May 24, 2020
Great course for beginners and experts. Easy to understand and a good refresher for those who have been into IT for a long date. Recommend it to everyone looking for a high quality course on coursera.
Oct 3, 2018
Starting from scratch, I feel like I've gained a great basic understanding of IT support. It was informative, and it has motivated me and left me hungry for more. I am pumped to start the next course!
By Julita C
•Nov 5, 2022
I learned a lot in this course. It was hard at first. I don't understand the terms that were used. I was like searching the internet what's the meaning of this and that. I had to stop and go back at times. I thought I'm not a total beginner before but this course showed that I am indeed. I know nothing but now I'm proud to say I did run a command on Linux via a VM and it was fun and I was ecstatic. It's the best experience ever. Besides that, the instructors are really great in delivering their message. They say tech is easy with the right teachers and now I must agree!
•Aug 7, 2021
This learning opportunity is an open-access resource for lifelong learning. The aim is to identify the value and implications of using established and emerging technology tools for personal and professional growth and acquire strategies to develop lifelong learning habits to keep pace with technology change. This course is targeted to the needs of ALL learners, including college students, faculty, current and career-seeking professionals, and anyone from across the globe with a desire to learn how to use emerging technologies to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world
By Bernard D R
•Jul 18, 2022
Wow! I'm proud of myself in successfully completeing this first course in Google IT Support. I would also like to congratulate my classmates who also finished this course.
Even though I knew most of the topics taught, I still learned more and in great detail. I like how this course was designed. Starting from the very basic such as the history of computers and the binary system to advance topics like OS, networking and the Internet. I like the way that there are many expert instructors teaching us. The team behind this training did a great job! Kudos to the Google Team!
By Nasratullah K
•May 2, 2018
I take this chance to thanks both Google and Coursera so much for offering this great opportunity for those who are in the IT Field or interested in IT because it's a great source for online learning that will grow and improve the IT People with hands on experience, practical with scenarios, teach you the new technology and its usage. That's impressive and I really appreciate Google Team and Coursera Team for their hard work and methodology and I highly recommend it for everyone and will encourage everyone to join to get benefit from these online training facilities.
By Gregory H
•Sep 4, 2021
The course was very informative on the true basics of being an I.T. support technician and provides a strong foundation to start your I.T. career.
The courses were easy to follow along and you're able to go back at any point to re-learn something you had forgotten.
The amount of supplemental reading sources was great because it put more responsibility on me to jump start my career and not the course instructors just telling me what to do.
I will definitely be continuing, not only my own research of the I.T. world, but the rest of the courses under this I.T. Certification
By Kyler W
•Sep 20, 2019
This course really helped me to learn more about how the internet works and also how networks are just a bunch of computers connected to other computers and those computers connected to computers through routers and modems and switches that help you navigate smoothly in your network. I also learned key points to IT support including effectively asking questions and problem solving i recommend this class before going to a collage I'm currently in collage as well as working on this certificate this is a cheaper option if you find a course you would like to learn about
By Jackson S
•Jan 27, 2018
Excellent introduction to IT and IT support! As an IT professional this primer left me walking away with things I didn't know, which was honestly a welcome surprise! I appreciate the focus on practical, applicable, knowledge rather than focusing on memorizing every peripheral developed between 1990 and today. Instructors are relatable, enthusiastic, and thorough. Every teacher featured does an excellent job of breaking down complex information into understandable terms--like to the point one's grandparent or small child could understand--which is extremely helpful.
By Mokakatla M
•Apr 30, 2021
As mentioned before, technology and its capabilities are vast, broad with products and solutions being created daily. With the advent of new domains and engineering fields( AI/ML), support demand will skyrocket. However, the demand requires specific capabilities, personalities, or skills. That's why I believe for any person perceived knowledge or general worker to take such initiative from Google and Coursera as a decent starting point to IT, that will help the further find their weakness and strength and most interestingly find a home with infinite opportunities.
By Alejandro A
•Apr 20, 2021
I think that this course is really awesome. I had some prior knowledge going into this course because of playing video games all the time, and just working with computers. The names of hardware like CPU, SSD, RAM, and other components were familiar, but I never really knew what they meant, how they were used, how they were compatible and exactly how they all worked. Now I do. I really think that this has helped me get much in developing my interest for a career in IT, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the courses hold in store for me and the other students.
By Chris P
•Dec 27, 2020
I believe this course is perfectly set up for someone who has beginner to zero knowledge of IT technical support skill or background. Myself, I picked up very useful resources to explore further and found value in the content of this course. I have already recommended this course to others, even those who already have this knowledge but to achieve a certificate anyhow. Thank you for designing this course and offering them.... I am working forwards on learning more in the diverse field and seriously considering a computer science degree going forwards.
C. Peters
By Aditya K C
•Dec 31, 2021
This is one of the best courses I have ever enrolled in. This course is wonderfully designed by Google & Coursera, and my special thanks to the professional experts of Google who not only taught but also demonstrated the way to do work in IT support and the best part is the qwiklabs (the Virtual Machine) where I can practice the things I have learned. Not only that the instructions are also mentioned while doing any assignment in qwiklabs so it made me more confident, If I stuck in any step so I can read the instructions and I can easily finish my assignments.
By Stevie J
•Dec 13, 2020
This is the first online course I ever made it completely through. Google did a great job with the selection of their instructors. They also did a fantastic job working with qwiklabs to develop easy-to-use and accessible tools to simulate real-world issues virtually. I really enjoyed this course and the entire thing took me about a week to finish committing about 3 hours a night and my weekends. If you're a technical person this should come pretty easy and if you're not Google does a really good job explaining the fundamentals of IT and how to put them to use.
By Nathan W
•Feb 27, 2019
I am currently a full-time student studying Information Systems in a Bachelor's program while working part-time as an IT intern. As someone who just completed their A+ certification, this material was somewhat simple, but (and it's a big "but"), I have absolutely loved this coursework. The material is presented in a friendly and digestible manner that would be approachable for any IT novice.
My favorite by far was the class in Troubleshooting and Customer Service. I learned a great deal and appreciated the role playing and scenario-driven style of the material.
•Jul 3, 2023
so proud of myself for this STEP! Thank you Google and Coursera for this well made course. My constructive criticism upon completion would be that there are a few typos on certain slides was 1-4, many of the test questions weeks 1-4 were phrased in dialog or verbiage that was not necessarily how it was relayed in the courseand as a new it student it felt difficult- notes are important! Also. I believe future students would benefit from the Glossary being at the front of each chapter. I know it would have helped me in the way my brain processes new material.
By Adrian A
•Jun 11, 2020
This was a very well constructed intro course into the IT world. I was a bit skeptically about online classes as I have never attempted one before. I thought I would be easily distracted and even messy considering I have never been a great note taker. The videos, the captions, the ability to save notes/sections of video by simply following along and clicking a particular area is PHENOMENAL! The hands on training and being in the comfort of your own home, and seeing RD in action is wild. I'm definitely interested and super eager to continuing to learn more!
By Zeeshan A
•Oct 8, 2022
I'm very happy that I have completed this course. It was an amazing experience learning about IT in a professional way. This course provides basic but in-depth knowledge of IT fundamentals like computers, hardware, networking, operating systems, software, security, troubleshooting and user interaction with an IT support role. The course content is concise, awesome and to the point. I like the softskills section i.e resume building and interview skills of this course very much.
I'm now more determined to complete Google IT Support Professional Certification.
By Matthew B
•Dec 16, 2018
This is an absolutely outstanding course! The material is explained well enough that most anyone, regardless of your technical background, will understand it. Equally as important it's much more than some basic 'Intro to Computers' type course. When a friend told me about it I was hesitant as I have a decent technical background already (certifications in everything from Deep Learning to Blockchain to CompTIA Security+). However, I filled in quite a few knowledge gaps as well as learned topics I was completely unaware of. All in all... highly recommended!
By Zack C
•Sep 15, 2023
While personally I found much of what was covered in this course very simple and rudimentary. I have been messing around with and troubleshooting tech for many years now. I think this is a wonderful introduction to concepts of technology that every person should know. They should honestly include this course in every high school curriculum, so everyone can have basic tech literacy. This course is very beginner friendly and is laid out in a logical way. I honestly believe anyone who has turned on a computer before could pass and benefit from this course.
By Magic K
•Sep 7, 2019
In general it was great :)
I just wish it was a little bit more challenging as far as the Quizes and Tests are concerned. I unerstand that this is the first step, the 'fundamentals' but still I think there should be a little bit more motivational stress when I click on 'start test'. 30min that are given for the tests and I think I have never exceeded 3 minutes. Also there would be nice if there were more little 'test pages' that pop-up during the videos, this makes me a little bit more focused on the content.
But all in all it was great, thanks a lot :)
By Steve N
•Feb 7, 2023
I am grateful to have received the Google Technical support Fundamental certification and would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation. The program was comprehensive and well-structured, providing a thorough understanding of the relevant technology and tools. I would also like to thank the support and the knowledge provided by the instructors.
Overall, this certification has given the tools I needed to start in the IT world and I am confident that it will help me start a good career.
Thank you, Google, for this wonderful opportunity!
By Walter G
•Sep 5, 2020
It was fairly easy to understand and when you don't understand something you can use the Discussion forum; as someone might already have had the same issue/question as you. They encourage you to get into the state of thinking for yourself and learn not because you'll be graded but to further your understanding of the related subject. That's honestly probably the most important thing you can take with you from this course, learning tech support is just an added bonus. It was pretty user interactive as well which makes learning easier and a bit more fun.
By Brent R
•Jun 21, 2023
Well presented and written, it covers a lot. It goes into some detail and is surprisingly able to get a lot across in the time it takes.
You need a proofreader. There are mistakes in almost every segment. One that's common is the captioning saying "Well" when the speaker says "While". "Well, [it's easy to do, it takes resources.]" That doesn't make grammatical sense, unless the second comma is changed to a semicolon. It does make sense however if it accurately transcribes the speaker who is actually saying "WHILE [it's easy to do, it takes resources.]"
By Bamokoto E
•Oct 21, 2023
The first all I would like to thank Coursera with is Partners Google and all staffs, for this Huge opportunity to universal, this program its really a great blessing to the people like us we could not afforded university, but with Coursera and Google they make a way for us! in fact I would like to express my gratitude to all teachers Madam Marti Clark, Mr Kevin, Mr Ben, Madam Cindy, my complement to the Mr Of CPU sorry I had Forget his name in my diary, really I am gratefully for the time they have invested. Thanks, we keep in touch with Cousera,
By illych R
•Oct 27, 2020
Do not let the lonely 1 start review dissuade you from continuing to pursue this pathway to a career change. The first installment of this 5 part course is meant to slowly introduce you to the world of tech and its specialized technical language. It is easy or hard, depending on your background and exposure to computers. The second part starts to get a little more technical and it slowly continues to become more intricate. It will eventually demand a little more thought process from you, so get excited and start to change that career of yours TODAY!
By Wm. T W
•Nov 9, 2020
A really nice overview of IT support fundamentals. I approached this process with some trepidation since I do not really think of myself as a tech guy. I live with a PhD in Computer Science so, if a computer needs attention, they are the one that normally looks at it. I was worried that I would be overwhelmed with jargon and concepts as I entered this program but the process has been very step by step and is obviously geared to get an average, everyday user conversant with the fundamentals of IT in preparation for a deep dive into all the topics.