Nov 18, 2018
This is an introductory course to Blockchain. The supplemented material (in other words self-study) is excellent and in my opinion is the only way to master the concepts and details of this discipline
Feb 4, 2022
Really l​earned a lot about the fundamentals of blockchain, being a software engineer looking into blockchain. It just got me up to speed with the underlying workflow of blockchain and more. loved it.
By Darren J S
•Oct 27, 2018
Good introductory course, but in nearly every quiz there are questions that weren’t explicitly discussed in any of the videos beforehand. I have no doubt the information was contained in the additional readiness material but I sense many participants will use those as additional resources, not primary references for the quizzes, just like I did.
Programming assignment at the end was great, needs updated instructions for installing on macOS. I’d be happy to help with that if you’re interested.
On to Course 2!
By Fedor G
•Apr 8, 2020
The necessity of tx hash root is unclear. What even are receipt root or state root? What is a state in Ethereum — that is not very clear to me after this course.
While speaking of UTXO in Bitcoin, it is not clear what that is. Too formalistic. I could look up the information, that UTXO are smt like chunks of txs and you cannot simply send 100BTC to smb — you need to collect the chunks on your address into 100BTC and direct any excess as a change to your own account to form a new UTXO
•Jun 15, 2021
The course is a basic introduction to blockchain and covers a lot of basic concepts. The lectures are not "great", they are very short and cover very less content and that too not in deep. However, the optional links provided after lectures are very informative. They are time consuming but to understand the subject properly, they are necessary. Also, Links should be regularly updated and new links should be added so that if there is any new content, students are aware of it.
By Michael S
•Mar 29, 2022
It's a good overall course going over the basics so that someone can understand. I would like to see more on how the nodes work. Seems like there needs to be some review of the videos and the quizzes since the quizzes will sometimes ask things that were not really covered in the videos. It maybe something mentioned once but not something in depth that one would think would be covered and then included in a quiz. This only occured a couple of times.
By John E
•Aug 5, 2019
It was an OK class. In terms of content I think that the Blockchain Basics offered by LinkedIn was a bit better and more informative. The assignment at the end needs to be better maintained. I would swap out the old files in the project page for the newer ones in the resources page. I will say though that the assignment at the end really brought it together for me as I got to see how a blockchain interface behaved. So overall I still learned a lot.
By Praveen S
•May 17, 2020
Course was well structured, however, some of the key concepts could've been better explained. Especially the chain split concept for Ethereum. Videos in week 1 felt a little rushed, but the other modules were well paced. Nice collection of resources, but some of the links were dead (in Week 4) and links had resources that spanned other modules. Which isn't a bad thing, just caused a little bit of confusion when I organized my work.
By Deleted A
•May 11, 2020
Very well designed course. Teaches all the foundational knowledge of Blockchain needed to help you understand and navigate through the complex world of Blockchain. The jargon in blockchain doesn't feel alien to you after taking this course. If you want to explore the world of Blockchain, then this is the place to start. The only problem though is that the course is not up-to-date with the blockchain technology of the current day.
By Vivek P
•Aug 8, 2020
Decent beginning to your blockchain basics and to brush up fundamentals in case you have been reading up on blockchain projects. The last assignment is really what makes spend you a lot of time troubleshooting. Unless you are good at basic troubleshooting, you will struggle at the last step. The problem is not the difficulty of programming assignments, but the setup notes are insufficient to get a straight forward result!
By Vangara B R
•Jun 8, 2020
This is a great course for blockchain beginners. The concepts are very clear and the references for understanding the concepts are exceptional. Even though there are miss calculations in the final project regarding the time required including the errors and delays for low-end laptops for the final project, the solutions are mentioned. And it also gave me an opportunity to understand even better while looking at the code.
By Alejandro V
•Jul 13, 2021
I think the introductory part to this technology is great. So many misconceptions can arise when street people who think they know enough about bitcoin or ethereum advise peers about what they shoul be doing. I think this introductory course should be a must take for anyone dealing with anything about blockchain. Having said that, I would like more practice quizzes instead of some of the academic ones.
By Douglas F
•Mar 18, 2022
The course taught me much, but the Project was not clearly defined as to what is going on. I found I missed an entire step in loading the Virtual Machine because I thought that section was for Mac Pc only. I eventually figured it out. I would have like to have a better explanation of the Oracle VM and what EXACTLY was goin on. Perhaps the other courses in the specialization will help clearify.
By Ivan M
•Feb 14, 2020
This is a great way to get started with Block Chain. The extra materials of the course will give you a more deep sense of the concepts that the course touches and they are several. Some of the transcriptions are inaccurate, but they are minor type-os. In general this course will give you the sufficient tools for you to understand and comprehend what Block Chains are all about. My score is 4.5
By Marcus D
•Jan 27, 2020
The lecture videos and additional material e.g. like white papers from Satoshi Nakamoto that are provided in the course give students the possibility to directly deep-dive into the most important publications of blockchain. Even though the lecture videos are quite short, it is a very good starting point for students who want to fully understand what's happing in the blockchain.
By Valin M
•Nov 30, 2022
The content is very interesting and adapted to beginners. The quizzes and extra materials are well chosen. However, it should have been very interesting to manually set up the block chain used in the final assignment (or explain the steps). It would be also very useful to provide an Ubuntu version of the final achievement. I recommend the course and hop into the second one.
By James M
•Mar 26, 2020
Interesting and informative, but a bit out of date. If the technology is as constantly changing as the course claims, then there shouldn't be articles and videos from 2017. Instructions for the set up of the final project seemed out of date as well, as many of the files I was expected to download and set up were not labeled the same as they were in the instruction document.
By Maja L
•May 12, 2021
Good course for introduction but I guess not for total beginners, without any technical background.
1 star less for final task - except installing software (which could be difficult for sb who never done it before) task was pretty easy - just clicking according to instruction. Schema of working was shown but nothing else.
Also some external links do not work actually.
By Jason W
•Jan 20, 2021
The final project of this course is not difficult once you get the environment setup. Some one from the uinversity needs to review the current status of the final project and make edits to the supplied setup files so fewer people have an issue. Also, there is definitely a RAM requirement which is not highlighted or stressed enough in the description of the course.
By Priyansh J
•Oct 1, 2021
The reading material provided is good but the content in the videos is less and hence to get a better understanding reading material provided is a must. The explanation is decent but sometimes the words used have to searched up. The quiz's and final assessment are pretty easy. Only setting up the environment can be a issue depending on the system you are using.
By Pedro S
•Jan 26, 2021
The content essenciatially is very informative, although there are multiple broken links to access complementary material (and even exercises), which is very disappointing. However, I still recommend this course for those who are interested in learning a little more about this subject, I hope this course gets more (the deserved) attention from its maintainers.
By Deleted A
•Jun 8, 2021
The course is amazing. The content covered is good as well. But I feel as if they could have explained some topics more clearly and in a little ore depth, or they shouldn't have introduced them in the first place. I do recommend this course, but remember, you will have to do a lot of googling alongside watching the course videos. The course is great, though!
•May 26, 2022
This is a very well structured course that will help any begineer like me to build solid foundation on this block chain technology.
It starts from the very basics and smoothly moves forward increasing the difficulty.
Overall this course really helped me to understand how this technology works internally and to get a better understanding of this technology.
By Jay L
•Dec 8, 2021
Great foundational information and practical application.
The only reason for the lack of a fifth star is that the majority of the articles and videos are based on information from 2016. So it is a little outdated yet completely useful and I would recommend it. I wasn't aware that we would be using VM software so that was a pleasant surprise. Thank you.
By Shreyaans M N
•Jun 13, 2020
Really liked the course a lot! had difficulty in the final project due to the huge download size. Instead of using a local VM, it would have been batter to use a Cloud VM, such as QwikLabs which ensure that the process is speedy and less time consuming.
I hope that this will be taken into consideration.
Nonetheless, the course was great! Thanks a lot!
By D S S
•Oct 28, 2019
The whole course was very informative. But the time i took to complete the quiz' in all the weeks is half of that i took to complete the programming assignment. The instructions should be modified and a video must be uploaded as a minimum requirement to provide us enough clarity. i am eagerly looking forward to continue with this specialization!
•Apr 23, 2020
A nicely planned course, that helps beginners to learn and explore the basics of Block-Chain which in itself is quite a complex technology. For the project I would recommend following ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY and also use the discussion forum to get rid of Errors. In the end, these Errors also teach you a lot of things. All the best.