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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan by Case Western Reserve University

578 ratings

About the Course

This 5 week course will guide learners through the essential steps in planning an individualized weight loss program. There is no guarantee of
weight loss through completing the course; learners will have the framework and essential components for an evidence-based weight loss
program. This course is intended for healthy adults who do not have any chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease,
lung disease or any others. In addition, this course does not provide information for people who have food allergies or intolerances. Losing
weight and keeping it off requires planning and goal-setting. Crash diets or fad diets are ineffective and can be dangerous. Th...

Top reviews


Jul 6, 2020

As told by the instructor that we would enjoy the whole course, was amazing experience. I learnt with SWOT, how can we work upon reliable goal under time bound restriction. It enhance my knowledge.


Sep 30, 2020

Great course which I completed with a personal weight loss plan designed by myself. There is a printing error on the certificate though. The name and title of the course instructor are not printed.

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1 - 25 of 170 Reviews for Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan

By Anastasiia P

Mar 8, 2017

This is a very badly adjusted curse for the Coursera frame - I've encountered several quiz questions where I was supposed to write an answer in, but this option was not activated for me.

Moreover, this course is dramatically prolonged - while the information provided can be easily put into 1-2 days, a week the most, it is somehow is stretched into 5 weeks. Taking into account that the course in a list of measures for a successful weight loss, it's justified to provide the strategies sooner in order to help those willing to start losing weight start doing that. The remaining 5 weeks would be great to help the students track their progress and get some peer-support.

The system of not being able to submit any assignment or quiz until you pay for the course is vastly uncomfortable. the ability to self-check the weeks passed should be provided otherwise.

The assignments for peer-grading are unnerving - how should peers grade my weight-goals? This is a direct ground for further body-shaming.

The course is unfortunately very primitive and lacks further user-friendly design and review.

By Joanie T

Oct 10, 2018

J'ai choisi de m'inscrire à ce cours et comme je termine toujours ce que je commence, j'ai décidé de le terminer, mais ouf que j'ai trouvé le cours long et ennuyant. J'ai l'impression que ce qui m'a été présenté dans ce cours sont les mêmes informations qui circulent sur la perte de poids depuis les années 1990! Ils nous parlent du guide alimentaire (que beaucoup de pays revoient en ce moment, car c'est de l'information passée date) et nous sommes dirigés vers beaucoup de liens vers le gouvernement des USA. De plus, certains outils suggérés (comme se peser à tous les jours, compter de manière obsessive les calories, avoir un grand déficit calories-énergie dépensée pour prendre du poids, se cacher dans son bureau ou aller faire du sport lorsque les collègues amènent des pâtisseries dans la salle d'employés, etc.) m'a tout de suite mise très inconfortable. Je crois que ces habitudes peuvent vite se transformer en trouble alimentaire ou une obsession qui sera difficile à oublier.

Bref, si vous n'avez jamais entendu parler de perte de poids de votre vie ou que vous n'avez jamais lu sur le sujet ou si vous croyez que les méthodes des années 1990 marchent toujours ou que vous croyez qu'il n'existe qu'une seule méthode miracle qui permet de perdre du poids, ce cours est pour vous. Si non, ne perdez pas votre temps.

By Sandeep A

Nov 7, 2016

No fancy jargon or exotic diets. Just a plain common sense approach to be more aware of what we eat and how active we are. Stresses the importance of a balanced diet. Assignments are really nice and reinforce the learning. Especially liked the "Five Day Menu Assignment" & "Triggers That Get You Off Track". I am very happy with the course and was able to lose 10 pounds over 5 weeks by an enhanced understanding of my calorie intake and outgo as also the right balance of foods. A big thanks to Professor Mary Beth Kavanagh and the Coursera Team for this course.

By Terica E

Jan 9, 2020

This course is completely out dated. It gives you tools and links to things that no longer exist. The videos are very dab and some of the transcripts do not match the video. The information is very basic and better information can be found on Youtube. I was highly disappointed after the first week.

By Sara J

Jan 22, 2021

This course offers outdated guidelines that encourages disordered eating behaviors, especially in relation to eating with others in a restaurant or cafeteria setting. Anyone that has ever struggled with disordered eating, or witnessed a friend or family member go through one, would do well to steer far away from this course.

Any participants that have paid for the certificate for this "class" deserve both a refund and an apology.

I recommend this class be removed in its entirety. The condescending delivery of information combined with the destructive habits it perpetuates is both dangerous and disgusting. Consider replacing it with a program focused on empathy, well being, intuitive eating, and lifelong food behaviors that are actually emotionally satisfying, as well as sustainable for the span of a person's life.

Wanting, or needing, to lose weight is not an indication of a moral failing, and this course props up the self-punishing attitude of the general diet industry. Do better.

By Maria M S

Jan 28, 2018

Superb! Taking this course with no serious plan, just a pure curious, but it turns out that I enjoy the material and trigger me to have a real weight loss plan.

By Lucinda S

Jan 12, 2017

This class was super helpful. Project based, with a logical, step-by-step plan to follow. I truly feel I have the tools I need now to succeed. Thanks so!

By Jasmine F

Oct 1, 2020

Great course which I completed with a personal weight loss plan designed by myself. There is a printing error on the certificate though. The name and title of the course instructor are not printed.

By Savita

Jul 7, 2020

As told by the instructor that we would enjoy the whole course, was amazing experience. I learnt with SWOT, how can we work upon reliable goal under time bound restriction. It enhance my knowledge.

By Marty T

Apr 6, 2021

I learned a lot about Designing my own personal weight loss plan in this course. Presently I am losing weight and I am practicing the information I learned in this course.

By Andrea G A

Jun 7, 2017

It is a great course! I got so many information that is going to be very valuable for my health and life. Thank you!

By Lhua W

Apr 11, 2017

it's really helpful for how to manage weight by food intake, exercise and self-monitoring

By Зарипова Р Д

Aug 7, 2019

На 3 неделе обучения в нескольких видео субтитры полностью не совпадают с содержанием видео (дополнительные материалы, о которых говорится в субтитрах, отсутствуют в приложениях к видео). Обычно я не смотрю видео, а сразу читаю субтитры, поэтому случайно об этом узнала. В итоге приходится теперь еще и видео пересматривать, чтобы нет упустить ничего важного.

By Debora M

May 11, 2020

Good information, but some references for USDA resources that are used for assignments was discontinued years ago. The basic information is still helpful.

By Laureen M

Feb 3, 2021

The website we are directed to MyPlate and FitDay are not allowing me to delete my account. This makes me very nervous.

I am trying to unenroll ibn this course but I can not find out how. I don't trust this at all.

By Shaleni V

Nov 21, 2020

my course is not completed yet from the pat 6 months due to peer group review ,i resubmitted 3 times but still not yet working so its delay my course completion

By Dolores C

Aug 5, 2017

Very little information that isn't widely known. Information presented in a boring way. Only a few quizzes to test understanding.

By Janet H

Jan 25, 2021

This course uses outmoded and unscientific information and advice regarding nutrition; the exercise component is valuable.

By Arjun N

May 26, 2020

Only contains very basic, obvious information. Additionally, you must pay to submit any assignments

By Puiu A

Jul 27, 2019

not very useful information, i was was expecting more details, not to be shown some apps

By Mariia B

Dec 21, 2017

I really enjoyed this course. It consisted partially of simple truths that most people are aware of. However, information presented and delivered step by step and allows for enough time to process it, design a plan and implement it. Moreover, it is backed up by lots of scientific research, interesting articles and videos. I also really enjoyed the fact that the course helped to deal with an emotional aspect of gaining/loosing weight, triggers and provided tools and ways of dealing with it. Recommend this course to all who is lost in abundance of material about weight loss and looking for a simple, step by step approach that is realistic and achievable. Just stay on top of your homework and interact with your peers! Good luck!

By PallaviPandavula

Aug 19, 2020

I really love this course.It would help anyone who wishes to know what it actually takes to acheive and maintain healthy weight.I am really glad that I took this course,it helped me knowing what it means to exercise right,eat right and live better.The insights actually helped me to build a holistic approach towards weight loss.The course is practical and surely helps if implented.I am glad to share that I am on my weight loss journey and I find the results truly amazing.

By Nicola J

Sep 19, 2017

A very useful course for designing a personal weight loss plan. Very informative and covers a range of useful topics such as diet, exercise, wellbeing, sleep etc.

I completed as much of the course as I could. I could not do all of it as I did not upgrade so could not complete some of the assignments. However, this did not detract from my enjoyment at doing this course.

My thanks to the educator and course organisers.

By Avtar S

Jun 15, 2022

Hi there,

This course provides proper guidlines, knowledge and tools to create your own personal weight loss plan.

I enoyed the whole course.

However, I hope, this course was little bit more lengthy as compare to currect material. Secondly, I have noticed, some of the assignments have not been graded for more than the months. In result, you will have to wait for your assignments to be graded .

Best regards,

Avtar S.

By Ivanice F d O

Jan 25, 2021

Escreverei em minha língua materna, o português. O curso é um divisor de águas e muito intuitivo, para quem é leigo, ajuda muito a se auto avaliar além de conter ferramentas úteis para prosseguir almejando de forma realista, hábitos saudáveis. Contudo, não dispensa o acompanhamento de um Profissional de Educação Física e Nutrição (Brasil), e um médico (demais países). Vale o investimento.