Nov 18, 2018
This is an introductory course to Blockchain. The supplemented material (in other words self-study) is excellent and in my opinion is the only way to master the concepts and details of this discipline
Feb 4, 2022
Really l​earned a lot about the fundamentals of blockchain, being a software engineer looking into blockchain. It just got me up to speed with the underlying workflow of blockchain and more. loved it.
By Shubham T
•Mar 16, 2020
By Front R C
•Aug 19, 2018
By Thien N
•Jul 19, 2018
By Коломиец К
•Nov 22, 2024
By Ahmad A
•Mar 14, 2024
•Nov 14, 2022
By Lanre A
•Jun 15, 2021
By Aswin S R 1
•Nov 8, 2022
By Vallandas R
•Jul 28, 2021
By Sahar G
•Jun 1, 2021
By Anshul b (
•Mar 29, 2021
By Anjani N
•Dec 30, 2019
By Randhir N
•Jun 4, 2019
By Parinita P
•May 3, 2019
By Patrick C K
•Feb 19, 2021
I used this course as a refresher, so it was not hard to follow. However, I think a beginner could have trouble imagining some of the presented concepts. I would have hoped for more mnemonic aids (like "can you make potatoes out of mashed potatoes") and practical examples (like message transfer between Buffalo and Kathmandu). This would really help memorizing these concepts.
Also, the final project is super easy, but can really cause headaches because of software problems. The troubleshooting provided by the instructors only covers an infinitesimal portion of the issues that users run into. This can also be seen in the course's forum. Hopefully, the instructors will make a more extensive guide or provide an alternative to the virtual disk image (e.g. a Docker image).
Last but not least, I would wish for updates on the course material, since the crypto world is changing very fast. I don't mean recording the videos all over again, but e.g. adding a list of notes after each week like "Ethereum moved from ProofOfWork to ProofOfStake". This prevents the course from becoming too outdated.
Despite all this criticism, I can recommend the course in general. It gives a good overview over Decentralization, Bitcoin and Ethereum.
•Jan 14, 2023
For a fifty-something, it was a matter of etching in a new corner in the mind to even begin to understand what it's all about. I probably spent 10 times the time a more competent person would spend trying to understand the concepts and the mechanism. I even think I learned a new language, since techno-speak is quite another matter in any language. The short videos covered the most important key points, the quizzes matched the teaching with clarity, and all the additional reading and video links were well selected, well placed and extremely helpful. Thank you; you've given me faith that I can function within the 21st century.
Good course that provides a good introduction to the student. In some cases poor articulation and pronunciation of the lecturer that even the automatic English subtitles are wrong. In some cases poor presentations with very few illustrations and a confusing background. Sporadically outdated material. Some links of the material for further reading are a dead link. Even in a quiz that one needs to pass for getting a grade, there are dead links. Please update urgently and respect Your customers.
By Manuel A
•Mar 28, 2022
The course is easy, very easy, if you already have previous knowledge as an autodidact. However, there are some new things that you learn, and others that you consolidate. The quality of the materials is very good, especially the videos. The optional materials open doors for you to continue researching on your own. The practice of the final evaluation is very well done. You will be able to do it even if you don't know how to program. However, if you are not a bit techy, you will get stuck at the first attempt. Installing an Ubuntu virtual environment allows you to interact in a private Ethereum blockchain in which you create two nodes and perform transactions between them. There are courses in Spain offered by centers associated with universities that are self-cataloged as "masters", but that do not hold a candle up to this one. I value it with four stars out of five because you always have to aspire to improve everything. Now, if one takes this course to enter the world of blockchain ex novo, from scratch, then it surely deserves a five out of five.
By Irina
•Oct 14, 2022
The "Key Takeways" at the end of the course are clear and sum up the data well. Inside the course itself, some of the things were less clear. The references to external resources were sometimes outdated. A promising startup in 2017 has not necessarily materialized by 2022. And the English transcription had some errors, making it hard to understand the videos. Overall, I am happy with the course: it laid in the foundation. I didn't earlier know the key advantage of Ethereum: the business logic built into it. I learned it for the first time on this course and am grateful for this. Also, the vitual machine at the end was built to make it easy on students, I appreciate it! It gave me a couple of error messages but with little Googling I was able to resolve them.
By Basem A
•Mar 18, 2021
Some might argue that the video content is too brief and not worth it, but in my opinion they really help succinctly explain the concepts that are covered within the external resources mentioned for each week. Those resources do tend to take a lot more time to cover, but what worked very well for me was the approach of watching the lectures, going over all of the resources provided for a given week, and then re-watching the lecture to completely retain all of the information that was provided. The course served it's purpose for covering the contents of the Blockchain basics and so I would recommend it to any individual that may be interested in the field.
By Yifei H
•Jun 20, 2018
This is a good introduction to the basic concepts of blockchain focusing on BTC and ETH. Quiz sessions are well designed and final project is nicely setup and designed. I got nice return on my time spent in this course.The reason that I gave 4/5 stars instead of 5/5 is because I feel the materials can be a little bit more concrete and technical to convey more useful information. For example, there could be more information about mining, to the extent that student can understand Selfish Mining in bitcoin at a high level. While this course is meant to be basics, but we can add some advanced or extension sessions after each week.
By Rajat G
•Jan 23, 2019
Overall the course was very well designed & well paced and the concepts were introduced well. The only gripe I would have is that the final assignment required grappling with setting up VirtualBox and getting the VM started. Not everyone is aware of virtualization so specific primers on how to set this up on Windows etc would be helpful as the current setup pdf / trouble shooting pdfs gloss over some of the common steps or errors.
I faced a couple of issues that got solved only after several tries and restarts and some of this time could have been avoided if only the tips provided were better explained.
•Nov 6, 2021
Good course, but I think the explanations could've been a bit more "sequential". But I get its point of figuring out stuff on your own and tying it up to whatever's being taught currently in a module; so it's not that big of a deal. The quizzes could've been more difficult and it always turned out being way too easy and underwhelming (even for someone who doesn't know a thing about crypto). But ultimately it does a good job of introducing you to the world of crypto and, despite some unusual bumps in the sequence of teaching, it does what it has to do well. Very informative overall. :)
•Dec 4, 2018
The course is good basic foundation for Blockchain concepts.
1) I think few of the concepts can be elaborated bit more by the instructor instead of directing to reading material. Honestly, I have googled lot of material on blockchain and felt like I was doing the same in this course.
2) There is some confusion on the project and the instructions should be clear to download the ova file from resources and also the naming is not the same as listed in the instruction document
3) Couple of more quizzes on complete course will be good.
Overall enjoyed the course and the project.
By Hetvi S M
•May 27, 2020
It is a perfect course to get introduced to the blockchain concepts. The course content is compact and on point which makes it easy to understand and grasp. The course provides various guidelines along with curated material that makes the student well versed with the basics of bitcoin as well as ethereum. The course introduces various concepts like smart Contracts, Forks, and Hashing algorithms which inculcate a sense of robustness and security in the blockchain system.
Overall it is an excellent course, to begin with, your journey of understanding blockchains
By James B
•Jun 9, 2023
getting the last project to work was difficult. i use a MAC and didn't know until the last project came up that the project doesn't work with MAC. some people said they got it to work. I tried it, got it to install, but the VM kept crashing. I had to borrow a friends window box. Make sure you read all the documents for the last project and make sure the box you use has at least 8 GB ram. the VM default is 4 gb and it seems it needs at least 6 to work properly. that leaves 6 or 7 for the vm and 1 for your host machine to keep operating. hope this helps.