Aug 5, 2021
This course is so amazing and very helpful for our own real life. There are a lot of creative activities which can make our boring time a very amazing and interesting time. Thanks to all professors.
May 24, 2020
This course provides scientifically sound advance to get moving for your health. It also provides inspiration and motivation to get started and stay active for a longer, healthier, happier life.
By Lerrick S
•Jun 12, 2017
This was a good course. I learned about the importance of moving more and got a better understanding of how to go about integrating more movement into my daily life.
By Marjori P
•Oct 16, 2018
Well organized and presented content. I just wish it a bit more in depth info. Seems to be pretty shallow information most people I know already are aware of.
By bruce b
•Jul 24, 2016
Good basic background for starting out. I wanted a little more but no complaints. Good simple instructions and knowledge build including the SMART principle
By Van T
•Aug 9, 2020
Provides scientific evidences which says: sport is good.
It's not for me because I already know it, and I look for something else, something more interesting.
By Amol S
•May 10, 2020
Very Basic, Scientific approach by the experts. It really helps to improve the overall daily routine which enhances health. Thank you for the course
By Blanca I M R
•Sep 16, 2024
Very good information and practical guides. I'm practicing everyday with my step counter and I try to exercise or be active everyday
By Linda S
•Mar 24, 2023
I enjoyed the course. I did find it ended abruptly, without closure. I was expecting another quiz
and then a concluding statement.
By 李万丹
•Jul 12, 2016
This course is a good introduction to getting active, and it provides a plethora of useful resources that can help you get started.
•Jul 25, 2022
Although the course looks very simple, it comprises of all the key pointers needed for an individual to keep himself more active.
By Jade
•Jan 29, 2017
Very informative course :) the quizzes were a little too obvious (just my own opinion!) I did not feel challenged during them.
By Debra C
•Feb 16, 2017
Good course for people wanting to get more active. Lots of good information and the how-tos to make it work for you.
By Karen M
•Jan 18, 2018
Good Course - though i have not yet received my certificate and i completed all the necessary steps a few month ago
By Nendra N W
•Dec 10, 2020
This course will sure get anyone who wants to be active regardless of what occupation and abilities one may have.
By Penny R
•Nov 9, 2021
Clearly presented, helpfully paced and practical. This course has given me fresh motivation to get active.
By Judy A
•May 25, 2020
I would appreciate a transcript to be provided with video - makes it easier to make notes at own pace.
By Samundra S
•Sep 8, 2016
Very motivating and highly informative. I'll recommend for everyone, irrespective of age or sex.
By Tushar s
•Dec 17, 2020
yes , every benefit has been explained well and the suggestion is real which you can practice .
By Tilda S
•Oct 28, 2020
Definitely an interesting course, explains the basics and is a good motivator to get you going.
•May 13, 2020
It was a really great contents course. Peoples are really benefited from this course materials.
By kerri
•Sep 8, 2018
Great course. A bit basic but it's an excellent start for motivating one to get more active!
By Agnese R
•Oct 27, 2016
This course gave me some nice encouragement tips to get started on a new healthier path!
By Victoria J M
•Jul 24, 2016
Very good course with good information. I just need to keep doing the things I learned.
By Abdullahikadar
•Oct 26, 2020
nothing is perfect but this course is really good, easy to understand and practical.
By Daniel H
•Jan 28, 2019
Definitely a great course. I found the most value from the additional readings.
By Arvind S D
•May 18, 2020
Very easy and main and simply defined how to set goal for being active.