer actually sometimes says the wrong thing. The quizzes never match the lecture of the male lecturer. The female lkecturer was way better.

By Saber Q z

Jul 18, 2021

hello sir/mam , excuse me the email that you provide for slides is not working

( there is a problem with password , please solve this problem thanks!

By Brad C

Feb 20, 2022

Poorly put together. Blood brain barrier isn't localized at base of brain, but outside of blood vessels within brain.

By Lorenzo R

Mar 3, 2017

Very boring... The professor is just reading (with a bad English). The illustrations are also very boring...

By Erik M

Jul 18, 2017

it's impossible to understand the speech or the slides

By priscilla p

Oct 29, 2022

The male teacher jumped in between topics.

By Volha L

Dec 14, 2019

Impossible to understand the class.