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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,244 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Jul 24, 2021

Amazing how much I learned watching videos with all the exact words. Not only about nutrition, but about our planet and how to take care of it. Also very inspiring for having ideas for foods for kids.


Sep 16, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..

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2601 - 2625 of 3,026 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Michael M

Sep 9, 2015

This was a good introduction to Coursera for me. Some of the information I already knew, but it was good to learn the "why" behind some of it. There were a few of the quizzes that contained questions from videos that hadn't been covered yet. Her information about food allergies was good, I would like to see her offer a class on just that topic.

By Lexie J

Jun 4, 2020

As I am a dietitian and saw this course offered from Stanford, I had higher expectations. I did enjoy the class. However, I thought it tailored nutrition for those who have little to no knowledge of basic nutrition. The course should be labeled as such. I am working to specialize in pediatrics, and would like to be challenged a little more.

By Pamela Z

Jun 13, 2020

I enjoyed the course, but I feel it was a little general and I was hoping for something more specific about child nutrition. I would love to know more about portions, sizes, how to introduce more and diferent vegetables (like strategies). I have read and watch many documentaries about this topic, so maybe I was expecting more about it.

By Laura G

Apr 21, 2016

It´s a great Course for unexperienced Cooks. Most of the recipies are very Basic but I think they encourage People to cook even if they´re not used to cooking a lot. The explanations are very clear and easy to follow. Personally, I would have loved to hear more about preparing and storing homemade Food (freezing, storing in jars etc.)

By Bruna A

Nov 27, 2020

The course is an excellent starting point for those who want an essential level of basic nutrition and a positive relationship with food since childhood. Fundamental for us to start transformations in our food selection, purchase and preparation routine. The quizzes are well suited to the content, covered in a very didactic way.

By ap G

Aug 10, 2016

The relevance of this course material for a common Indian household is not much as our basic meal have almost all the component of balance diet. But the growing trend of busy life in big cities has started the dependence on fast food in India too so somehow this will help people to remind the importance of home cooked food.

By Jessica D

Aug 19, 2015

This course was a great refresher for basic nutritional/health information, and comes with a really great message: don't worry if you're not a great "chef", basically any home-cooked meal will be healthier than fast or processed food! I enjoyed the cooking demonstrations and simple solutions for making healthy choices.

By Vera B

Apr 1, 2016

I don't think this course is for everyone. It's for the more industrialised societies who eat everything out of a jar. Not for those of us who still cook everyday. Having said that there was some information that was new and useful and some very good ideas to get kids more interested in the food they eat. I enjoyed it.

By Collene G

Aug 6, 2019

Very general course. Don't think it REALLY went in depth on the nutritional side for children. There was also sections on how the meat is raised which is nice to know, but do not think that is really relevant to the course. Over all was nice course and really informed on getting the children involved in their food.

By Ronna M

Sep 18, 2015

This course refreshed my knowledge, and I also learned many new aspects on nutrition for children. This course is useful for me who is a new mom and preparing to go back to work soon. The summary and graph are vivid and fun, which help the students remember the concepts easily. Thank you for offering the course.

By Jara A

Aug 19, 2015

Very interesting and handy. I'm Spaniard, so most of the things are basic for me such as the use of onion and garlic in meals, and the use of street market for shopping vegetables. But the recipes were fantastic and since I'm a mother of a 1-year-old child, I will put on practice soon. Thank you!

By Lili B

Aug 4, 2017

Me gustó el curso, muy interesante, solo que al ser de otro país, las referencias y estadísticas son de allá, pero es cuestión de comparar con mi lugar de origen, y no son muchas las diferencias ya que somos países vecinos. Hay que aprender a alimentar y crear buenos hábitos con nuestros hijos


Apr 8, 2020

Debería ser un poco mas profesional que familiar pero muestra cosas muy básicas, a nivel de alimentación por en el caso mi que soy chef debería ir una guía mas profunda para dar un mejor manejo para nutrición de los niños o jóvenes que viven en hoteles o que siempre van a restaurantes

By Jamie M

Feb 23, 2016

I think this was a great intro course and parents would benefit from it greatly. I wish more of the recipes were vegetarian and diary free (I was in fact surprised that so much diary was part of the recipes). Regardless, a lot better foods than those being served on a regular basis.

By Michael N

Apr 12, 2016

This course is well crafted and perfect for those who need to understand the basics of child nutrition and cooking. The instructor includes cooking tips and recipes that will be most useful to kitchen newbies and those who are trying to make healthier food choices in the kitchen.

By Charlene P

May 11, 2020

I enjoyed taking this course! I learned the value in making homemade meals for my family. I understand processed foods has a damaging affects and should avoid. In addition, the information I acquire will help me in the long run to make healthier choices for myself and family.

By Beatriz E

Apr 7, 2020

Very good content but...

Needs more in-depth explanation about the effects of health when eating these foods to kids, especially to global standards such as malnutrition, sickness, etc. (and it sets up to American setting... feels left out again for an international student.)

By Claudia A P

Sep 28, 2016

Es un curso muy relax, sin embargo esta bien explicado, la expositora Maya MD se ve que tiene un gran dominio del tema y hace mucho hincapié sobre su hijo alérgico, lo cual lo vuelve repetitivo, pero en términos generales me gustó mucho apredí bastante.

Gracias por el curso.

By Ксения

Mar 15, 2020

И́нтересно, но все же упор сделан на ситуацию в США. Не охватывает другие области земного шара. Но подчеркивает то, как нужно кормить детей и что должно быть в приоритете. В России например нет таких рынков. И вообще в несезон, овощи и фрукты не совсем надлежащего качества.

By Kayla A L

Dec 2, 2015

While some of the information was a bit basic for someone who is a bit familiar with the material, it was an awesome review and I can see this providing a lot of great and wonderful information to someone who may not be as familiar. I would definitely recommend this course.

By Y W

Oct 7, 2020

Very useful but beginner level of knowledge about child nutrition and cooking. It is also catered for an essentially American audience that some learners outside the U.S. may find less relevant, especially when it comes to dieting habits and some of the cooking methods.

By faranak e

Nov 23, 2019

it's really good but big my problem is it that unfortunately I can't study with my language and my English not is good and i can't understand good questions !

I could so happy if this course have a Persian language and I could say most of my friends .

Best regard


By Farah F H

Jan 5, 2016

I enjoyed taking this course because not only was it very insightful, but also easy to understand. The science behind the way our body processes foods is beautifully drawn and illustrated using charts and diagrams. It makes the course enjoyable and easy to follow.

By parimal C

Sep 7, 2019

The course is very useful as it builds your skill especially when you have little kids to serve them with various options of recipe to cook. It also enhances your knowledge about organic, natural and reading labels and deciding about what is good for your health.

By Rafaela E

Oct 19, 2015

This is a very good course, however it does not take into consideration certain details we learn in Nutrition. For instance the use of wood type instruments for cooking, they can hide microorganisms and the use of oil to fry when the best option would be baking.