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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by University of London

6,116 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using
basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to:
1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use
CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use JavaScript variables and functions 6. Manipulate web page content using
JavaScript 7. Respond to user input using JavaScript In this course, you will complete: 2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and J...

Top reviews


Feb 13, 2016

Bright instructors delivering succinct and interesting content, with quick-paced videos and quizzes make a great learning experience. I am really impressed! Thank you, University of London people!


Nov 10, 2020

A great introductory course in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap. It doesn't goes very deep into each of these technologies but it gives you enough foundations for you to pursue further.

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1501 - 1525 of 1,636 Reviews for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By Muhammad S A


Sep 24, 2020


By M J I


Aug 18, 2020


By utkarsh t


Jun 1, 2020


By Geethika


May 17, 2020


By 18wh1a0561 V R


May 16, 2020


By Hemanth S


May 9, 2020


By wissam e


Apr 9, 2020


By Abhinav C


Mar 18, 2020


By kalithasan


Oct 24, 2019


By Balaji M


Nov 19, 2018


By Harshavardhana J


Oct 30, 2018


By Kiki K


Sep 29, 2015


By Atul S


Jan 6, 2021


By Shane O


Feb 10, 2016


By Ubiratan d C


Feb 1, 2016


By Deleted A


Aug 13, 2017

Disclaimer: I'm not new to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and mainly took this course as it's the first in the specialization and I wanted to build up my HTML, CSS, & JS skills. I really wanted to enjoy this course more than I did, but I have to specifically call out its flaws as I think it could sincerely benefit from a lot of revision and updating of content. To start off, the instructors are very good - despite how oddly the content is structured at times, they do a great job of presenting it in a clear and concise way.

Unfortunately, the core weakness of the course lies in how the content is present. While this is a beginner course, the content jumps around substantially in a way that doesn't give a beginner enough time or resources to full grasp the material. Seriously, only covering the DOM with jQuery and just briefly touching on JavaScript document.getElementById in a quiz seems incredibly rushed and doesn't provide the foundational knowledge in JavaScript that I would expect from a course of this nature.

As a result, I can't really recommend this course or the specialization, as it focuses on outdated material, does not provide the foundational knowledge I would expect, which may prepare you to complete the specialization, but not have the full skills to be a web developer.

By Michele E


Feb 3, 2018

Once Javascript started it felt disconnected and I realize there is a lot to cover but much was assumed to be known. I noticed a webpage was named or created every time we viewed a new video in Javascript it would be nice to see the connection, like we did on the last video of images and how the code comes together instead of in sections. Also, I am a hands on type of learner so I had no problem creating a Nav bar and adding pictures to my website the first week even tho this was not required. I thought that is how we would be learning. I copied what the videos showed then I figured out the rest, like how the code actually connects to create the page. It would be great to have a "project" website. Show video of code and steps and what it does to the webpage and then let us create a website giving us steps on what you want on the website from videos you have created, for me I would learn faster this way.

By David C V


May 10, 2020

Even for a complete novice and even given how short the course is, the topics are barely explained. There's a lot of programming that's just left unexplained and the most you get from the course is by reading documentation. And then the quizzes touch a lot of topics that weren't mentioned even in passing. And the projects are just dissapointing, all of them can be completed in 5 minutes without really understanding what you are doing, offering no challenge and no real skill improvement. Especially the last one, "copy this snippet of code and figure out where to paste it - hint - if you open the file it tells you" it's just not worth the time honestly. Specially comparing this course to other beginner courses avaliable in coursera i found it lacking content.

By Rhonda B


Jan 16, 2016

Html and CSS were excellent!

I'm sure this is a great course for people with some coding background, but as a complete beginner to Javascript and coding, I found it nearly impossible to comprehend the 3rd and 4th weeks because we jumped in to Jquery without first getting to know Javascript.

Yes - the quizzes were too easy - I passed all of them even when I wasn't understanding most of the material.

I went over to CodeAcademy and Microsoft Virtual Academy to get a better foundation in JS, then came back and was able to understand a bit better. As for me, I am going to spend more time learning and practicing JS/JQ before moving on to the next course in this specialization.

By Bob C


Oct 13, 2015

Use this course to reinforce your front end skills and not to learn for the first time. There's too many gaps in the presented content for a beginner. The video and audio were presented in a professional high quality format that you would expect from a major university. However, the course structure was slightly unorganized and didn't flow as well as other courses of similar content. Sometimes the instructors seemed to be at a loss for words and stumbled along with arms flailing. At 2X speed it's very obvious and entertaining.

It was a fair attempt for their first online Coursera Web Development course. Hopefully, University of London will improve with future courses.

By Pauline


Aug 17, 2017

It is a good introduction to webdesigning and the 3 basic languages. To actually be able to design a webpage yourself, you should do additional self,study on more detailed webpages (given in this course) and/or learn the next courses of this specialisation. I liked the explanation through examples, allthough it can be difficult to understand the Javascript examples without knowing the basics of another programming language. There is no time to go deeper into details in this course. Giving some structured hand-outs could have been usefull. Great quizes with clear feedback.

By Amber


Apr 13, 2020

The HTML and CSS modules gave a great first look into these languages, I really feel like I have learned a lot in a short time and was challenged to try it out myself. The JavaScript modules, however, were not as good. A lot of high level talk, but not much explanation about the practical stuff, even though it's quite complicated. The assignments were very simple, I would have liked to have more of a challenge. And the the course doesn't end with making a website as an assignment, which I expected after the introduction.

By Tony H


Jan 5, 2021


The 2.5 is for the decent content and the presenters, who try hard. The course is strictly for beginners although the JQuery could be a bit off-putting and a little programming experience would certainly help. Not sure why Visual Studio Code doesn't get a mention as with live server it is very user friendly. I have only given half marks because the assignments are trivial in the extreme even for complete newcomers to the subject. For example, copying two blocks of code to marked places in a file tests nothing.

By Haim M


Mar 30, 2018

The HTML and CSS parts are nice, but the JavaScript one is very lacking. Just saying "we are going to use jQuery" and giving a reference to other sites where you can learn the language doesn't cut it. Moreover, one would understand from the title of the course that one is going to delve into vanilla JavaScript, which is a requirement in many job applications. The title should be changed to "Code with jQuery" to be absolutely clear about the premises of the course.

By Niek T


Sep 4, 2017

Things are well explained and quizes are well constructed. Personally I didn't find the Assignments challenging enough. As a beginning developper I usualy find it difficult to come up with well sclaed assignment with which I main they are not too small and easy but also no too hard either. I know that's quite subjective but maybe a few optional Assignments (up for peer review but maybe not graded, might be usefull for people like me.) Kind regards, Niek